Reconnect with friend from college

>Reconnect with friend from college
>Friend invites me to a party
>Haven't really drank much since I graduated college
>Go to party and start drinking
>Start feeling pretty drunk
>Nu-male at the party starts talking about Trump and how bad he is
>Call him a "globalist faggot"
>Other party goers get upset at me saying this
>Start calling other people globalist faggots too while they look at me disappointed
>Black out for a portion of the evening
>Remember yelling "1776 will commence again!" at the top of my lungs at one point during the party
>My friend isn't answering any of my text messages

This place has ruined me.

Other urls found in this thread:

I like you

you should tell him to go fuck his mother

>1776 will commence again
You are fucking wet.

Heh, that's classic you, future me. Keep sending those drunk texts and regret nothing!

Good job!

>yelling "1776 will commence again!"
Kek what a faggot redditor when i get drunk i rave about Hitler and the jews.I did this both to my friends and the women i fucked and even prostitutes.When i asked them they laughed it off because they were just as drunk.

You can never leave faggot, get a head start on killing yourself now

>cant contain his powerlevel when power drinking
fucking pleb

Be proud.

They started the politcalk shit show although you should also learn some self control.

>Reconnect with friend from college
>I invite him to a party
> looks like he hasn't really drank much since he graduated college
>he shows up to the party and starts cracking cold ones
>start to notice pretty drunk
>My friend Travis at the party starts talking about Trump and how bad he is
>he calls him a "globalist faggot"
>Other party goers get upset at him saying this
>He starts calling other people globalist faggots too while they look at him disappointed
>At this point hes blackout drunk and poo poo pee peeing all over everything
>starts yelling "1776 will commence again!" at the top of his lungs while shittign everywhere
>sends me a text to see if things are good

There should really be some Sup Forums infographics on concealing your powerlevel. Now more than ever.

>let me tell you about the jews

I legitimately fear this could be me at Christmas.

I'll just have to avoid alcohol and walk away when my sister opens her mouth.

Just relax. Nobody in your generation remembers anything that happened last week.


>you should tell him to go fuck his mother

That is the polite thing to do.

drinking with alex jones


Good job OP.
You did the reich thing.

Proud user, proud.
You're invited to my next shindig. Will see to it you have lots of drink.
Meanwhile, I will also make myself popcorn

Das it mane

You're growing into a real man now. All those faggots will perish in rahowa. Wakey wakey eggs and baccy. Wake up and smell the coffee brother. You're here forever.

>talking about politics at a party
Your friend is a fag anyway. No one wants to hear about politics at a party, even if you agree

>Reconnect with friend who watches a lot of left wing shit and sucks MSM cock.
>Friend tells me he's going to post on Sup Forums to troll "nazis"
>Makes up some shit about actually standing up for something at a party
>Other Sup Forums posters are bemused and don't care about him saying this.
>Everyone looks at the poster disappointed
>He turns his computer off, without a bang, but a whimper.


Dude you're based stfu

>tfw got drunk at a party once and somehow ended up befriending a Sup Forumslack and adding him on facebook

I only drink with my mutt russian/algerian friend and he hates niggers and jews
Once said in the bar that niggers were too dumb and needed a leader in their life. The barmaids were in chock

you're just hungover, no real friend would shun you because of something like that

You should have murdered them all, user. It's what we're going to have to eventually do.


I've said some pretty horrific things whilst drunk and my mates have never shunned me for it.
they do think i'm an un ironic nazi though, but surprisingly they dont care.

My girlfriend also started out as a super liberal but is now joking about the kikes and learning more about hitler.


I usually go on a tangent about the jews.
Luckily my friends know about (((them))), even some of the more civic nationalist types.
Feels great.

> "1776 will commence again!"
fucking based!

Lol you didn't full on freak out they think youre a republican not a nazi yet. Youre alex jones level rn but u were drunk so u can play it off at least u didnt go all hitler and niggerrd out on them lol.

>these threads will get made ad infinitum because there are actual people unable to control their power level

s'all good user you can party with me

(We only tip black cows)


Alcohol is as bad as heroin by every objective standard. Just because normies drink it, that doesn't mean it's okay. Sort yourself out.


dude you rule

this is what more neets need to aspire to

no joke

i love going to bars and talking shit to faggots

Normies can't handle massive amounts of redpills all at once user.

Don't worry though, you have us.

>1776 will commence again

If you didn't shout BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST INFOWARS DOT COM than you failed.

Stop typing like a fucking retard

So it's not just me? I actually find most right-leaning people around my age are pretty receptive of the JQ. Everyone already knows they control the banks, it's not even that much of a jump.

I even work with a liberal jew who is completely open about all the scummy ways they operate.

Youll get better at this, but youll also realize who your true friends are after stuff like this. I would have had your back bubby

The jews control the media, and they use it to push jewish agendas.
Most conservatives/right wing people hate the media. Many are not fans of the media pushing Israel onto us either.
I'm sure many jews are upset with how the global elite use their jewishness to push their agenda.
I'm always leery of jews, but most of the ones who are anti-Israel seem tolerable. At least they won't try to push us into conflicts because the turbo kikes over there get a hard on for war.