in the long term there is nothing you can do to stop it. eventually all of humanity will coalesce into a racially homogeneous monocultural whole. your petty attempts at nationalism are only delaying the inevitable and holding us back as a species. tell me, what is so bad about a globalist future with no borders where we all work together instead of killing based on perceived phenotypical or cultural differences? ask yourself "what are the true motives of my nationalist ideology?" youre afraid. youre afraid of a future in which the only thing you have no longer matters.
Globalism is inevitable
Other urls found in this thread:
>in the long term there is nothing you can do to stop it
>what is genetic hardening
>eventually all of humanity will coalesce into a racially homogeneous monocultural whole
>what is space colonization
because the governments that are in charge now are already fucking up their little nations arent they imagine if they could control the world. I havent seen a government yet worthy of world control.
No thank you.
I just like diversity is all, I think our differences are our strength
we need to embrace globalization, not fight it
>put aggressive rats in the cage with fieldmouse
>their differences are their strength
Artificial wombs and CRISPR is going to ensure that there'll always be pockets of white people in the future and there's literally nothing you can do about that.
we're trying but the jews are the elephant in the room holding all the races back
>eventually all of humanity will coalesce into a racially homogeneous monocultural whole
This is an ironic argument, essentially people who state this believe ethnonationalism is superior, but want the entire world to be one single ethnicity. Essentially, rather than the isolationist ethnonationalist who wants him and his people left alone to do their own thing, this type of ethnonationalist seeks to destroy and eliminate every single other ethnicity in the world in the name of "progress".
Globalism was inevitable before Trump got into office, now, not anymore since more and more countries are waking up to the reality how their countries would be used as cuckold slave labor to enrich others. Just look at what Merkel did with Europe and how happy Brits are with BREXIT! Globalism was only good for well developed nations such as USA and SAUDI and few others that would benefit from hiring 3rd world countries to do their labor for 1/10th the price while selling it back to them at 12x the price. It already happens in a lot of places like mexico; Levi jeans are made there, packaged and shipped to USA then redistributed back to other countries at marked up price.
The problem isn't the eventual social and cultural homogenization.
The problem is that humanity isn't ready for it and people keep trying to force it. We still need more time for things to even out, and pushing early like this is counters progress by making everyone take sides with racial, social, political and geographic divisions.
We'll be ready for it one day and naturally progress towards it, but we need a lot more time.
you cant have a homogeneous race u American piece of shit there are different climate zones which shape the populations that live there into a race the mixed race mongrels that are being spawned all around Europe right now will be white people in some hundred years
How to spot a nazi trying to troll other nazies: he tries to present himself as an opponent to nazies, but uses nazi rhetoric
Literally an Orwellian tactic. 5 minutes of hate
>and holding us back as a species
What a retard
you are under the assumption that there wont be anymore world war or genocides
the reality is that this is the only thing globalism will lead to as races and culture realize how important it is to preserve these identities
leftists have little need for abstract, coupled thought when this idea of linear certainty is so comfortable
>Fatherless mixed children with white single mothers.
You wouldn't believe how many examples of this I've seen in my life.
Bitch please.
All we have to do is enforce our borders again.
The main problem is progressives and libshits letting in illegal immigrants into countries and the (((media))) pushing for the extinction of the white race. If we revive nationalism and populism, I think the countries will sort themselves out.
Actual diversity>Globalist monoculture
I stand with all the native peoples of the Earth