What does Sup Forums think of circumcision?
Personally I feel its barbaric, and should only be done in extreme cases. Not for any religious reasons, or anything like it.
What does Sup Forums think of circumcision?
Personally I feel its barbaric, and should only be done in extreme cases. Not for any religious reasons, or anything like it.
I think it's sexy
How is this a thing in USA all of the sudden?
To what exactly are you referring to?
I haven't heard of it being practiced on non-jews, until recently on Sup Forums
Why is only prevalant in sandnigger countries and america?
Why don't Nubians circumcise
Cut here.
We've been circumcising our boys forever. Don't know why but I think there is a fairly strong correlation (not 1:1 but strong) in America, for boys without circumcision to have lefty parents (or at least a lefty mother). This applies to be those families who aren't recent immigrants (have been American generations back)
I'm cut as well, and honestly I dislike it. Especially considering my Grandma pressured my parents into having it done. It shouldn't be the parents choice on if you're allowed to have a foreskin or not.
It's pretty shit. It's prevalent in the US because of pseudo-science and because back in the day, they thought it'd keep kids from jerking off. Circumcision reduces functionality and sensitivity. Circumcision exposes the glans of the penis, even when flaccid. In my opinion, this is incredibly indecent.
It sucks to see pages dedicated to people trying to get other circumcised as well. Its almost as if its a cult movement or something.
It is a practice of African origin and it was and is still done because it stops women from being sluts and men from being sex-driven.
From what I know about you, you people would support such a practice considering the purpose of it,but then again, I also know that most of you people are complete hypocrites.
You know, I'm not usually the type to say (((they're))) behind stuff, but it seems like (((they))) are probably behind this one.
It seems that anyone who grew up in Africa, glorifies circumcision as some kind of miracle surgery that stops men from masturbating, and turning them into an actual man. Doesn't help when you hear about villages in Africa that will circumcise a man on the spot if they find out he has a foreskin.
I'm cut. Live in the South. Pretty much every dude I know is cut except for Mexicans/Latinos. Down here it's a combination of religion/tradition. Most girls I've talked to think uncut dicks look weird which I think is because cut dicks are the norm here. It doesn't really make any sense that it's tied to Protestantism because circumcision didn't matter in the New Testament but most people are ignorant of their own religious text down here. Mexicans are generally Catholic. Idk if that has anything to do with it. I think the reason it's common here is just tradition. I'll have my own son circumcised because I think that's normal.
Plus, no dick cheese.
>like, almost a hundred years!
maybe (((they))) have forsekin envy
I'm uncircumsized, my dick is bent like a banana and I have penile spines.
I am the bringer of female pleasure, AMA.
dude they circumsize kids since long ago
>it stops women from being sluts and men from being sex-driven.
There's the nigger science. Does it also make you fuck goats?
Would there be any chance of you not circumcising your son as soon as he is born? At least make the attempt to explain to him why he's different etc... Doesn't seem right to do it without his consent.
I'm cut, my parents are both hardcore right wing cubans.
I believe I head somewhere that the reason that it became a fad here was due to the masturbation taboo in the 20th century. They figured that if they cut off the foreskin, it would make masturbation feel worse and thus kids would do it less.
However, today, father's usually circumcise their children because they figure, "his might as well look like mine" so they cut it.
I don't think I've ever seen a dick with spines before. Pretty interesting if you ask me.
Nevermind that you will permanently alter his psychology.
Has it ever struck anyone that Africans are fucked up, Jews are fucked up, Americans are fucked up, and Muslims are fucked up...
and in many of the same ways (warlikeness, sexual weirdness,machismo and pseudomasculinity, etc)?
Makes your almonds active, doesn't it?
If the child's mother was opposed to it then I really wouldn't protest. But from what I've gathered, it's easier to maintain a cut dick in regards to hygiene. I'll probably sound ignorant but I really don't understand what the big deal is. I have no recollection of being circumcised and I don't feel bad about it all. Dudes who are bitching about being cut are pussies.
It's obvious kike plot. I think it should be forbidden to do under 18 years old.
South Korea wtf?
It was 7th Day Adventists and other insane rich white Millerite-types around the turn of the century.
SDA in particular, believing as they do that Christians should do everything Jews do, we particularly excited about it.
The practice rose in popularity just as things like routine tonsillectomies, routine appendectomies, and frontal lobotomies were also pretty in vogue.
Funny how only the one seems to be prominent anymore...
I blame women personally, because they are susceptible to dubious and fantastical claims, and also teach their sons crazy things about their sex organs (such as "intact penises are unnatural and mutilated ones are normal!") to reinforce what is on the face of it a horrifying and barbaric thing to do to a helpless infant.
>Most girls I've talked to think uncut dicks look weird
The difference is clearly seen only when flaccid. How often they see flaccid dicks? lol
erected uncut should look better because it's less dry
They prey upon two things that the majority of Sup Forums is anxious about:
1. Dicks. No male likes the thought of dicks being harmed in any way.
2. Jews. Male circumcision is prevalent among Semitic cultures, and thus Judaism and Islam.
None of these threads contribute anything at all to Sup Forums, and only serve to do two things:
The Facts about Circumcision:
1. It is medically unnecessary and should not be mandatory.
2. It arguably good for one's hygiene, as a circumcised person will probably have no real idea of what smegma is or how often it needs to be cleaned out, but this argument is basically like saying that every baby should have their hair surgically removed with a laser to prevent lice and save money from haircuts and shampoos. Clean your dick, and it's a non-issue.
3. It was put in place due to Jewish doctors believing the hygiene argument made previously, and the belief it prevents masturbation. Which it doesn't. Jews would ban pork and shellfish as well if they could, but thankfully they have less control over the food industry.
4. Any argument that it helps prevent certain female viral cancers ignores the fact that it's impossible for a man to get such a virus on their dick if they remain celibate until marriage.
5. You aren't any less of a man for being circumcised, and not any more of a man for being uncircumcised. You may FEEL bad for being circumcised, but this that's just natural 'don't touch my fucking dick' and 'Oh gosh I hope a girl doesn't laugh at my dick' instincts talking. Do not let the sliders troll you.
In all likelihood, ShareBlue and JIDF are the ones perpetuating these threads.
There is no other point to make in any of them other than 'this procedure should not be mandatory'. There's no need to be debating whether or not this procedure is mutilation. It is, argument over.
Let your son choose to have his penis mutated if he wants. No need to keep up this senseless tradition.
>think un-cut dicks look weird
>most vaginas look like a nasty roast
circumcision, normal in: third world shitholes..
and america
If you shower at least thrice a year, you don't need one.
I'll never understand why it isn't banned yet. Unless its because Jews and Christians will cry about, "Religious freedom" and "you're impeding on my rights as a parent!!!"
Honestly it should be the choice of the person.
Let him choose if he wants to cut a piece of his dick off or not instead of the parents.
Its called the freedom of choice
There's going to be a big anti-circumcision protest in Chicago in a few days.
Nobody but Jews circumcised in the US until the late 1800s, and it was not common until the early 1900s.
Seventh day adventists pushed it as a punishment for boys that masturbated, and as a way to make masturbation more difficult and less pleasurable.
Women once again proving they mostly have no individuality. Women need to have group consensus mostly to have an opinion on anything.
I'm circumcised(not my choice) and the fucking doctor cut more off than he was supposed to. Apparently the nurse and staff knew this because when confronted she said 'he likes to do that'...
I'm circumcised due to a birth malformation... foreskin had to be removed to be used to patch my penis up. I've personally never felt any disadvantage due to circumcision, but it really is pretty cruel for the kid because there's no anesthetic involved.
>The Anti-sex Moralist
>This type of doctor sees himself as a crusader against masturbation and immorality, and his purpose is to suppress the sensitivity of the penis. He not only tries to make masturbation as difficult as possible for his patient; he believes that a radical circumcision will prevent what he sees as excessive sexual sensitivity.
>He removes as much shaft skin as he can, and all of the sensitive inner lining, to attain a very tight cut. He also removes the frenulum, the sensitive band on the underside of the head, to suppress sensitivity further. The result is a glans that is totally bareheaded, exposed to urine from the diaper and to friction from clothing.
>Often this doctor cuts off so much that when the baby has an erection, the edges of the wound pull apart and bleed. There is also danger of bleeding from the frenular artery, which is cut when the frenulum is removed. In extreme cases, with too much shaft skin removed, the ring of the circumcision lies well back of the rim; since there is no inner lining, the space fills with granulation tissue and looks like the scarring that results from a bad burn.
>As the boy grows, there isnt enough skin left on his shaft to accommodate the increasing size of his penis, so the skin is pulled tightly all the time. Upon erection there isnt enough skin to move freely and the boy must resort to a lubricant to aid his masturbation. Some men have reported that the size of their erection has been slightly reduced by so tight a circumcision. [N. B. Happening in the very tightly cut man who has, during erection, a thinnish, tightly stretched remnant of penile skin, this shortened erect penis occurs since the main bulk of the erect penis has not enough outer skin envelope to attain the full length, so some of the length of the penis is kept back in the pelvis.]
>there's the nigger science.
lost it
Is it really that common in Oz? Any Aussie cunts want to comment?
I know someone who was cut so tight that when puberty started, erections would cause him to bleed.
Yeah, that can happen. Shit's fucked.
This is a company that is trying to use stem-cells to grow genetically perfect foreskins for circumcised men. They use your DNA to develop one that is genetically the same as the one you were born with. Hopefully they can finish their research by 2020. There is still hope for us cut guys.
I restored my foreskin, and it has helped a lot. Before I restored, I was cut so tight that it was impossible for me to masturbate without lube, and my glans and inner foreskin remnant were dried out. Restoration brought back the mechanical gliding of the foreskin, and it restored the mucous membranes on my glans and inner foreskin remnant. My glans and inner foreskin are now moist and sensitive.
I hope that foregen succeeds, because restoration can not bring back the frenulum or ridged band if they were removed.
Circumcision needs to be illegal to perform on someone who can't consent. Female circumcision, even minor rituals that only draw a drop of blood, and the removal of only the clitoral hood or part of it, which are much less severe than circumcision, have been against the law in the US since 1996. The ban needs to be made gender neutral, otherwise it is in violation of the 14th amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law for all citizens.
>tfw one of the 10% of kiwis that are cut
Circumcision = no dick cheese
Bitches prefer non stinky dicks
Red pilled muhammads have been circumcising their bitches for ages.
Stops them from cheating.
I thought that you permavirgins would love that concept...
What is going on here--->>AU,NZ? I never thought that would ever be a thing over there
here. This would be good for boys with mutilated/malformed penises as well, as it would allow for a seamless reconstruction of the penis.
Washing your dick more than once a month = no dick cheese
Females produce much more smegma than men:
Whatever cheesy dick...
Have fun smelling like blue cheese
OK rabbi.
Cut fag here.
I fucking hate it. I did it in my late teens since I had phimosis. I tried stretching it but it was taking WAYYY to long and I had to back out from sex 2 times because of it. Could have lost my virginity sooner but it was still too tight. When I pulled it back it hurt like a bitch and turned the head of my dick purple. Feels bad man
No homo but can you post pics of your dick? I'm looking into restoration as well. How long did it take for you to restore it? Did it hurt?
>dick slide
sweet copypasta bro...
Remember to sage
I'd let her sew my foreskin back on, my god... but only if shes into anal...
this is entirely homo... go talk to a doctor
It took me two years to have full coverage when flaccid. When you tug, you shouldn't tug hard enough to hurt, because that can slow you down if you injure yourself. You just apply enough tension to induce mitosis, so that new skin cells grow. After I had full flaccid coverage, I took a break for a few years. A a while ago I started again, and now I am trying to get more erect coverage.
I posted some other pictures a while ago:
(, , )
The problem is, it's going the other way around here. It must be all of this male privelage.
It is still prevalent in the US because of all of the money that can be made.
I personally feel no need for it. It's alot more comfortable to have foreskin desu
thank god my cock is intact and gorgeously looking
don't google paraphimosis