Well Sup Forums, why haven't you abolished the system?
Well Sup Forums, why haven't you abolished the system?
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abolish the toilet
I cannot wait to see how people look back and view the frst black president pardoning this actual mentally disturbed thing
Trump should execute this traitor
AnCap? good for me.
I can't wait for Bradley to fully transition to all emojis.
Can you imagine being one of the thousands of hardened intelligence professionals who got cucked by this little freak? Just having to read article after article where "Chelsea" fucking Manning flaunts her vapid opinions and millions of your countrymen/women care more about "her" opinions than yours?
Must get REAL fucking salty, kek.
Yes lets put white liberal women in charge of society, that'll be a fun watch for the year it holds together.
What the fuck did they do to him in there?
t. Pradeep
Yeah, kinda wonder why it hasn't (((suicide))) yet
Prove to me that the this thing wasn't purposefully released as an example of what happens when you fuck with the US intelligence agencies.
Why? You don't even provide an argument for the abolishing the president. You just posted some random tweet from god knows who and expect us to take it seriously? Your Shill post is so embarrasingly bad. I'm ashamed of being part of the same species as you.
oh look at the retard pretending it knows what a fascist is.
wear the diaper
Holyshit i want to learn to do whatever it is that the CIA did to Manning, imagine having that kind of power to literally fuck some dudes brain up that much.
Drug, torture, mind fuck, whew lads.
Your turn, call us when your finished.
is it possible for trump to somehow go back and rescind obama's pardon of him?
Piss off Bradley.
She's hot.
No but the little shit is no longer protected in a government facility. For all we know he might be suicidal enough to shoot himself in the back of the head 2 times.
anyone noticed that manning tweets like a leftist version of tay? the syntax is always slightly off and so is the tone
This is literally what we are up against
Can't even wash their own clothes
pack it up boys. this is too much. how can we even compete?
Chelsea "Man"ning
If it wasn't for the presidency he'd still be sitting alone in his cell
well its really really hard to feel bad for the intelligence community. I'm sure most of the rank and file really care about america, but those institutions serve political aims first and american interests second.
Looks like they raised enough money for tanks too
we haven't abolished the system because the communists are, as yet, nothing more than a ghost in the machine that is the system.
when the revolutionary moment finally arrives in full ripeness, suddenly we will manifest and put our bodies upon the gears, upon the levers, of the Machine, and bring it to a halt. then, we'll re-build the machine to be of benefit to the proletarians.
someone better post the picture of her peen i know you faggots have it
Has he been MKUltra'd
pack it up bois. you can't even compete.
no trump! no kkk! no fascist usa! no naziiiiiii, no trump!
Brother, if you're here, we all have.
babbling nincompoop
Would fuck
What is with all these diaper girls?
Chelsea/Bradley Manning singlehandedly caused the Syrian War and therefore the refugee crisis, helping Trump get elected.
Top kek.
Diapers seem like an odd fetish. I almost want to try one on and see if i like it
what an abomination, the taxpayers pay for it's trap surgery and now this.
Burn that thing with fire.
how about u get a girl to try 1
it really does seem like faggotry is an attention deficit thing
Jesus Christ have they hit him/it hard with the fag rays.
I feel like Chelsea Manning relinquishing his male identity is like the last scene of 1984. Like Winston, ((they)) didn't set him free until the brainwashing was complete