What does Sup Forums think of the Azov Battalion?
What does Sup Forums think of the Azov Battalion?
Terrible optics. How are they supposed to get the masses on their side flying the swastika on their flags?!?!? What about pr???
I think that Ukraine is a fascist government that must be destroyed by the glorious motherland.
Reee. We must secure the existence of optics and a future to sell and market our organizations on.
>get fucked by Nazis during WWII
>becomes a Neo-Nazi
Is there anything more cucked than Slav Nazis?
This. They should get some black guys in there too, with all those white guys congregating together with flags and guns people might think theyre some sort of white nationalist orgainization. Keep an eye on the leaders too, probably feds if they say anything other than peaceful disobediance is a form of protest.
>Such signs (bidents and tridents) were widely used in the territory of the Khazar Khanate as symbols of supreme authority — they were the tamgas of the ruling families. This was a continuation of Sarmato-Alan traditions of the use of such signs, dating from the time of the Bosporan Kingdom.[4]
Bident and trident tamgas are known from the 8th and 9th centuries in the Khazar world in the details of belt garnitures (Podgorovsky tumulus), in the form of graffiti on the stone blocks and bricks of fortresses (Sarkel, Mayatsky, Semikarakorsky, and Khumarian settlements), and in the form of pottery stamps on vessels (Dmitrievsky tumulus). Possibly in the Kievan Rus’ such symbols came straight from the Khazars, much like the title “Khagan”, known to the first Rus’ knyazes.[5][6]
I think you need to look up who raped whom in WWII m8.
Soros's designer Nazis fighting for an 80% jew government. Nazis in Ukraine are the fuckyoudad edgelord organization that Antifa is in the west. Really bad at actual combat and got regularly owned by based coal miners
They dropped the ball by allying with the Jews and their EU vassal.
Why is there a fat redhead muslim making the muslim sign right in the middle? Is this a psyop?
Only one guy doing a nazi salute and he looks like he's kidding around.
A meme battalion fueled by jew money
>Kosher Nazis
Don't let this happen to your country senpai.
complete and utter faggots.
I know commies were no better, but the point still stands. Being Nazi or Commie as Slav nowadays is being extremely cucked.
This thing run by one of most prominent merchants of post-USSR space and fights for kike mafia that took over Ukraine. Although many of them are just people who love their country (and also larp) who got jewed.
>guys, lets let our movement get co-opted by jews! xD
>we will totally out trick them though, we will use THEM!
Thought they were smarter than kikes, end up getting tricked out like a cheap whore as they bury their dead in mass graves. Commit atrocities like child soldiering and EJK.
TLDR: They are a blunt tool of the EU and the international jewery and they think their so smart.
The hilariousness of it all when FORT factory begins literally arming them with Israeli weapons. Half their leadership has fucking dual citizenship with Israel.
Despite all that people on this forum still say shit like
>le based nazi volunteers xD!!!!!
>slava poontaine!!!
>Based af azov!!1
They're the same as Antifa in the west, doing it as a fuck you to their parents' generation. The male equivalent of women who have niggers run train on them to spite their dads
>TLDR: They are a blunt tool of the EU and the international jewery and they think their so smart.
The top Kosher Ukraine cucks got a lot bribes and payoffs from victoria Nudelman/US State Dept, so they won, but at the cost of betraying their own people and leading their soldiers into a meat grinder of death and mayhem.
The top goys just have to obey orders from DC for a while, then few years later they will scurry off to Israel and DC with millions and millions$$$ and leave the country (Ukraine) for Russia to clean up as Usual.
Those poor fucking grunt footsoldiers literally died so their bloodsucking Ukraine leaders could grab loads of bribes from Kosher Central DC.
I think he's referring to the fact that during the war many ukranians sided with germany and did the dirty work for them against poles and russians
that's one of the reasons why there are strained relations with both poland and rsussia to this day
>nato flag
>nazi flag
>jewish goverment
Anyone who kills Russians is okay in my book.
>get fucked by soviets
>starve to death
>suddenly Nazism wasn't that bad
Stalin literally called off a trial of thousands that had been being preped for MONTHS because he figured they'd all starve to death anyway
Besides the fucking mudshit in front row it looks pretty aight.
nationalist volunteer militia
Whats not to like?
just braindead mutants
also, they are very cowardly
>when globalist Jews fund a white nationalist group to attack another country because it's too white nationalist and resists Jewish banks
>We died for (((yATSENJUKS)))) bribes.
No more pitiful or stupid way to die. You know these grunt goys got fucking nothing out of it. Zero, while Yatzenjuk and the other top Kosher Cadre walked away with millions and millions of bribes from Victoria Nudelman and the US State Dept.
Why don't you go join them jewboy?
Oh yeah (((Nationalist))) Die for the EU, Merkel and the entire Kosher directorate of the US State Dept. "Nationalism"
Ukraine would actually be loved by normie westerners if not for them. God bless. We can literally invade at any moment and say they we just punching neo-nazis before they start slaughtering poor joos and libshits will cheer.
They're okay. A lot of lies about them. There's zero actual evidence that they're funded by that Jew Igor. When SHTF in Europe these volunteer armies like Azov will be the best off honestly