Anger as YouTube REMOVES video of Nigel Farage speaking about immigration and Islam

>YouTube removes simple Farage video for "hate speech"

>The problem here is that we cannot work out why it has broken any rules!
>The video itself looks like it is a collection of comments where Farage is trying to make an informed range of points, and we can’t see any point where it strays into hate speech or anything that would be considered illegal or overly offensive.
>However, it is well known that Google has a very left-wing outlook on life, and this could be the start of a new and worrying trend.
>YouTube is by far the biggest video streaming site in the world, but with that position comes a huge responsibility.
>Any sort of political censorship, no matter how small, is giving the opposition a massive advantage that simply cannot be fought against.

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Surely this will be the catalyst to mark the beginning of the end for jewgle's stranglehold on information.

When will they understand, that good content on the internet is like good stories, they don't work according to the law of termodynamics


Yeah the original had around 15/20k I believe, and had been up for weeks. Would be great to see this one get more views on vidme,

This is war

It really is worrying

I love these videos, This content is thriving on YouTube but they're starting to even remove Nigel Farage stuff for hate speech. If they can do that then Trump is surely next.

>it's not censorship when we do it!

Trump will personally assrape Google with an antitrust suit when they do it. I hope they try.

>even civic nationalism can't escape


Does farage know?

This video needs to be picked up by the alt-media, it's a big redpill if this passes for hate speech.


You can not convince Jews to stop trying to Jew you on their own platform with some petty protests and ramblingsor reasoning. Its their agenda to destroy you while making a shekel of you.

I wouldn't call it worrying mate. It's good in anything. Redpills people faster than anything. An alternative you youtube will rise and we'll enjoy it. All in time.

excuse the ridiculous typos. drinking >_>

They've even gone after Ron Paul and Steven Crowder.

They are going after fucking everything and everyone who isn't a SJW
>Google to ‘Police YouTube Like it Never Has Before’
>Former Google Employee: ‘There Are Efforts to Demote Anything Non-PC from Search Results’
>YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, And Work With ADL.

Yeah but it will take a while for a credible youtube alternative audience wise. If more people see this video it#s be perfect at showcasing their clear bias.

>a while

If they keep this censoring shit up, it'll come sooner than you think.


>even civic nationalism can't escape
That's what we've been trying to tell people for quite a while now. It doesn't have to break any actual rules, it's just not acceptable anymore. Yes, you'll be called a Nazi. You will. Mild, barely discernible nationalism is now unacceptable.

Just embrace all the shut-up words you get called, like Nazi and laugh out loud in their faces with contempt. Ridicule them mercilessly as it is their weakness - they take themselves very seriously and their censorship belies the absolute insecurity of the position they are now it. Expect more of the same, expect it to get more and more obvious. Expect more and more normies hopping off on our side of the fence.

any way to watch that video without jewglery?

Can't believe those jewtube nigger communists removed the Johnny Rebel classics

We need to fight for fair territory on youtube. That's our best course of action right now.

That's so stupid, Farage isn't even anti-islam, it's my only gripe with the lad

If you are still using jewgle and jewtube, stop.

You won't beat them mate. They're a private company with infinite resources and they can do what the fuck they want. It's better to let them do this while we spend our time creating an alternative.

They are a publicly traded company.

doubt it, we need places/people to start sharing this article

Hm? stock&pc=MOZB&form=MOZMBA

Now, just obtain 350 Million shares and you can change their business model.

Lad. They can do what they want with little blowback. Do you not agree? We should be trying to move people away from the platform; there is no way you're taking it down.

I think I've seen this video before. I mean before jewgle censoring started.

>My religion says you are X, so clearly you are X.
I use evolutionary biology as the basis of the conspiracies that I believe to varying degrees.
Psychology is at best a science, but only if it can manage to drag itself out of the status of being a theology.
Furthermore, you need to stop posting here. You're simply not intelligent enough, and we're completely uninterested in your shitskin-coloured thoughts and ideas.
Finally, please keep your retarded fucking religion to yourself, you ignorant, delusionl fucking faggot. Stop citing psychology as if it's anything but a pseudo-science practiced by 105s spending their daddy's money.

>tips fedora

Nothing is out of the question, even red-pilling a Youtube executive. Even threatening their company.

Realistic expectations > anything is possible.

Get real, son.


Yeah, try telling me that in 2015 if someone told you Trump would win the election.

Hahahah...ok, yeah. You're right. I can't argue with that. I just think they're on it too tightly with their new sponsors and shit. has an exec been red pilled then?

>tfw youtube censored people for telling the truth

>when youtube bans you for hate speech

I thought Net Neutrality was supposed to stop this!!?!?!?!? WHY WERE WE SHILLING SO HARD FOR IT?!?! :3

>to extreme for youtube

marxists are co-ordinating mass flaggings, where's the big mystery?
if you could prove google sends them lists of videos they want an excuse to remove, that would be something

We need to leave jewtube. We need to leave kikebook. There's a vacuum right now, and anyone with web experience should fill it, as it could become very profitable.

We need to beat them at their own game. We need a website that combines elements from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all into one supernormie site. But with a twist, it allows for absolute privacy and liberty (as far as the law allows).

It'll happen brother. Be patient.

a big share hole

>We need to leave jewtube. We need to leave kikebook.
>t. Jew
Quite the opposite, we need a presence with better quality content than the opposite, but just sneak previews luring the normies from the platforms. Like jewtube only gets sneak previews. No full content

Does anyone use Vidme? What's it like?

They can ban whatever they want for hate speech determined by their own rules, why the fuck would they need to tell people to flag it to ban it on a stipulation they decided, but your comment gave me a massive laugh

Nah, i agree.

>raises glass

It's cool, but the UI's a little too close to Reddit for comfort. Most of the redpillers have already migrated to Vidme like Computing Forever, and you don't need to make an account to upload stuff. You can upload stuff anonymously