So uh, when America deports all of the Illegals, who's gonna be left to work in the fields and maintain all the lawns?
We kinda need low skill workers
You will.
the riggers on Welfare
The sexbots
These things:
There will be a slight bump in produce prices but will go back down as farms are forced to reinvest in mechanization and automation to stay competitive.
Is there legitimacy to the claim that 99% of workers are illegal aliens from mexico? Because so far I've seen zero evidence of this and just your typical clickbait garbage with 100% muh feels rhetoric
there's plenty of millenials who are unskilled
free market will fix it
it's true in california
Doesn't that entail less jobs and less consumers overall though?
We already have machinery for this
We don't need freaking slave labor for our groceries
Show me the numbers I would finally love to see that claim backed up with numbers.
I will do it, bitch.
People who aren't illegals that have no skills. Dipshit. Trump isn't deporting low skill workers, he's deporting ones who cucked our regulations.
Free Market will swell, as the poor people can get manual labor jobs, unemployment lowers as we get rid of the cunts who aren't allowed to be here, while simultaneously discouraging and ending shady business practices
There's nothing stopping you from doing it while they're still here
People on welfare that are able bodied
Work with a bunch of beaners? Gross, no thank you.
Had not refresh when you send it, do you have anything recent? Data from more than 10 years ago is extremely decent but I want something more concrete that I could use in a presentation to others without sounding like "hah you are just using old data to manipulate results".
*drives taco truck drunk over pedestrians*
*sells heroin*
*burns american flag*
yeah... nah...
the farmers who voted for trump in all the rural areas that apparently shouldnt count if you ask any libtard
I would pay them money to let me drive that bitch around. Fuck that mexican.
We're going to draft all the liberals with women's studies degrees.
Nope. We're good. Especially as year upon year from now on we will have an exponential decrease in basic labor positions and things AI can do. have to go back José.
White legal immigrants from South Africa
They are expert farmers, and many are jobless and homeless because of the south african government seizing their farms
Millennials who have debts to repay.
You need to get rid of welfare first, but then you guys will face a massive chimp out of niggers.
Its quite simple really. The white man will replace this scum with robot harvesters. Then hire more white people it maintain the robots.
Open a working holiday visa like Australia, I'm sure plenty of 3rd worlder like me will flood to US.
alot less easier to read, but with relatively the same numbers with minor changes with about 47% of workers being illegals.
Hey, I'd do it if there were fields nearby.
high schoolers and uneducated men. The same way it was before mass immigration.
Rofl, why is this post so funny.
And then overstay the visa.
>complains about not being paid enough
Who will support my kids?
>goes to rallies for more illegals
Why won't my wages increase?
>illegals are Americans and represent our values
Who will do the jobs Americans won't?
teenagers, like we have before.
>undocumented immigrants working illegally
>gonna needs some numbers bro
If they're undocumented you're not going to get any data retard
Its actually already implemented around the whole of the USA. Just not in democrat controlled strongholds. They like the idea of slave labor.
Funny until the robots take your job too
More job opening for ICE then.
no we don't! that photo is from some 8th world shithole! in USA everything is automated since like decade ago, it's time these wetbacks go back to their home countries and work fields there
we should instead impede technology so Mexicans can make 5$/h illegally
Actually, its still funny. Because until robots can code and fix other robots, I'll have it comfy.
The 45 million unemployed people.
machines and robots , like they do in other places
how the fuck do you think Japan picks their food faggot?
Got your back senpai.
>when America deports all of the Illegals,
You mean to say:
>when americans free all those plantation slaves
no it entails less benefits for mexicans
niggers and robots
People who are able-minded and bodied, unemployed and on welfare.
It's not that hard you lazy faggots.
You do know some people work 3 to 5 months then live off unemployment benies for the rest of the year, right?
most of them are temp workers, but its easy to go from that to illegal
The only mentally challenged here seems to be you for not reading the above information, go suck your wife's nigger lover cock and fuck off.
The unemployed legal citizens.
Heres your (you) Soldier
Legal Americans at a wage the worker will agree to. I'm sorry you don't understand basic economic principles, let alone the high level stuff, but one day, if you actually gave a fuck and tried to learn it (say at a college in a real class like business law, personal finance and investment, etc.), you wouldn't ask such painfully stupid questions, let alone create such painfully stupid threads.
Get out of the cave.
>who's gonna be left to work in the fields
farmers in CA have already had a reality check
according to the LA Times there are some that are still using the same harvesting machines as they did 35 years ago
they're now investing and researching new machines
changing the types of crops they grow (less labor intensive)
and even replanting their existing crops in a manner that makes them more easily harvested by a machine
that's racist
Deporting illegal beaners and putting fat lazy slobs to work seems like a great way to solve both the obesity and opioid epidemics.
Back in the day, teenagers worked at McDonald's, did landscaping, cut lawns, etc. for nickles and dimes and used that as job experience.
Illegals literally took Timmy's first job away from him for work experience.
>demand for low skill work goes up
>wages go up because can't fill the need
>poor people start working those jobs because it's good pay
>poor people working their way out of poverty
Wait, I thought leftists were angry about 'the man' keeping poor people poor. Do you want them poor or not?! This is really confusing.
It's already known that most American citizens won't work these shit jobs. Sure they add to "job numbers" but are ultimately meaningless if they meet the standard of living. Also, more investment into mechanization/automation will increase jobs for the skilled manufacturing sector because someone had to design and make these machines.
Japan imports 60% of their food cuck.
Fair enough
Have you heard about their cattle processing ships?!
Why do you think our police look like this? Get rid of the whiny libs who put them on a leash and give it a year or two of artificial selection to weed out the ones with the least self control, then black employment and real wages will skyrocket. Boom, Trump just Made Black America Great Again.
There's always nationals that take those jobs. At least in Spain. The difference is that, when nobody wanted those jobs, they were used to be very well paid.
On the flipside though... If we kick all the immigrants, who's gonna clean your toilet Donald Trump?
It's largely true in Montana, at least in the warm months.
>raise the minimum wage, living wage for all
>if you deport the invaders where will we get our sub-minimum wage labor? Checkmate racists
This is some serious doublethink.
>who's gonna be left to work in the fields and maintain all the lawns?
Americans who will have to be contracted following labor laws. No more slave wages, isn't that a good thing? Isn't that what leftists want?
They'll start working them when we stop feeding them on the government's dime.
Americans dummy
This is what robots are for. Sage in all fields.
i was just thinking, i hope ice raids all the construction sites on florida after the hurricanes
> we need to import labor to do low-paying jobs
> we need to raise the minimum wage
> we need to give welfare to the urban poor who refuse to work
Why does the left drape itself in contradiction?
Exactly. The welfare state is what's keeping people poor.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
They are called teenagers and college students.
What's wrong with working in the fields?
>Supply and command
I'm using leaf words so you'll understand.
When the illegals go home, the supply of low skilled workers will decrease and there wages will go up. Suddenly, a low skilled job will provide a meaningful standard of living and low skilled American citizens will be willing to do them again. We can accelerate the process further by cutting welfare benefits.
Of course, it's not actually going to happen since chimps like this elected an amnesty supporting democrat.
Because they're stupid.
the problem isn that it is a job americans wont do, its a job they wont do for less than a living wage. back breaking labor for minimum wage, give me a fucking break.
of all the shit obama did the one thing he said that i agree with is if you work 40 hours a week, you should be getting a living wage.
>maintain all the lawns
mow your own lawn how bout
Well the wages for one. They're supporting a family that lives with a much lower cost of living, and a lot of them in the seasonal industries head back south during the winter and live a fairly comfy if materially simpler life. Give a split to the local narco lord to avoid getting your head chopped off and you're pretty good.
>Rural people are supposedly more conservative, more racist, more distrustful of outsiders
>They're the ones that employ illegal spics the most
this stop being lazy
With that many niggers in your country, militarize police seems like a fair play.
Police life matter.
Do you have any idea how many applications every gas station/walmart gets? We have a surplus of low skilled workers.
Why hire your local red neck when you can hire illegal wage are lower!
Learn from those chink!
Beaners bring diseases foreign to us healthy white Americans. Fuck em...
We could just repeal the 13th amendment and solve this problem.
Let the free market decide how things will play out. If Americans aren't willing to do this work for low wages then the wages will have to rise until it is attractive to do so. What is that number? Who knows, but the free market will decide. What will the price of produce and lawncare be as a result? Who knows, but the free market will decide. Will it be cheaper to automate everything? Who knows, but the free market will decide and maybe we can expand the industries that make automation and maintenance on it possible, maybe those industries can add jobs and wages.
People aren't going to stop eating once deportations ramp up, it's just the end of serfdom and indirect aid to the Mexican economy is coming to an end.
Why do Mexicans drive Low Riders?
Easier to pick the berries.
I just cant come to terms that I have a gun pointed at my head and the threat of getting my house/car and everything else taken away from me (put in jail) if I dont pay for Jamal and Takandra to raise 5 hoodrats that are going to thug and end up being put into jail or die. (Which I also will have to pay for)
Its fucking enabling the worst behaviors of the niggers.