There is no moral basis to the systematic slaughter of animals...

There is no moral basis to the systematic slaughter of animals. Please petition your representatives to begin phasing out the murder industry.

In the meantime, you can help by going vegan. Because as I said, there is NO moral justification for your actions.

Other urls found in this thread:

>metalheads being against harming animals

I have a very important message for you, if you're serious: you will NEVER fix humans from within the system. NEVER. Stop trying. Buy land. Protect what of the wild you can. Shoot any humans trespassing.

If Jews didn't run factory farms Animals would have a much better life. After all even Hitler invented the first animal welfare laws.


I think Cows like dying. You can't know if they do or don't so you have NO arguments.

Who cares. Animals are to serve man.

Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Except that it tastes like heaven?



Humans live in a symbiotic relationship with domesticated animals. Such an arrangement is beneficial for both us and them. If we stopped raising them and set them free, they would simply die. Moreover, if your goal is to simply have us taking care of them, you're advocating for their extermination. For example, the population of horses declined dramatically after the widespread introduction of cars. What do you think would happen to chickens or pigs, for instance?

OP is a horrendous faggot that should kill themselves. Can I have a medal for that pls?

>actions need to be justified

kek, grow up and move out of mommy's house

>moral basis


I guess if you don't get a medal it means you won the argument.

Fucking PETA bullshit again. Humans are omnivorous for a reason, have fun eating pills in the meantime I'll go eat a stake

but muh meats


Give me a medal fagface.

Morality is an evolutionary adaptation that serves only the survival of the species. Morality does not work via "justification", its an intuitive faculty. Unless God exists, morality has no greater meaning.

Fucking deal with it, its 2017 not 1850, if you havent understood this by now you're

I would obviously not eat anyone's pet, unless I purchase said pet from the owner. After that, fair eatings. Where's my platinum medal.

Are animals immoral for eating other animals?

There is nothing to consider in that box. It is just conceding the point, whilst saying we shouldn't eat animals. Really makes you think.



>There is no moral ba-
>being a moralcuck
stopped reading there

Nope, I said that morality is irrelevant.

Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension.

They exist to taste good you genocidal cunt

Animals are inferior to humans and I don't need to justify killing them. You can't argue against this without feelings bullshit.
>inb4 muh aliens

No one cares

this is just a blatant lie though, try living without protein or calcium.

Please forgive me great one

The medals come in 1 size fits all varieties, its not exactly a medium open to subtle alteration

I see you don't believe in evolution then.

> there is NO moral justification for your actions.
Yes there is. I'm an omnivore.
To be perfectly healthy, I need to eat meat, fruits, and vegetables.
If I were a carnivore I'd just eat meat.
If I were a herbivore I'd just eat plants and fruits.
But I am an omnivore. So are you if you are reading this.
Any omnivore would look sickly or malnourished if they chose to just eat one or the other. Hence the look of vegans.
And yes, you can get very sick from being a vegan. It's not good for you. You have to be VERY careful with your diet.
That's because you're fucking with nature.
You are an omnivore. What you do is unnatural. Hence the careful diets and additional jackassery.

Yes, exactly.
If you remove my meat source, I might consider killing tards like you to cook them.

Phasing out the murder industry means going after abortion, not farms.

what about the systematic slaughter of plants?


>not understanding the concept of property


Animals aren't humans. They are slaves and we are free to do with them as we wish. Morals only belong to humans. There solved your puzzle you self righteous hipster.

Bro have you seen a vegan? There is no fucking meat to be had on those asshats.

>unduly comparing farm animals to people
>unduly comparing farm animals to pets
Those literally are not arguments

I dont have morals.
checkmate vegans.

How about because they're fucking tasty. I don't give a shit. We're omnivores. We eat whatever is most available to us and adapt.

oh shit oh shit it's my turn

I don't like dietary supplements.
I don't even take medicine if I don't have to.

Do I get a medal?

not an argument

Your huge assumption here is that a majority is ever going to do something on a moral basis. Only a small minority of intelligent people base their actions on morality, and half of the intelligent people are Nietzscheans. Its useless. Move on.

food doesn't deserve rights.

Animals are not people and don't deserve rights beyond those we feel the pleasure of giving them

my justification for killing animals is the same for my racism, I care about what is genetically similar to me, I have no reason to care about animals.

>Protein deficiency is not a problem
>Not a problem
Well your IQ deficiency certainly doesn't seem to be a problem to you. Now give me a medal fuckboi that's why I'm here.

so i need to alter my diet because of your feelings? No thanks ill eat my steak and broccoli with milk while you die of calcium deficiency, or have to live taking pills like an octogenarian at the age of 23.

Is there a medal for it being easier/cheaper?

>animals eat animals
>humans are a type of animal
>early human diets had meat
>our stomachs can break down and absorb the nutrients from meat
>vitamin and protein deficiencies from not eating a well balanced diet which contains meat
I used to be vegetarian but swallowing pills and supplements wasn't working for me, only eat poultry and fish when it comes to eating animals now

All I did was add a bit of meat to my diet and I felt better and stopped taking pills

Animals don't have souls, they are obviously not human and man was made to have dominion over them.

stupid vegan prick.

there are other important days in meat that your veggies lack,

I will gladly eat animals killed in the most painful way possible just to make you twinge op.

If nobody eats meat, humans will eventually lose the capability, weakening our evolutionary viability.
It's immoral to be a vegan.

important fats*

Also, vegetables are less efficent caloriewise. There's a reason why most herbivores are mostly low energy unless they're running.

I have no morals, and 0 empathy...
Years ago I watched a women crash her car on an ice covered bridge, was a Sunday morning and years before cell phones were a thing...I got out of my truck and went over to her where she got thrown, and I cupped her face in my hands and i simply watched her die...
With hunting season approaching, I will fill my freezers with fresh meat, and I will eat quite well until next fall when I go out hunting again...

>an unwilling victim
animals are equal to humans now?
>you would not subject your companion animal...
So, you will let it suffer from old age or some diesease, you sick fuck??

>There isn't a humane way to kill an unwilling victim

Sup Forums I got a medal too!
Also, concepts of "morality" don't apply to animals much. Even if we go that way, humanity provides that stupid cow with food, water, shelter, doctor services help with reproduction and so on.
Humanity is here not to coexist with motha nature, it's here to take that bitch and ride her into the sunset.

jesus OP
if you really want to shut down the meat market and people become vegetarians what you shouldn't do is refuse to debate people and instead shame them, like what the fuck is with these medals holy fuck are you incapable of a discussion beyond memes?

Damn that was rough

you do realize humans have front facing eyes for a reason right? we were born as pursuit hunters who would gather and eat meat from kills. your whining that we should deny a part of ourselves that has been an instinct since pre history.

there is only one thing you need to worry about or consider when it comes to meat:

Christ commanded to preach the Gospel "to every creature"

The Gospel is Love
Slaughtering things is not love.

... carnivores are mostly low energy too, even more than the herbivores. carnivores spend their time loafing around and only get up to eat and or hunt. what the fuck

>There is no moral basis to the systematic slaughter of animals.
I eat but but I agree with most of your points that you brought up in this thread.

However, I have a question regarding this point:
I COMPLETELY agree that it's contradictory for people to claim to care about animals and then eat meat

>If you personally claim to care about animals, then harming them makes no sense even within your own morality.

However, AND I DOUBT THERE'S A MEDAL FOR THIS ONE, what do you think about the position that ALL animals are beneath humans and NO animals (even pet cats and dogs) should have ANY rights at all?

Eating meat and all of its practices is logically consistent if you assume all animals are beneath humans.

Oh, you're serious?
Faggot slide thread, sage and hide it

>There is no moral basis to the systematic slaughter of animals.
>Implying morality is objective.

I've got some child soldiers to go drill.

nothing to do with it

And Herbivores spend nearly every waking moment grazing.

I like peeling the skin off unborn plant offspring and draining out the guts with my mouth

There is no moral basis to [thing that does not require a moral basis and is not a moral question blah blah blah blah more words and yet more words for seemingly no reason]

slide thread

shitty argument
appeals to nature while living in a civilized society, ffs

Humans are omnivores designed to eat both plants and meat. If we were not meant to eat meat, we would not have the kinds of pointed meat ripping canines we have. Sure, they aren't vampire sharp, but they exist to help us rip meat more efficiently.

do you go on the same kind of moral crusade against something like Dogs eating meat?

>"bu-but you can just feed them corn based dog food!"

And that's why every creature in the world, other than humans, is vegan.

this is all you need to think about, or dismiss to your peril:

yeah, which takes more energy than spending time loafing around doing nothing

what do you think wastes more energy? sleeping more than half the day or spending most of the day standing?

>you would not kill your companion animal
Hold it right there, pal. On the contrary, I strongly advise any of you with pets to kill them as soon as possible. This sounds like a meme but it's not, just hear me out. Your pets are useless creatures that aren't actually a part of your tribe/family. Allowing them to freeload is an exercise in masochism and you putting feels before reals. You only "like" your pets because they sabotage your God-given instinct to care for cute little creatures - an instinct meant to be reserved for your own children ONLY. Killing your pets therefore is mandatory for retaining a modicum of dignity. It also helps to rapidly desensitize you to the murder of entities that aren't part of your ingroup, and you urgently need to be desensitized to that so you can kill actual deserving targets on the day of the rope. If you hesitate to pull the trigger on an enemy then you're the one who's going to die.
The only rational use for your pets is target practice. Kill them ASAP.

Give back your brain.
Evolution of the human brain is a direct effect of better protein intake from meat eating .
Fried rabbit tonight for me, you can go eat kale.

>child soldiers
it checks out

>3So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground. 4Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offering; 5but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard.

God wants us to kill animals in his name... fruites and veggies are shit tier

some people here are not christ cucks.
Food doesn't deserve rights

did you have some sort of point?

or did you not realize the wickedness and horror of the suffering and death of "nature" is thanks entirely to this world being the adversary's domain?

yeah, this guys dumb. The only really active animals are omnivores, which is obviously what humans are.

Prove to me that morality exists without resorting to speculation or referring to religion.

I'll wait.

>There is no moral basis to the systematic slaughter of animals
Hey, he's right. And we all love animals really. Deep fried, stewed, steamed. So many ways to love animals.

Christ was a bit after that.
He was the last sacrifice for all time.

God allowed the Temple to be raized for a reason, actually several, among them was a message: the old covenants are no more.

plants consume the sun, animals consume plants. im getting revenge for the sun.

Why should there be any moral basis, faggot? Is there a moral basis for you to live?

give me a fucking medal you nogainz cunt

>>There is no moral basis to the systematic slaughter of animals.
>>Implying morality is objective.
I believe his argument isn't about objective morality, but more about CONSISTENT morality. One of his points:

>If you personally claim to care about animals, then harming them makes no sense within your own morality.

I prefer the adversary in this story mate, he actually seems to understand what a human being is.

Morality applies only to other humans.
I can eat delicious animal meat without guilt.