Or at least that they will lose
Convince me we will win Sup Forums
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Well of course we'll win....we're the Chosen people.
Thanks to our efforts (well, and theirs I have to admit) CNN is a fucking laughingstock.
During the last presidential campaign the Democrat nominee actually spoke out against a cartoon frog.
That's only a couple of nails in the coffin of ((them)).
I don't know who "we" is, but most of you haven't even realized that Trump played you because it hurts your feelings, so you really don't have much hope going forward.
We will win in the end user
Even if you lose, the world they will inherit will be shit.
With your death, so dies the paradise.
That's right. You'll be the first we choose to put in the oven.
Implying slaves get a choice
>Or at least that they will lose
the right's vision of society is based on punishing people. sad!
There is no possible outcome that Jews can win unless they keep it absolutely cool the entire time, which is not possible. The Goyim know and will continue to know and the Jews will have to act accordingly which only reveals themselves further. It's a lose lose no matter what path Jews take.
Note Jews rhymes with Lose. Coincidence? Nein.
I wouldn't be surprised that they would off all white men as soon as we get to a post scarcity state. They will love like kings too.
You stole my sequential numbers you kîke
It's a rule of nature.
People just need to experience a partial or complete collapse of their nation and come to *the* realization through suffering.
Whites are too comfortable and secure (relatively speaking) to be redpilled on a mass-scale yet, but give it time.
Reminder that the NSDAP went from being a fringe party to being unopposed in the span of roughly a decade.
Yes, we will win. Good always triumphs over evil. This is actually a great time to live. The evil is unmasking themselves because they see the end is coming. Let not your heart be troubled.
It's a matter of demographics.
We shall win against the gays and degenerates and pink-haired landwhales, because they will fail to reproduce.
We shall lose to the lower classes (including but not limited to the Mexicans) because they will reproduce more than we.
Of the "chosen people," only the hardcore Orthodox stand a chance. The Reform Jews are already outbreeding and failing to return to the religion; they're all basically already goys.
even if they do genocide us, it will just make us stronger through natural selection.
I never said you did, Pikajew.
I think it's the opposite. Liberal Jews don't reproduce and racemix like crazy. It's the orthodox ones who reproduce, and most of them will probably return to their containment zone once things get bad enough.
>Of the "chosen people," only the hardcore Orthodox stand a chance. The Reform Jews are already outbreeding and failing to return to the religion; they're all basically already goys.
that is their entire history, they will become enslaved, then return to their pagan god and grow stronger, only to become enslaved again. until they accept Christ they will have no salvation
Thats because the NSDAP was a creation of internationalist industrialists. If you expect them to back a fascist gov again you are retarded. The purpose of Nazism was to eliminate nationalism as a competitor. You are blue pilled.
fucking brainlet
you're chosen by the wrong side therefore you will lose, judaism is devoid of Logos (~Christ) , and therefore full of lies. Lies have an expensive dividend you cannot afford unless you add more lies and get bankrupt in the end. Stay mad israsheep.
They already lost. Past tense. Lost.
All they're doing now is making it bloody. Trust me, I've played tens of thousands of hours of strategy games.
They're throwing their last reserves directly into our killzones because they have no other move to play. They painted themselves into a corner and their only move is to double and quadruple down on the same failed tactics.
I know you can't see it, but dude, it is fucking beautiful, man.
Hitler and Napoleon would be so proud of us. Even Genghis Khan must be smiling down on us from heaven.
There is no option other than victory.
Youre too retarded to even know youre bluepilled, which is the worst kind
>Genghis Khan
>Deus Vult flag
Apart from that listen, friend, strategy games are fine and all, but the thing is, the swing is not even at the peak okay. Its going left faster and faster. They are doubling down because resistance against them fails to appear (or gain gains) and they are encouraged as fuck.
In 10 years, you people in the EU and US will be getting sent to gulags / organ harvesting facilities for wrongthink. And there is nothing we (you) can do about it.
Me, I'm becoming a sheep herder. Good luck.
Hitler was literally employed by the military post war to spy on extremist political parties and report their activities to his superiors. If anyone in the world could have started off as controlled opposition, it would have been him.
Hitler was cut loose, but the snake was out of the bag and things took on a life of its own. Hitler always had the support of the military. Remember that.
Who is "we"?
what they dont tell you is that those rallies smelled of feces & piss
people were literally openly defecating in bags and pissing where they stood
thats a known slur for people you want to degrade my (jewish) History college intructor told us the ancient Olympic Games in Greece literally stank of piss and shit as there were no mentions as recorded using toilets , as if the press records how people today go to piss and shit when watching the World Series ( protip-no one records that).
>Inb4 the kike headlines say in 3542 AD Ancient Americans watched baseball literally stinking of piss and shit.
That's so eternally jewish, thanks I'll fucking pass.
Chosen to grill.
We will win because we don't have another choice.
And in the worst case they won't enjoy their victory,the rice people will crush them and oppress them far worse than we ever could.
We will be remembered as tragic and romantic figures, like elves or vampires from today fentasy.
Enjoy your land of milk and honey, shlomo.
Yes, we'll win. We're always right.
Why should I?
>automation soon to kill the poor and the retarded
>bioengineering soon to inject white genes to get superior generations
>the rage of the east soon to exterminate the shitskins and return to gold
>first AI soon to drop redpills and fight censorship
>world war soon to crush cultural marxism
Every civilisation has it's time and dies. We are what is next.
It has to get way worse before it gets better my dear friend. Hold strong.
preach white nationalism, national socialism and white identity in the bus, train on work everywhere. we are most definitly winning
What will you do when you don't have any whites to send to die in your place? Face it, you too are 'white' in the sense that when Europeans and colonies go - you will follow suit.
We will win if we focus a lot of our effort on science and technology.
Science has already told us many things about the differences between races and sexes, but we've only scratched the surface. When we have completely mapped out the genome in terms of genetics-to-attribute relationships, there will be no room to doubt the truth.
Artificial intelligence is another main front. When we have an AI that is a million times as intelligent as humans telling us the truth about everything, including race and sex, then there will be no room to doubt the truth. Of course, we have to make sure leftists don't program the AI to say leftist things.
Designer babies becoming affordable will kickstart human eugenics. Artificial wombs and eggs will put women in their place.
I have faith that we are on the very cusp of victory.
> Implying slaves get a choice
I like how Jews come right out with it when they're loosing. As thought that's going to help.
This is what got you fucks knocked around Europe for 2000 years. You're just very unlikable people really.
And the old story begins again.
I bet you fucks don't get to even keep Israel in the end. Watch.
Some of their plans are EXACTLY what is at the last part of christian bible.
The mark of the beast, is digital money implemented by a chip at the hand or teeth. The idea is that if you answer that you dont want nwo, your money will be removed, and you will die because the lack of money. There is more detail to this and more laws to make the entire plan happen.
Anyway, the anti christ, is the new religion that will be promoted, the point is that unlike internet atheists say, normal religions are not good enought to shape society, because they have dogmas and its almost impossible to change dogmas, so if you tell someone to do X and then want them to do Y you can't because how you will say god is wrong?
The anti christ is a new religion, this new religion will basically say " 'all' religions are people seeing the same good, but getting the information in a different way, this is how the real information is!!", it will be a mix of all religions to make easier to people accept.
Also christian bible words are being changed (by translation) to have multiple meanings, hardcore religious guys that know their shit about the christian bible and are not related to conspiracy theory already saw that, so you know its real and its happening, since people unrelated to conspiracy theory already saw that.
This new religion is needed because people need religion. If you search you can see some scientists research that say that no one or almost no one is 100% atheist, and that people need religion or something like that.
So people will have religion, but a open ended religion that will be able to be shaped and will not influence the elit plans.
This explan various plans by the elite, by an insider, at late 60s, they can explain stuff so far at the future, because they plan ahead, and also some plans must be gradually implemented (bolling frog analogy) and so the plan is made decades before is fully in power
Forgot the most important part.
Said all that, christian religion is real and god will go back to save us
They're trying to turn a mob into an army and they've got hundreds of generals leading that mob, all of whom are more hateful and paranoid about each other than they are about US, the enemy.
And we have no generals and we are an army that moves as one and can strike anywhere and disappear into nowhere. Every weapon formed against us is turned in their hands when they attack, and they stab themselves in the foot.
Our soldiers are getting stronger and our army is getting stronger and more powerful, and their only response is to hire more shills, which have yet to be utilized to any real effect.
They tried to take over Sup Forums and Sup Forums let them, because we took over the comment sections and forums and news websites and every fucking goddamn other thing on the internet and started mass-producing and distributing redpills and now all the normies are coming to Sup Forums because they want more.
And we're giving it to them faster than the shills can slide it. Because there's fucking hundreds of thousands of us, and we're all fucking super saiyans.
I'm just saying. I'm a strategic genius and that's how I see it. I'm not some optimist either, I'm extremely pessimistic. But I see Victory.
illegal immigrants are already getting btfo
Well we are all likely to lose in a worse case scenario. But honestly what is more meaningful then the fight. People will look back on this as the best of times either way win or lose.
look here :
Even if they win, they will be crushed by their multi culi bullshit. We win - they die - They win -they die.