I unironically believe Andrew Anglin is a Jewish plant

I sincerely think that Anglin is a jewish funded plant. Call me a fucking shill, I don't give a shit.
I know he is of Jewish descent, along with Mike Enoch, and the fact that he is not behind bars like Cantwell says a lot.

Show me how he isn't, along with (((Enoch))) and (((Spencer))).
How do they get away with all the shit they say? SPLC and ADL have a blind spot for them, anyone else would have been behind bars for years even if they lived in Angola.

They are literally Jewish tools in the Jewish "RIGHT = NAZI" forced narrative.

Prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:


Andrew does give off a Jewish vibe. There's just something not right about the boy.


The way he debated today gave off a really Jewish vibe, he came out playing the victim's card right off the bat

>How do they get away with all the shit they say?
They are not stupid jewish plants like cantwell who wave nazi flags and scare shitskins you dumb monkey

spencer is a gentleman not a sperg

I hate you monkeys so much


Shut up shilling monkey

You hate whites because we are better than you

Don't act like you are on our side you subversive subhuman

Show your fucking flag you faggot.
And substatiate your bullshit. "MUH SPENCER IS A GENTLEMAN" what a fucking laughable argument



sage for being the dumbest fuck in Brazil

You're literally a bot, aren't you?

i believe there's a chance he has fetal alcohol syndrome.

he has the same emotionless face.

I know for a fact I'm whiter than you, you fucking kike, you make this racial like a fucking jew would

t. Voxdrone

kys Jew

>you make this racial like a fucking jew would
Where the fuck do you think you are for fucks sake? You are monkey eater, of course people will question your racial purity.

I literally don't know who Vox is, I thought he had something to do with the jewish subversive channel "Vox", but it looks like is some failed ex-game developer.

He has no bearing on anyone opinion, but Anglin is the main worldwide right-wing scapegoat.

Just to look at you know Spencey isn't a jew

>How do they get away with all the shit they say?
He doesn't, and right now he's barred from almost every place on the internet. He's been forced to post everything on the darkweb and in PDF form on mixtape.
>b-b-but he's not arrested
It's America, if he got arrested for these views a civil war would be inevitable.

Ya don't say

Because I have blue eyes, white skin, am a 2 generation British immigrant, have British Nationality, was born here because father impregnated a Brazilian.

What about you?

>not understanding the game

The guy is a PsyOp

>It's America, if he got arrested for these views a civil war would be inevitable.

That is insane, there is not a single soul that would bear arms for Anglin.
His arrest would probably be one of the most celebrated days of the Trump era.
He only has value as a Scapegoat and you know it.

One thing everyone needs to agree on, magical hacker jewish man weev turned radical from prison is a plant.

You're a fucking monkey nobody gives a shit what you think.

Am I a Psyop, leaf? Then prove me wrong. Show me my bias.

I am biased to the Right-wing. I think that Anglin is a Jewish tool of attack to the right-wing.

Show me how he benefits the right-wing plea for power.

Get over it Vox you lost the debate

>Because I have blue eyes, white skin, am a 2 generation British immigrant, have British Nationality, was born here because father impregnated a Brazilian.
Well that is your word against his.

Nice argument there you fucking mongoloid soyboy.

I don't like this Anglin guy. Nobody would edgelord that hard after the Charlottesville psy op unless it were for nefarious purposes. Vox Day is a bit of a fag, but he means well. Cantwell is a fucking emotional manchild that was used as a patsy, hence the prison. We don't need these guys. We already won.

I unironically believe OP is a Jewish shill

You seem to be awfully angry for some reason.
Are you biased to the right wing? What "right-wing"? Neo-cons are right-wing too.

ooga booga to you too nigger

Do you ADL bots literally have no argument?

Call me a monkey, show how fucking clueless you are. SPLC shekels are nice, aren't they?

Neo-cons are not right wing, they are fifth collumns

They are globalists dressed up as conservative

What argument? You say he is jewish. Ok. I ask you where's the proof of any of that?

>fifth collumn
Dude, they aren't a fifth collumn. THey are establishment. They are ones who need to be toppled.

He looks like (((allen ginsburg))). He also said he was Jewish on a dating profile.

Everyone knows that Weev has worked with Russia and varous intellegence agencies

Growing up in the NYC metropolitan area, I've spent a ton of time around a ton of jews. And jews of all types. I will say that Anglin does have a jewish-looking face.

I don't have any proof he is Jewish, but I think he is funded and protected by Jews. He associates with legit Jews like Enoch and Spencer. I have plenty of evidence they are of Jewish descent.

>They are literally Jewish tools in the Jewish "RIGHT = NAZI" forced narrative.

You're trolling but it's true, they're tools of jews, whether or not they're jews themselves (like Weev)



Isn't that the same fucking hypothesis that Mike Cernovich the monkey man came up with?

he actually admited to be a jew , nazi LARPER's just don't want to admit that.

Check that profile on okcupid he deleted it LOL.

>I know he is of Jewish descent

He isn't. Neither is Enoch.


I'm not trolling.

It is true, they are needed for the eternal sustenance of the "MUH 6 TRILLION" narrative.

If you really hated jews and zionism, and had a fucking brain, you would dissociate with the Nazi image. Rebranding is needed and Anti-zionism is the most important fight of our era.

Don't respond to shill threads without the right ingredient

>of our era
nigga what?

Anglin isn't in Angola, he's somewhere in Nevada

He's not in jail because he doesn't commit any crimes

And the SPLC and ADL always bitch about him

In fact Anglin is public enemy #1 according to the ADL's hitlist:

>he came out playing the victim's card right off the bat

the neonazi leprechaun cries out in pain as he strikes you

Hello my black friend!


>spencer is a gentleman not a sperg

Spencer IS a sperg, and a fag too.

Mike Cernovich doesn't feed jewish narratives

You think they don't have enough Jewish lawyers to make his site and his postings into some "Hate crime" category and get a liberal judge to convict him?

That's just being naive.



The result of the latest hate speech case that hit the supreme court confirmed that there is no such thing as hate speech in America


Fuck off shill. Andrew isn't Jew he's our guy

The proposal that he is a jewish plant raises two questions that I can think of:
1) Why is he the most censored individual in the history of the world? Even tor has been trying to choke traffic to their site.
2) What are the jews planning? What is the purpose? The website gets a huge volume of traffic, explicitly cautions against committing acts of violence which is often what plants and infiltrators try to do, and the DS red pill a lot of people.

Look, DS is fucking funny. It's the National Lampoon of the far right, people from all over the political spectrum read it and the humor weakens the taboos. The book clubs are a good idea, provided they do not commit violence and get it all shut down. Getting right wingers to network and meet in real life is tremendously important. He is not in jail because Americans, even cucks and centrists still care about free speech. If you don't believe this last point you don't pay attention.

>They are literally Jewish tools in the Jewish "RIGHT = NAZI" forced narrative.
Predictive programming?

Andrew Collected for the lawsuit fund 150k wersearchr + bicoin donations 188 956,54 dollars + mail donations probably around 100k
andrew collected almost half a million dollars.

Andrew has not been served any of the lawsuits he is being charged, basically he stole the money of their stupid donors who look like pic related.

Andrew is probably banging south east asian prostitutes with that money since he is a 5'2 manlet no white woman would like to have sex with him.





"Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name, “Auernheimer”. Think about the likely origins of this name for a second. Even a quick Google reveals its origins. The most famous Auernheimer of history, journalist and author Raoul Auernheimer, had his way bought from the fires of Dachau by his uncle, Theodore Herzl himself. Come on, I have curly hair and brown eyes here. The claim many “journalists” are making that I am some sort of Nazi is preposterous, but I suppose you have to resort to ad hominem when the public overwhelmingly supported me on the basis of the facts of the case."


"Recently, someone who is known as the ultimate sleaze persona of “the Internets”, a Jew by the name of Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, aka Weev, has been been making the rounds as advocate for White ethnicity. Much of this is simply a fraud: Weev was one of the most notorious “anti-Semite hunters” of the early to middle 2000’s.

He and his gang of Internet stalking an cyber-harassing trash were one of the more effective trolling gangs who collaborated or worked within large media websites for the express purpose to shut down political discussion of Jewish involvement in 9-11 and political power structures in general. Now, some 10 years later, and a short but well deserved prison sentence, Weev has been seeking to “rebrand” himself as a “White Nationalist”."


" As an ethnic Jew of Bavarian origins that is a reasonably adequate summary of my night moves. "


Cantwell is Jewish as well...

Okay, thanks for your time, Joao, now fuck back to nigger/pabloland

1 he has a gf in the US and 2 he has not stolen the money you're just a liar


Dennis Fetcho has quite a lot to say about this weev fellow.

LOL , stormfags are that retarded if they think thats a white man

Don't forget the 'fine dead sea salt lotions and skin creams' given to them by Mossad.


>1 he has a gf in the US and 2 he has not stolen the money you're just a liar
he has not been served the lawsuit check his bitcoin account he spent the money nazi larper,


>Prove me wrong
Just because you are to the right of prominent people in far right movement does not mean they are inherently Jewish shills
>SPLC and ADL have a blind spot to them
? Might want to google that

I too believe anyone that's more popular than me and my friends is a Jewish shill, because why else would they be more succesful?

muh digits :O

this is the bitcoin fund he spent the moneys brah, donators are stupid fools who didn't care what he would do with the money.

Vox and Anglin are both faggots

>An obviously satirical Ok Cupid account
user you're emberrasing yourself

Yes because he has not been found yet and he probably took out the money to keep paying his retainer on his lawyer. You have no proof of anything you just hate people on the Alt right and want it to be destroyed.

>he has not been served the lawsuit check his bitcoin account he spent the money nazi larper

Spent it on what? Could it have been "spent" on fiat currencies? This is literally nothing.

WEEV have scammed a lot of people with donations too
see by your self
bit coin wallet


Good job, you have an intelligence above room temperature. Only a complete fucking retard would look at this guy and think he isn't controlled opposition.

>no white woman would like to have sex with him.

Don't care about the topic for debate today but Anglin's rhetoric is toxic and hinders progress towards getting back our countries. Vox helps it as does Greg Johnson - both who are maligned by the alt-reich.

It wouldn't surprise me if Anglin was an agent because he acts exactly like how an agent would act to discredit nationalism and he is constantly trying to align himself with every nationalist movement going.

The issue of the Jews is much more nuanced that he will entertain and he is far too vulgar in presenting his opinions anyway. The Alt-Right was supposed to be about ethno-nationalism for the middle class using serious academics to make the case but the Nazi larpers have been given the driving seat. Spencer thinks he can juggle both worlds but he is wrong.

In order for a movement to be useful, a politician (ie someone who as actually willing to try and do something) has to be able to use them as a base but no politician will ever be able to use Anglin and the stormfags to be successful.

1- The censoring effort only started after the Charllotesville Incident, which was a false flag, because they saw that it was the right time to make the censoring effort. It served their agenda, they framed the DS as "right-wing hate website" in every liberal media site.

2- The plan is very simple, keeping the Nazi narrative alive, keeping the holocaust narrative alive, keeping the 6 gorillion narrative alive. That is their main geopolitical asset. They need a scapegoat to make them look like victims. Read Rene Girard's "The Scapegoat"

fuck off back italy Vox Gay

that weev account was before he was in jail, keep sucking jew cock like all germans always do.

It does though.

>its a False flag conspiritard episode
Or maybe it actually happened? You know sometimes accidents happen, right? Guy was assaulted with a bat, panicked, and floored the gas.

Go home, Vox. You're drunk.

Andrew and Mike are okay, Weev seems Jewish, Jason Kessler is the sketchiest though.

I wish.

Yes Moshe , we believe you know.Civic nationalism is the salvation ! Magic dirt rules !

He's half black


if you want his facebook link send me a (YOU)

>the neonazi leprechaun cries out in pain as he strikes you
More like uses your tactics against you.

Are you Moarpheus?

>I will say that Anglin does have a jewish-looking face.

No he doesn't. He's a midget with a couple of strong neanderthal genes

Nice try JIDF.

I don't think that Nazism is bad and I think Hitler was right. But it's not about ideology anymore, its about OPTICS being used to further the Jewish agenda.

Rebranding is needed and I think he is either controlled opposition or he is being taken advantage of, in a political Judo way.


Anglin and Weev are agents, proofs in the blockchain like EUanon is saying.
Vox Day is more controlled opposition. He's being blackmailed for his odd proclivities and directed to 'talk some sense' into the republican base. As though he's somehow gonna actually pull off being 'based brain daddy'

Whomever is running this psyop ought to be taken to the woodshed and shown the pain of incompetence.