>"yeah we are free speech n' shit"
>*someone burns american flag*
That really sparks my curiosity
>"yeah we are free speech n' shit"
>*someone burns american flag*
That really sparks my curiosity
Fuck the ZOG flag
>implying the alt right is patriotic
>implying the alt right doesn't think the USA is the worldwide vector of Jewish degeneracy
>implying burning the flag will nevertheless help redpill normies
"I don't get why people are upset that people are burning the symbol of a nation"
>someone threatens a person to kill it's ok
>someone kills a person it's not ok
There are edgy autists for sure
>free speech
>literally destroying the symbol of your nation
No? Aside from the fire hazard, the toxic fume hazard and generally being destructive, how is this free speech again?
You can say and think what you want, but if you're just trying to portray your disgust and HATRED of our country, which let's not be coy, burning the national flag IS JUST THAT, you can do it from Canada, Mexico or ISIS.
You're a domestic terrorist if you burn our flag, no buts about it. There's virtually no other way to interpret a burning of the symbol of your country than that of terrorism.
Burn your OWN flag as much as you like, its capitalism made manifest.
Burn SOMEONE ELSES flag, as in their property, not their nations flag that you purchased,
then you're an arsonist, and they should F*** your ass up, legally or whatever.
Its a symbol. Its expression.
It requires facism to prevent.
Generally those burning the flags are net beneficiarys of a host of advantages that that country gives them and are ignorant of their own hippocracy, like how anarchists are ALMOST WITHOUT FAIL on some form of government assistance (usually due to their youth, if I'm making excuses on their behalf).
TL: burn YOUR flag as much as you like. Attack my symbol, and I'll 'symbolically' attack you back.
wait, what? Explain to me, with no fee-fees, how its NOT free expression?
Show me where it says expression.
You can be outraged if someone burned a flag, but nobody is getting beaten - so, your argument does not stand
Expression is limited to demonstration of your opinions context. Burning a flag in public is an open attack on the symbol of your nation, with the express intent to harm your own country given the opportunity.
Basically your flag IS your nation. Burning it equates the desire to burn your country to the ground. It's pretty clear to me. What's your boggle, kangaroo?
I mean, in post script, I'll surmise that what you're talking about would make sense to a (oh fuck, this dumbass here is bringing religion into a discussion about politics, oh boy here we go) religionist mindset, because if you're attacking our symbol you're attacking our religion,
but shitting on a cross is no skin on my nose, its two bits of wood. To someone else its an attack on their faith, but it would be insecurity to think you needed protection from an attack on your 'believing what you know ain't so'.
It's not expression though. Our first amendment says PEACEFUL assembly, not torching your flag and then stomping on it while spouting communist propaganda.
OP, the faggus maximus BTFO
Your logic gave me cancer
You pillock. Actually I'm getting needlessly hostile, so I'll instead say "Shit. Oh boy, you are making me so angry with your (as I perceive) lack of logic / method of non argument."
So, I'll rephrase. Some fool (you?) is saying that burning a symbol (WHATEVER SYMBOL) is somehow not free expression (because reasons).
Without evidence, this gets rejected, because the default is nuetral / non acceptance of a premise.
You wanna try again? We don't have to make each other mad here, you're just activating my almonds.
That's not speech, that's a direct action and actions have consequences.
No one brought religion into it, you did just now. Learn to read kiwi.
Symbols aren't real.
You're trying to bring your fee-fees into this because (I'm projecting a reason here)
your nation is your religion?
Your flag is NOT your nation.
Some asshole PM is trying to change our national flag, and thats a heap of horseshit right there, but theres a thousand reasons that A PATRIOT may choose to use free expression to deface a symbol of their own country.
I would, and I love my country, if some asshole was trying to limit our rights and make attacking their fee-fees a crime, I'd be forced to do so in solidarity.
Your arguments seem irrational, and I'm not gonna call you a troll, but I'm BAFFLED by the argumentation you're making.
Burning any flag native to the state you're in is traitorous behavior. I believe it shouldnt be punishable by law in any means, but I wouldnt mind it if burning flags is treated as an initial "threat of violence," meaning no repercussions for patriots to come kick your ass (or visa versa if youre a Chad looking to fight). People who burn flags usually don't have jobs or successful lives, so I immediately feel satisfaction knowing nothing I can inflict on them can compare to the depression that stems from them returning to their shitty closet apartment and waddling in their lonely, failed existence
Dueling is illegal in America, tho. :[
Again, no one is bringing religion into this, but you seem intent on making it that way.
I'm not a religious person anyways so you don't have an argument that way.
Your rights extend to your freedom to express yourself in a PEACEFUL manner. There's nothing peaceful about torching your national flag. It's very violent and symbolizes your hatred manifest in the form of destruction.
If you burn your national flag, you should be given a mental health check immediately.
You're the one not keeping up here.
If you don't see how
a cross is analogous to a symbol of a religion
that a flag is analogous to a symbol of a nation,
then I don't really know how to reach you.
_I_ bought religion into it, because its analogous, since we're talking about symbols here, right?
SO. Its free expression for me to take a shit on a Bhudda in the SAME WAY as its free expression to burn, or venerate, or whatever a flag I own.
I don't understand why it ISN'T free expression, which IS the premise being argued here, and am STILL WAITING for an argument as to why it isn't.
So you admit you're trying to derail the thread since no one is stupid enough to bring religion into it, you did it yourself.
sage goes in all fields
get your head checked before a patriot stomps your walnut brain to mush.
>"yeah we are free speech n' shit"
>call for every shitskin and Commie kike to be lynched or buried alive
simple answer for your peanut brain
>violent acts of destruction which may potentially harm yourself or others overrule your edgelord need to burn a flag in the name of expression
How about you light yourself on fire with gasoline as an expression of protest.
Lol fuck is an offensive word that the left use way too much in an attempt to be edgy and cool, but they don't want us saying nigger.
Reminds me, I was singing to Kevin gates and I used the hard r as I passed what looked like a mostly white communions for 50+. I just barely saw them by the side of a building after I said it.
You guys are SO FUCKING culturally removed from us that speaking the language simply isn't enough.
A symbol is the same as another symbol.
Attacking a symbol is like voodoo. IT DOESN'T DO ANY REAL HARM.
Arguing that an object gets special protections because of the colors and shapes on it and the fee-fees tied to it is insane. I don't know why ...
I don't know why you guys are having such difficulty understanding where I'm coming from when I am taking genuine pains to try and speak in the same terms as you guys.
I mean seriously, a FUCKING ANALOGY is a bridge to far for you guys?
Sage as much as you like, I might as well give up.
Both sides are hypocrites accusing each other of being hypocrites.
People are dumb. We do it all the time.
But you're the one moving the goalposts here.
Now we're not talking about a flag, we're talking about your fee-fees.
Why are your feefees threatened when someone else uses their property in a manner of their choosing?
I'm not going to light myself on fire because some American was too thick to understand my perspective.
Sorry, Yanker.
I never really understood that. I understand the implications made by burning a flag, but there isn't really a 'speech' component to it. I mean a mute could burn a flag, you know?
Symbolism is representative of your intent. Not your beliefs, so dont get all religiously stupid on me.
Your physical INTENT. And if you're so far gone you're burning flags, you're not too far from burning a person or their property.
Thus expression must be limited to peaceful protest. The moment you start burning shit, you've been red flagged as a dangerous (edgelord) and I hope the police ram a baton up your asshole.
Aww, did you self immolate over getting ass reamed by a 60%er?
Get over it. You're objectively wrong here. Burning something signifies your willingness to possibly burn other things or people or their things, and you should be locked up and examined before that happens.
The end.
Now you're projecting a whole bunch, and that goes toward the argument that you can read minds.
Actions are NOT NECESSARILY indicative of intent.
As I said, I consider myself patriotic, and am willing to make an argument on how a patriot can still wish to attack a symbol of what their country CURRENTLY represents, as an expression of change.
You're now telling me that, in such a scenario I'm going to go burn people and property?
OK, Guy,
My actual position is more or less identical to 's opinion. People who burn flags are almost universally pathetic.
However burning one symbol is the same as burning another, it is an act of disrespect, but its also totally in line with capitalism and democracy.
Burnt flags = more flags sold.
Win for capitalism.
I agree with part of what you say; burning a flag is a good way to antagonise the legal enforcers of your area, and wouldn't be surprised if someone did it and got their ass beat.
Saying that they were asking to be assaulted because of what they do with their property that resembles something other people own is a bridge too far for me, as symbols are interchangable.
I protect the right to expression that a flagburner has for the same reason that I protect the right to expression an anti-religion edgelord has.
Generally such people are weak and marginalized anyway. Even if they're totally insulting the employers of the lawkeepers.
I'm done with this thread, but its telling that when I mention how symbolism is analogous to religion, some try to Shut It Down.
Aren't leftards the ones fond of spouting that free speech doesn't mean free from consequences?
Exactly, except when they do it, oddly.
Liberals are looking for government permission, like the good little cucks they are, to burn flags and not face consequences for it.
You're objectively wrong, and you're now pretending you can read minds. What horseshit. Who'd be stupid enough to believe you?
Burning your own property is your right. You would make having firewood illegal.
You fucking tool. I'm done here.
You're done here because you don't have an argument.
Burning wood in the correct place serves a purpose. What purpose does burning a flag serve except to incite violence?
You tried lad.
>and failed
Not really so much speech as property destruction to be edgy.
If someone lit their car on fire would you call that freedom of speech?