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I wonder what they're going to talk about.

Can't wait for the drumpftard screeching

She's so brave.

Please let her announce her third run, pretty pretty prease.

I have literally never met anyone more obsessed with Hillary than Trump and his cucked little gaggle alt-right shitposters.

Hillary is the definition of rent free.


Nah she's either gonna run for NY mayor or she made some deals to be VP on the Dem ticket in 2020.


>I have literally never met
sounds about right, considering nothing you said is true or makes sense.
subtle shit post props my friend

>Married to a serial cheater
>Failed running for president twice despite half the DNC being in her pocket
>It's the trump supporters who are cucks though!

Oh I am laffin

Literally who?

How many Wisconsin jokes will they make?

Anyone have that weird reflection pic of Hillary?

Hopefully a ton

[Sup Forums screeching intensifies]

Didn't she shame Obama for being a nigger muslim? That's pretty BASEDXD.

Trumplet rage kino incoming!

>VP on the Dem ticket in 2020
what fool would agree to that? can't they see they'd be popped 5 minutes after swearing in?

Why would Trump supporters be mad? They're always winning.

Imagine letting libtards actually rally behind her again and give themselves enough sheer undeserved and unreliable confidence that they back the least popular woman in the world for ANOTHER run for the White House in 2020 and she doesn't campaign in half the country again and still loses and still blames every single factor but herself. God the lulz.

The only thing Trump has accomplished so far was kicking out trannies from the military.

Theadly reminder that SHE WON the popular vote (which means SHE WAS DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED)

i cant wait for all the hilarious jokes colbert is going to make about how undemocratic our country is, how terrible drumpf is doing, how Clinton's rational no-fly zone Syria policy would've worked better than DRUMPF's retarded war mongering and genocide in the middle east, and how fucking hideous and unfit for life that ugly orange blumpfkin is.

I really hope she runs again in 2020.

>literally zero campaign promises fulfilled
>most hated president of all time
>most hated supporters of all time
>entire """moment"" is now universally viewed as a complete joke

Drumpf considers this "winning". HA!


>Trump is using DACA to get rid of BROWN PEOPLE
>I wish we could use IMPEACH to get rid of Trump hue hue hue
>audience stands up and cheers and chants Stefan over and over

Oh, boy! I can't wait to hear her blame everyone else for her failings, and not accept she's just a generally shitty person!



Sup Forums please

>Clinton's rational no-fly zone Syria policy
The one that meant decalring war on Russia? The #draftourdaughters plan?

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

i'm a dirty degenerate liberal and I think she wouldve been an awful president

Say it with me



No matter how much she shits on Sanders, he keeps backing her. Is he afraid she'll have him killed?


Clinton has lots of moles in the FBI. He's currently under investigation so if Clinton gets mad with Bernie all she needs to do is call a few people to make him go away.

keep slobbering on "le bassedddd" Putin's cock clumpfkin.

Hillary understood that the kremlin only understands one language and would do whatever was needed to communicate our western ideals of democracy and tolerance to them, unlike the traitorous coward Drumpfy plumpfy.

And to be more responsive in times of natural disasters than the previous 3 presidents.
And grant more needed resources and funding to a rusted military
And prevent the useless payment plant of the Paris accords
And increase illigal immigrant deportation and crack down on the human trafficking occuring through illigal immigration enforcement.
And force the two parties to shit themselves over a populist movement

>so donald trump i mean come on donald trump i mean seriously donald trump nuclear launch codes trump trump
>audience stands up and cheers

You would be stupid not to be afraid of Hillary t b h. She's a savage.

No, Bernie is just the epitome of a cuck.


They should just preemptively call the show "The Roast of Bernie Sanders and why Hillary lost"

Why won't Bernie take the hint and go away forever?

reminder that Hillary's virtue signalling voters lost her the election



Ban evading is against the rules

you lost

Why would they screech? Hillary is probably their favorite person in the world. Nothing hurts the democrats more than giving Hillary a microphone.

He has grand children and great grand children to worry about. Thats literally the reason he fell in line last summer.


>This victim complex
The majority of her campaign was focused on attacking and insulting everyone. Not just the other candidates but their supporters too.

>hurr durr there is only one person here with that picture and he is banned!!!!1111!!
Spamming off topic pol shit is against the rules, friendo

Bernie cucks hard for Hillary and gets this in return and yet he still insists on defending Hillary to attack Trump, America would be gone if this """man""" was president

What actually makes me wonder is who the democrats are going to put up against Trump? She's the only one that has any sort of public persona, other than Joe Biden (and that's just 'cause he was VP for 8 years). The democrats need to be building up their own demagogue from like 6 months ago so he can go up against Trump.

You can never take this away from her.

And ban evading is against the rules

where are the proofs

That Hawaiian woman seems like a good candidate, compared to Hillary at least.

Our guy Sam Hyde > Stefen Culbert:


Election night was fun.

Who is ban evading? Are you projecting?


why would he be nervous if he won? i don't understand

lmao the democrats hate her more than bernie.

whoever the dems put up, it will be a young black man.

The mobile poster spamming the same images over and over. And again ban evading is against the rules

FINALLY /ourpresident/ is BACK

Insert magapedes.jpg

ITT: Metafilter megafaggots that need to return to MeFi. Shrillary Klanton will never be president. Give up.


remember when she got booed on that show when bernie was still in the running?

not in the popular vote

>muh leftypol mobile poster boogeyman

>former Trump voter here.
How can you be a former Trump voter? Did you vote for him in the primaries and not in the presidential election?

It's a meme ya dip

who is the president?

That's as if Connor McGregor said he won the fight against Mayweather because more people were cheering for him.

After 9 months of Trump I am ready for Her!


HOW do we stop him, bros and sisters? The D word. He will kill my black queer friend? Pls help.

>im just a silly old lady whoops i dunno how to use a cellphone or emails lolololo
wasn't one of the benghazi deaths a goon? how did the 10 bucks club feel about that?

Robert Mugabe, prove me wrong

probably who's to blame for her loss.

Drumphy took muh scoops!!!

Oh, the mods simply moved this thread from Sup Forums to Sup Forums. That's why it seemed familiar.




ahahaha you fuckers are on pol now

She finna slaay!

Lowest ratings ever. A has been and a never was crying about how a real winner cheated them!

Holy shit. You spergs need to spread this like wildfire.


Just reading "yaaas" pisses me off

Fuck off with your ghetto meme

What feat of strength will she perform this time?



You pull and twist it, don't you ? Dip sauces are way harder than normal pickle jars though

based mods keeping Sup Forums in Sup Forums

wow she really is insane

she's going to be salty for the rest of her life about this