what could this mean i wonder
What could this mean i wonder
Diversity is a fucking joke
Nothing. Within one generation, Whites will be an overall minority in the United States. And then civilization will crumble.
or maybe someone is just running over all the CIA niggers and he keeps getting away with it because a space alien is helping him
It means that the CIA is gonna perform a lot better. No more jihadis infiltrating the agency and FAGS are for the FBI.
It's gonna be great
"Omg I feel so bad for the CIA."
-no one ever
the horror
there are a few simple tricks to completely reverse that dark path that we were going down.
>deport all the illegal beaners
>get rid of laws that make illegal beaners legal (like DACA) and deport them too
>get rid of welfare (majority of nigger population starves or migrates to Canada)
>build walls on both borders
Great news!
and then women along with brainwashed kids straight out of the neo-marxist education system will vote in some globalist trans nigger and open the flood gates once more
user is right mate, the US is done
the more competent the CIA is, the worse off the rest of us are
Do they glow in the dark too?
That's actually good news.
It's weird but only White, Straight Christian Europeans can be totally trusted in these types of positions... everyone else seems to use their position to corrupt the institutions from within.
A 'Diversity' oriented intelligence agency isn't a wise idea... it just ain't going to work. To many competing agendas and divided loyalties.
Good, that diversity bullshit has no place in a fucking intelligence agency.
delete this
Fucking good, we don't want the CIA going the way of google.
thats pretty fucking funny that the insidious letter agencies have to be all white or they can't do their job because incompetence
>More white male Christians in the CIA
Where's the problem?
>tfw you don't have to be scared of the CIA niggers any longer
CIA soon to be /ourguys/ FTW
it means niggers are stupid
>CIA is shrugging off diversity bullshit to hire best people for the job
I'd be scared desu, CIA is thawing from its diversity winter
No, clearly us whites are melanin deficiant and melenin genarates cosmic energy so black pp are smart af.
that's what the 'experts' say
gen Z is far more redpilled than gen Y and the majority of gen Y white women voted for Trump.
>5. arrest anyone who has funded or worked at the ACLU
>6. arrest criminal lawyers
>7. arrest everyone at the SPLC
Don't let them trick you. They'll be Mossad 2.0
what comes after generation Z?
Generation Now.
>cia insider says
>we don't like white people
>we don't like white males
>we don't like white christians in our government
"diversity" is a weapon to be used against America and Americans
it is a sjw rhetorical trick designed to destroy our nation
it is a virus used to disassemble our culture
"diversity" is aimed to cause America to decay and be ruined both on the outside and inside
"diversity" will be the death of America
You mean he's getting rid of diversity quotas.
This. And not even a full generation now. We're a decade from the tipping point since boomers are now in their dying days.
>implausible but possible
>possible but unlikely
>totally implausible
>one wall would be miraculous
Shits fucked mate, secure plenty of resources and have many children for the future, you'll need both to survive.
This but unironically.
think of it this way though
when boomers die off, there goes most of CNNs target audience
the child rapists are getting nervous.
Fucking amerifat gtfo my board
It's pretty racist to not let the Muslim Brotherhood run the CIA.
I can sort of understand some of the resentment of white people by (((them))) but to me it's fucking unbelievable that they're still butthurt over a man who lived 2000 years ago.
t. berliner
Under Brennan the CIA's biggest accomplishment was funding "moderate" terrorists, if that's what diversity got us then fuck diversity.
>diversity mandate
Do people not see the hilarious irony in this?
there are probably only diversity mandates for the pencil monkey jobs is my guess
>getting rid of welfare in totally implausible
Blackpilled faggot. You are literally seeing a lot of this reverse already.
Do your part, and bringing the US back up to a 70% white majority isn't out of reach.
When has any employee ever wanted more diversity? Bosses that don't have to deal with the consequences to, HR does. Never regular employees
The CIA was brutally incompetent when it was full of white men, I can't even image what it'll be like when they're fully diversified.
>the CIA was brutally incompetent
The CIA does what it wants, when they're given orders they don't want to carry out they suddenly become a bunch of chucklefucks, but you tell them a bunch of neo-nazis in Ukraine or a bunch of durka durkas in Syria need guns and they'll have them overnight.
If you had to mandate it, it wasn't needed in the first place.
Exactly. Also,
>"Michael Weinstein, a former Air Force officer who founded the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, says he has been seeing increasing complaints from those inside the intelligence community. Weinstein’s foundation, which focuses on preventing religious pressure from creeping into the military, also has clients in the intelligence community, mostly from the CIA, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency."
>"“He didn’t seem to understand the need for a workforce that reflects America,” another source familiar with speech noted."
That shouldn't matter, seeing as how they're not supposed to be operating on US soil in the fucking first place.
Why is the CIA so gay
"Whites" that join CIA are mormons or freemasons
The fifth reich
glow in the dark nigger fingers
Or niggers.
>when rural and suburban retards run the world
>but you tell them a bunch of neo-nazis in Ukraine or a bunch of durka durkas in Syria need guns and they'll have them overnight.
Wow the CIA confirmed for a more expensive Walmart that also carries illicit narcotics. So amazing.
They didn't hire me.
>leftists now putting diversity over merit in CIA hiring process
Pretty soon this will spill over to our special operations units.
We really need all this quota shit rendered unconstitutional. And we need political speech as protected speech to reign in Facebook, Twitter, domain registrars and all the other technocrat fiefdoms from trying to censor the net.
I hate the cia but
>wanting your intelligence agencies crippled by diversity quotas
Nothing because all the marxist sociologists that come up with these names will be hanging from lamp posts.
diversity means division
based CIA
Generation Z28
It's a WMD up here in Canada
>people in the cia
>worried about diversity mandates
>U mad Queerliner?
that being said, I wonder what became of her brother.
WHY THE FUCK IS DIVERSITY SO IMPORTANT TO THESE GODDAMN KEKS?!? Bunch of brainwashed retards caring about worthless shit!
Why are Irish-Americans such diversity loving, society destroying, degenerate cunts?
What happened to them? Its Irish Americans that fund everything (pic related) that is fucking up my country and also it seems they have a hand in what is happening in America.
Criminal lawyers you say?
There's no problem with diversity in and of itself, in fact it's quite a noble concept: people of all races, sizes, genders and religions given an equal opportunity to succeed. The problem is when a race, a size, a gender or a religion becomes a standard of its own, and that standard becomes a basis for success.
Hypothetically, diversity could work if it was a means to an end and not simply an end. When diversity is an end, who really succeeds: the person who works hard, or the colored person who works hard?
The goal of CIA should be to keep the country safe and to defend its interests, not engage in petty semantics and pseudo politics.