Ex Intelligence Officers on Vault 7 Anonymous (ID: cpV0r1lz) 09/09/17(Sat)14:28:43 No.140912939 Archivedâ–¶


Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern and Ex-NSA officer William Binney discuss how the Vault 7 leaks were in fact not hacked, but leaked and set up to frame Russia.


Other urls found in this thread:


Bump before slide

bump for justice




Why should i care about this?

Who is this semen demon?



>Vault 7 leaks were in fact not hacked, but leaked

no shit, this was entirely obvious. i dont even think it was to set up russia

i think they were leaked so that the people betraying our country could continue to do so.

they (g-men spooks) leaked those spying and hacking tools so they would be able to have access to them.



Wew WWII talk
not sure

Why am I watching some bluepilled fat fuck talk about the holohoax?

Justice bump

Fuck Allen Dulles

6 - 2
3 - 1
6/2 = 3/1
what does it mean?

Thick Asians are the master race as far as females are concerned.

B(ob & vagene)ump

They are talking so much bollocks
>Oh it's Britain, the British own us, the royal family were nahtzees, they want to reduce the pop from 6 billion to 1 billion!
>The ukraine are nahtzees!
So fucking retarded

Shut it down.


I believe wikileaks stated in the original press release that it was a leak.

Arbeit macht frei yourself you dumb polack


Sage goes in all fields

>The chinese are developing Africa for humanitarian reasons
Enjoy your disinfo thread gentlemen

>We dindu nuffin
After the kikes you have caused the most suffering to your fellow Europeans.

The kikes have owned us since 1694 you potatoheaded retard, we just happened to be the most capable country

can i get a quick run down, whats happened so far.


Sup Forumsack talking now

he is a jackass putting on a song and dance to advertise his website like a jew

This fucking guy man

>advertise his website
so what

dude, he said at the beginning he was an actor. he plugged his faggot website like 3 times

What a legend

i need sauce

You can't even "Hack" the CIA Vault(s). They are completely off the net. You need physical access to get to them. And need to go through numerous levels of security to gain access. Including retinal, fingerprint, vocal, pw, key etc; There are like 20 people on earth that have that level of access. What was done, had to be done by an insider. A truly good man. I just wish we got the real Vault 7, not the 1984 version.

Video is down?


So it would be OK if the next person did the same thing and said check out his website doritioscondoms.com? He's twisting the whole fucking point of this discussion and trying to get these people to shill his website so her could make money.

What do you know about this Hitler?

I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on reddit and post here when I'm not too busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 2000 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been smoking meth 4x per hour, k? I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is substantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst. It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation. Given the intense mental output of this extremely thorough investigation it is essential that one rest to rejuvenate neural productivity. I suggest going to sleep and completing at least 3 REM cycles before reassessing any further information.

Well, what's his website? I guess he wasn't shilling it as much as you think, stop begging for attention, faggot

wew lads

He could be CIA using the site as a honeypot.

What movie is that from?

Bump for a quick rundown


The family lineage? Not very much...yet, but I learn really fast. Yes, I was in 222 thread too, b& but watching. Im a sponge for information.

I'm afraid for monday.



Paka ston paka ston

they cut this dudes mic
>Concise ACHMED

wow this dude needs to wrap it the fuck up

Who knows, assume the worst, hope for the best.
We can assume the room is littered with spies and shills, but the guy was stirring shit mostly, which was what we do here on Sup Forums

Oh addition. I know a little. The Plvs Vltra (Plus Ultra) part was made by Tesla and a few other great minds including Einstein on top of the Eiffel Tower. It's based on time travel from the little bit that I understand. Im trying my own version. 4-7hz I hear, is a really good frequency to pay attention to, especially before sleep.

was this entire stream full of 911 faggots?

Trump is in it.

Hiya 222 :) Im your sponge fampai, you teach, I learn.


Join the Happening HQ discord for happenings and operations of said happenings

im not 222. im just a random dude that went on a deep discovery last night.

Trump actually commented in the thread last night!

>bump, user?

This guy is 222 tho



your math is off
life, universe, everything

WTF I thought Israel was our friend.

Idk man, that's like saying because I LARP as Hitler to piss off SJW's and Leftist retards...that im actually Hitler lololol. I think if the godking actually does posts...he would do it as "anonymous". He's wayyyyy smarter than alot of people will give him credit. Love ya Trump if your listening. I have faith in you!


But yeah, your like me, research it all. That has been going around since last summer though btw bro.

What kinda powder is that?

I don't care anymore. There will be no consequences only further enslavement and reduced wealth. That is literally all the future holds, because everyone is a pussy these days.


It's obvious.

Now go drink some de-chlorinated water.