heh, you starting to like it dontcha?
Seriously, why is this shit getting spammed on Sup Forums and /r9k/ all of a sudden?
I blame Internet Aristocrat for inadvertently uniting the diaper community and normalizing it 2 years ago.
Faggot from leftypol is doing it
They're degenerate, and tying to shove their degeneracy down our throats
It's not leftypol, just regular Sup Forumsack diaper fetishists.
because retard neets discover a new fetish and spend weeks or even years of their lives spamming it.
What about diapers??
t. leftpol
fuck off nigger
diaperposting is for faggots
it's this faggot here, he says
>just regular Sup Forumsack diaper fetishists.
in every thread he posts them
kys famalam
>Sup Forumsack
fetish is degeneracy, faggot
Fucking disgusting. This is better.
Kill it with fire
The new queen of Sup Forums
Baby needs milkie
This girl has been going around posting herself and hiding under nazi flag for a few days now. She is an attention whore. She was in a thread a couple days ago pretending to be outraged yet loving the attention from all the autists. Now she shitposts her own pics in every thread under a nazi flag. She is scottish, her real flag is the union jack.
normalfag out
didnt he get cancer or something lol
>tfw no diaper gf
>attends 9M
absolutely degenerate
Yeah I forgot the story
Is he dead yet
>buthirt reddiitors upset about diapers
Stop posting frogs, you normies