Are you ready for the first trans president Sup Forums?
>qualified to be a president because was married to a president
No way this is real.
Wouldn't be the first time you guys had a dick as President.
She might win. Demoshits are still in love with Michael.
You're new. So new.
cute katter
Thankfully she will not be nominated nor win anything.
This has to be the saddest thing I have ever seen.
Nonono. She just outshines any other potential candidates.
Meaning that while she's absolute shit from a political standpoint. The other options are somehow worse.
>mfw it Hillary Clinton had won
>Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton-Obama presidential streak
>Jeb Bush for 2024
Thank fuck for Trump.
aww cute katter and shotgun overdoser
Why between that and zucc I am so torn, don't know which one to choose. I think I'll go with the man - Future President Michael Obama.
I would never refer to her by name. Obama's wife 2020
Step aside nigga, we wuz prezidents
As opposed to a monarchy, where the only qualification you need is to have the right parents?
>Meaning that while she's absolute shit from a political standpoint. The other options are somehow worse.
This is the truth. The Democratic Party has no viable candidates who aren't White and Male, and they certainly can't put one of THEM up for election, so the best they can scrape up is Obonga's wife.
>Literally Hillary Clinton's political qualifications.
Oh god I hope she runs
but then that would defeat calling 'it' obamas wife to be sexist you fucking retard
>The Democratic Party has no viable candidates who aren't White and Male
They could always force Bernie to get a sex change and run him.
>another Obama
Now we got to let Obamacare fail.
It's HER(male) turn shitlord.
honestly looks like Venus Mound. I don't know what Alex is talking about. Her frame looks pretty feminine too. Probably they spread those rumors about her being a tranny themselves, to make fools out of people such as Alex Jones. It worked.
They will run a male spic and hope to crank that spic turnout in Texas.
Someone much swarthier than Rubio. As Rubio is basically white.
Well Trump kind of set a new precedent on what it takes to be the president. You don't need prior experience in government you just need to say the right things. She would probably win. America seems to have a problem since the 1990s with electig the same families to rule over them then expect change. Lol have fun with Obama 2.0. She wouldn't know what the fuck to do, if she did win everyone should know Barack is back in charge.
At this point who cares. Western Civilization is in free fall. Let the tranny nigger talk to the masses while the Jews asset strip what's left.
It would still be homophobic, transphobic and somehow racist, you fag.
why is she so idolized?
Is she doin a roman salute? Heil hitler
idk she seems cooler than barry
>Venus mound
A shifting and moving Venus mound
If they wanted Bernie to run they wouldn't have used their rigged primary system to make it impossible for him to win. And nobody would support someone who ran in a primary and lost. No party ever supports a loser.
Yeah, who? Who among their establishment could qualify? I can't think of anyone.
Oh dear god, no!
Michael is a BASED BLACK MAN
Do you think Sasha and Malia know her mom has a pens?
Obama's wife is a man. That's a fact. Leftists scramble to defend against this fact but they can not hide the truth
mitchell oblacka is a tranny. That's why hussien worked to protect illegals and trannys he is illegal him self and is married to a tranny nigger
Plenty of businessmen have ran. Only businessmen have the money and connections to challenge the political machines.
All countries have this issue of families having political dynasties. Cuckdeau included.
>Speaking of setting precedents
Absolutely haram
Jesus fucking Christ get that dude out of here
Nice digits
They were made in anyway tube faggot
Or just picked up from one of the pedo islands and used to make hussien look like he married a women when in fact he married a tranny nigger
Fucking faggot. Absolutely disgusts me to see such spineless sacks of shit running entire nations
I know that already you mong. I was curious if people thought the kids were aware or are they brainwashed to think it's actually their mom. Fuxk off next time
Uglier than Hillary.
People gravitate towards strong men
Aww Fidel's grandkids
Just imagine the epic butthurt if she becomes the nominee and inevitably loses to Trump.
Julian Castro
>former Mayor of San Antonio
>Department of Housing and Development under Obama
She can't even make lunches right and they want her to run the country?
It's like they're trying to lose 2020
The whole campaign will be 24/7 nonstop "muh sexism, muh racism, muh transphobic"
kek, my dad did this to my little sister when she was 6. My hyper SJW bipolar Aunt was in the house when she opened the gift. My sister started crying and threw it on the ground saying the 'Barbie got burned.' My Aunt was fucking furious; I have never laughed so hard.
Obama had two years of government experience before he formed his presidential commitee, that was when the bar really was lowered. It's much easier to jump from 2 to none
>tfw without Obama there never could have been Trump
He's the dipshit that moved all the crack nigger I to affluent neighborhoods all over America. Middle class would never let him win
>Going back to the Obama cult of personality in desperation
It's going to be Hillary v Michelle in the primaries. They are going to DESTROY each other with 12 years of pent up mutual hate and an intimate knowledge of all the sinister shit both families have been up to.
2020 is going to make 2016 look like a fucking day trip to Chuck E Cheese by comparison. Trump winning his second term is going to drown the planet in salty liberal tears.
>millions of children are starving REEE we need gibs!
>Cut caloric content of school lunches in half
We need to make a law that forbids the spouses of presidents from serving.
This is a retarded meme. She clearly was wearing a pad in these pics. It's obvious none of you have ever dated a woman long enough to know what they do during menstruation.
Never happen
The news will never bring that up as a bad thing
actual headline
>Castro was a lead Promoter of Diversity in previously segregated neighborhoods
I am 100% in favor of moving all immigrants and nogs to affluent democratic neighborhoods. especially San Fran and Palto Alto
Good luck
A much better candidate than Clinton for sure, and she isn't corrupt. I think she has a real chance. Go girl!
I want to see a Michael Obama vs. Joe Biden primary. It would be the worst thing to happen to the DNC.
Who you think taught them that succ
It's just fabric folding, come on. Am I not in on some meme or are you guys really retarded?
the pad goes under, not in front where the clit is, it's usually not visible and it certainly doesn't look like a dick.
apart from giant hands looks like a female to me
How about Jenner?
If that's the case then that is a thick pad.
Should start calling her Heavy Flo
Socialized obesity prevention programs
the butthurt when trump wins again is going to be glorious
Shit changes quickly...
Where do women by these dick shaped pads?
Media may not, but Trump will
Wasn't this an embarrassment for him because he didn't know how to pay or use a debit bcard?
its a trump supporter.
>(((The Hill)))
Oy vey!!
top kek
Seriously though, one of the many reasons why I voted for Trump was to get rid of the Clintons. I was happy to see ¡Jeb! lose in the primaries for the same reason (Bush dynasty ended). Now the Dems want to create an Obama dynasty? They can fuck off for that reason alone.
I would like to hear how Trump will explain how we moved shit citizens to areas where good citizens live and not be called a white supremacist
Literally grooming your child to be a single mom with a niglet, fucks sake.
>And nobody would support someone who ran in a primary and lost.
Like Hillary did?
She lost to gay Obama, would probably lose to tranny Obama.
>why offend half the population when you can offend a small niche
>Like Hillary did?
And look what happened.
>Nominate another former President's wife
It's like they WANT Trump to win.
You're assuming they have the ability to learn.
Obama vs Hillary all over again. Who has more shill cash to destroy each other...
its his turn
>Michael "Trouser Snake" Obama
>Mark The Billion Dollar Autist" Zuckerberg
>"Crazy" Bernie Sanders
>Kamala "Sassy Niggress" Harris
>Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
>Michael "Burrito Slug" Moore
>Oprah "Queen of the Niggers" Winfrey
>a bunch of "qualified" politician jobbers just for filler
>Winner takes on President Donald Trump
It's like the best Wrestlemania ever
Trump could say t was a good thing and the would call him a white supremacists. How have you not figured that out yet?
>americans always bragging about their democracy and how they have no kings
>love electing political dynasties
why does this fill me with such intense rage
I'm not satisfied until I see a Dwayne Johnson vs Steve Austin and one of the debates is in the ring.
Rock would unironically win, but he has been EXTREMELY GOOD at keeping his political views absolutely neutral. If he runs it will be as a third party candidate and he will win.
Didn't work in 2016
>File: juliancastro.png (616 KB, 1314x830)
murder rate doubled when he was mayor.