Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Based Weidel Email Leak Editon

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido

Nigel Farage speech

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


Email Leak

Diese Schweine sind nichts anderes als Marionetten der Siegermaechte des 2. WK und haben die Aufgabe, das dt Volk klein zu halten indem molekulare Buergerkriege in den Ballungszentren durch Ueberfremdung induziert werden sollen“



Freue mich auf Vier weitere Jahre GroKo

Farage speaks to AfD conference (yesterday)


Old news, but great speech regardless.

You guys do know that Farage wanted to replace migration in Britain ONLY as long as the migrants are replace by PAKISTANIS?
Fuck him tbqh

hopefully my gay ID is gone

>our nige

Sei nicht wie so'n Bergjude, poste beweise sonst pack dein Schlangenöl wieder ein.


Macht Platz für den CHRSTIAN!
Chris! Chris! Chris! Chris! Chris!
Unser Mann geht stramm in Richtung Kanzlerschaft, niemand kann ihn stoppen!

Warum ist er so ein cuck?

It's true
> 60er
> 90er
> 00er+
> 10er
neger, afghanis, subhuman-overload

Previous Topics:
- Doing stuff IRL
- Distributing memes by hand
- Taking down Antifa and Linke propaganda
- The Shy Voter campaign
- Ignoring Austrian shills

Have you non-krauts noticed something weird about this election?

With the French and even the fucking Dutch elections there was constant media coverage from the rest of the west, but with this german election I've seen barely anything from british, american or european news

You'd think that the most important country in the EU having an election would matter, why are they barely covering it?

hmmm... maybe because their while life is about virtue signaling, since they always have the attention of the media.

Weil er fürs TV arbeitet, da musst du Cuck sein


HEIL ihr!

Die Neue Rechte / Alt right wird täglich besser, wir sind auf einem guten Weg.

was hat er jetzt schon wieder gesagt? Seit Monaten nichts mehr von den beiden Faggots gehört

>trying to blame your predicament on "the allies"


If anything it was America's fault

Mhh you are right but maybe this will change in the next 2 weeks

Es steht in aller seiner Kommentare das er mehr Migration aus der "commonwealth" will, und des heisst Pakis
Ich hab kein bock den schas wieder zu suchen, wenn du mir nicht traust dann passt scho, der Wixer ist ohne mich ne Witzfigur

Er kann ja auch die Fresse halten wie viele andere.


Here in East Germany a lot of people think like that even though they're not Libertarians, I think it used to be a line of thought in the GDR and filtered down to the kids.

Er hat gesagt, er findet es Scheiße das Helene Fischer sich nicht lautstark für Fugees einsetzt.

nah... everybody has to fill in his insecurities

dann verliert er seine bitchboy-fans an irgendwem, das geht nicht

French elections headlined BBC News whenever there was a debate (and there were like 5 of them), same with netherlands

Just strikes me as strange, in fact, we barely get any info on german politics.

and your weird pics too

Hat der gute Klaas auch schon welche in seiner "Gated Community" aufgenommen? =) Diese fucking Promis können sich einfach ficken gehen

>With the French and even the fucking Dutch elections there was constant media coverage from the rest of the west, but with this german election I've seen barely anything from british, american or european news

Yeah, you a got hot trace there, it's so fucking OBVIOUS!

Okay let's be real guys. This leak will bring some votes from right-wingers but cost us alot of normies.

We can only hope that they can't prove that "Lille" is Weidel

When we say "commonwealth" we mean Australia, Canada and New Zealand, not Jamaica and Kenya

>If anything it was America's fault

Being the dominant superpower for the last 100 years comes with a price, you gigantic faggot.

Why is she so perfect?

Just like pussytape destroyed Trump right

What, you think (((they))) don't want to promote AfD?

Half the coverage of the BBC during other elections was the boogeyman of the ebul nazi far-right le pen and wilders, you think they'd jump at the chance to have a go at the AfD

>The Shy Voter

What's the consensus opinion on Shy Voters in Germany?

These are voters who claim to be Liberals when questioned in public but then vote for Conservative candidates during an election. The most common reason for lying in public is to avoid triggering your left-wing friends, neighbors and co-workers. When an off-handed remark about "so-called refugees" can literally get you in trouble with (((them))) it's easier (and maybe smarter) to work behind the scenes.

I think a last-minute meme campaign targeting shy voters could be effective.

The debate SchulzvsMerkel was covered by the international media

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH, don't make me fucking laugh, you disgusting britpakistani
When the "commonwealth" is referred to in British media these days, that 150% means pakistani/streetshitter migration.
Nice try though, oh boy I bet you can hold all those new zealanders that want to get to L O N D O N and open some streetshit corner-store.


National Hebrew, the prime neocohen magazine, said Merkel was the best choice not too long ago.

Well, here we go. I was wondering when they would make their move.
And now I'm wondering if this is all they have or if we should expect more.

Yep. /ourguys/ doing some alt-light LARPing. Not really news there for all of those who can "read between the lines"

2 points.

1 - She (and the whole party) should have known by now that you should be careful with your electronics especially if you are an enemy of (((The Man)))

2 - In a way this is not bad, it may work against them in the short term but in the medium-long term will be better for the Nationalist-Racialist cause. Now all of Germany will see those emails, most will have negative feelings BUT when the First World "Honey&Milk" starts to go, they will remember the words in the emails, they will see how correct the words are after all and that will help to radicalize them faster.

I respect LARPing, i respect pragmatism, i respect people thinking short-medium term...but i am of the opinion that only the end of "Honey&Milk" will make people wake up and therefore starting to be more honest right now is the correct approach because it will radicalize people faster when the "Honey&Milk" goes.

>Going full 14/88 and tinfoil hat
>won't scare german normies

Choose one, only one

why does AfD keep getting roasties as leaders?

Nope, Germany is not a real state like France and Britain, which is the reason we got no international media coverage.

We are a vasall state of the USA, and this won't change in the next 10 years.

oh don´t get me started

when she wrote this (if she did) she wasn't even in the party.

Look at my flag, then look at yours

Which of us knows what people mean when they say "commonwealth" in the UK?

Again, most of the 20 to 30 year olds I know here in the east already think like that. The West is kind of cuck central so you're right that in that it will have to get worse before they'll accept that line of thought.

>This leak will bring some votes from right-wingers but cost us alot of normies.

Everything will be ok, it's 2017 and the fucking normies are slowly waking up.

What she said is considered as full 14/88 in Germany

The American empire will probably collapse soon which will mean freedom for us after over 70 (by then probably over 80) years of vassalage.

His meme flag should tell you enough to laugh him off as a fucking shill.


>respecting Farage for pretty much single-handedly taking us out of the EU sacrificing two decades of his life to carry it out and not dismissing him because of a misunderstanding of "commonwealth" makes you a shill

Why are krauts so autistic?


The AfD already is the nazi party to normies lol

Look at your street instead, you've got so much commonwealth migration going on, that the streetshit route of making it into some anglo country, then hoarding their families elsewhere is so fucking blatant, I don't even want to talk to you because of it, you pakistani-lover.
Go bin yourself.
> ransheetstralia
> chinknadians
> new maochinkland
> l-ll-loook at my flag
fuck on outta here, anglopig


Typ der einmal die Woche in Plebian Haushälten für 2hrs im Hintergrund facebook-normie comedy abzieht meint er hätte "den Durchblick", wenn er "Merkels taktieren" "ganz schön übel" nennt und AfD "geht gar nicht".

Why do you favor this pro-EU Ösi-retard?
Let me guess: you voted "remain"

Yeah, he got Brexit going, but he isn't a rightwinger like Höcke (and the rest of the Flügel)is.

He's a liberal (self hating) faggot, who only cares about his money.

point to the part of the doll where the anglo touched you

>In a way this is not bad, it may work against them in the short term but in the medium-long term will be better for the Nationalist-Racialist cause.
Right now, all that counts is immediate short-term, the election. This will be pushed down the people's throat day and night, and it will be called racist, a dangerous conspiracy theory, the AfD is unfit for parliament, may even be construed as criticism of the FDGO. Even though idiotic, I wouldn't be surprised if THEY now publicly debate if the AfD should be banned for verfassungsfeindlichkeit etc., maybe even go to the courts, who will of course take months.

This is a massive hit on the AfD and Weidel. I don't see how you can spin this positively, especially not with "racial" arguments. People in Germany will not suddenly wake up, as soon as you actually talk about race, you're a pariah. I've talked to quite a lot of AfD supporters, and one of the most-often brought-up criticism was to get rid of Höcke and to teach the higher-ups to not fuck up with retarded remarks, exactly like the ones Weidel apparently made.

I hope we can derail that onto "It was before the AfD even existed", but it surely won't help much. And yeah, by now I guess they all use courier pigeons, but it's a bit too late for that. Stuff that's coming out now is from years ago.

>only cares about money
>left trading in the city to found a crackpot, single issue new party in the 1990s despite the failure of Goldsmith's Referendum Party and the seeming impossibility of UKIP

This is an English-language imageboard hans, learn to read

Of course in based Germany this is standard knowlege. But Weidel is a Wessi dyke.
So where could she have that? Was she red pilled by Holy Höcke?
Don't think so! I'd wager she went through the Goldbug training.
> better leave the EU, so more of dat BBC can safely migrate to britain and migration can become a non-issue
> t. Based Nigel Farage the saviour of britpakistan from polack plumbers
fuck off

>I wouldn't be surprised if THEY now publicly debate if the AfD should be banned for verfassungsfeindlichkeit etc., maybe even go to the courts, who will of course take months.

We embrace it.

Fuck them!

Fuck the current Zeitgeist.

And fuck you fucking Cuck!

This is a culture war, and we are in the middle of it.

>he doesn't know that the DM is full shill against Farage because they suck tory cock 24/7

You're more ignorant than the average american on Sup Forums, and that's saying something


This is beginning to soud like that Landolf Ladig conspiracy by that degenerate Andreas Kemper.

>what's a Dyke
There goes your perfection

since when are OFFICIAL STATEMENTS counted as shilling, you cuckpedalling faggot
I can go on about your joke controlled opposition, with things like him cuckpedalling on the migration numbers, but can you please just fuck off already?
Your country is gone and anglos have been the best fucking goys since the dawn of time, NEVER doing something that was beneficial to whites.
Fuck OFF

Just read the comments you cuck

>Farage gets asked "would you be ok with more blacks after we leave EU?"

What's he supposed to say? "No"?

Go light up a tiki torch you LARPing retard, I don't care about any of his statements, he formed a grassroots movement that led to the exit of the UK from the EU, what has your sad little country done lately?

Ich sag' euch: Die Bundestagswahl wird wie verfrühte Weihnachten.
Es schneit Linkslibtard-tränen, die Linke und B90 werden hoffentlich BTFOd und AfD zur drittstärksten Partei.

There is only a tiny core that doesn't give a shit, only slight bigger than the NPD "market-share" so to speak. There is a lot of support from rather normal people who are already critical of Höcke. We are living in a bubble here. Shit like this will scare a lot of them away, especially when it gets repeated ad nauseum as "racist conspiracy theory". It completely undermines the party.
Not defeatist here or anything, but this shit is bad and we can just hope it won't get traction. And knowing the media, it will. I don't expect to see Weidel in public (or at least in talkshows) again now. It'd be a shitfest.


>Wird ja jetzt genau so schmutzig wie bei Trump vs. Clinton. Wem hats genutzt ? Trump. Gut so.

Wait, what?

Weidel hält Morgen wieder ein Interview.

Hier kann man Fragen einreichen.

> promote niggers and pakis on live tv
> the daily mail made it up!!!
you're too far gone, anglo, go back to whimpering in your 20sqm cuckshed
yes that's exactly what he was supposed to say, but your cuck-addled anglo "mind" is so fucked, that you think you can actually unironically have a DIVERSE anti-migrant pary
retard, fuck off outta here already

Wer ist der deutsche Styx????
Wie soll ich denn am 24. meinen Abend verbringen ohne basierte Wahlberichtserstattung vom feinsten??!??! =(

>What's he supposed to say? "No"?


We are currently in a paradigm shift, and when this shift is over, "NO" will be the only policical correct answer.

You fucking normie cuck.


Hagen Grell

Leserkommentare werden bei der Stimmenauszählung am Wahlabend laut Wahlgesetz nicht berücksichtigt. Sorry.

>Kann ich alles unterschreiben.

Why are some people so scared of Höcke anyway? He hasn't said anything bad, he never delied the holy 6 gorillion, he just said that we should be proud of what we achieved and not destroy ourselves because of something that happened decades ago.


Wer sich 2 Wochen vor der Wahl von so einer harmlosen Scheiße entmutigen lässt, war von Anfang an ein weinerlicher Cuck.

Wir sind immer noch auf dem Weg zu 20%, und nichts kann uns stoppen.

"It's getting as dirty as Trump vs Clinton. Who benefited? Trump. Good."

>parties should go full 14/88 in public
>that'll win over the normies!

Back to /r/the_donald

Sein "Denkmal der Schande" Satz wurd total aus dem Kontext gerissen, deswegen denken Normies er wäre ein Nazi und hätte das Denkmal an sich eine Schande genannt

bamp for gorgeous Weidel