Why is Ireland the least developed European country?
Why is Ireland the least developed European country?
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t.third world country
>never has been to ireland
the irish are based, and were respected by the nazis. The irish never seized the german or japanese embassies and even some members of the ira had a plan to attack england during ww2
I always call the Irish people luigi spaghetti-slurpers and it gets them super triggered and gives me a lot of (You)s
anyone else do this?
cetlic peoples are a digrace, the second worse peoples only beaten by Albania.
accomplished literally nothing of worth in millenia of existance
the only country they rule over nowadays it's Ireland... or should I say, the Republic (of part of) Ireland, where they speak the language of the people that had them starve.
hey main we wuz kelts dou
Irish people aren't white
Stop talking shit about Ireland you fucking 56% nigger
t. ginger haired pikey
Irish are cool. Their flutes are melodic. OP you're a retard because Ireland is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe with one of the highest standards of living
I'm no fan of the Irish but you subhuman iberians have no room to criticise anyone.
You do realise that the English are more Celtic than Germanic? Look at the greatest Englishmen like Cromwell, Cecil Rhodes and Darwin, or any British scientist and innovator for that matter, and they have absolutely no Germanic features because the English are ethnically Celtic by majority.
Also, Scotland has more inventions than Portugal and, for that matter, Wales probably does too (like the "=" and "+" signs in mathematics as well as the Theory of Evolution). It's just Ireland that has done fuck all out of the Celtic peoples, probably because they were oppressed like fuck (i.e. Famine, apartheid-tier laws).
Considering the fact that the average Englishman is 30% Germanic, the rest of his DNA being Celtic with some Norse, you're calling the subrace that created the biggest empire in history a disgrace.
they are alright except the pikeys who on average are cunts
>''Why don't you live in depressing, overcrowded, grey and dirty cities like the rest of us. What is wrong with you?''
Ireland outside big cities is comfy as fuck desu senpai
us undeveloped fuckers are a bit better off than the swedish socialist paradise and the french workers paradise.
And the land of "I know the price of everthing in tesco, but never spoken to my neighbour" bongistan
I've never had a bad impression of Ireland, what am I missing?
Backwards, catholic, and lazy with a chip on their shoulder. If it weren't for the EU it would be poor as a negro country.
>never accomplished anything
>built literally everything
Is that why you don't want Galicia?
Not sure what OP is talking about. Ireland has one of the highest GDP/capita in Europe, higher than German for example. Can OP clarify, please?
truly the niggers of the developed world
>You do realise that the English are more Celtic than Germanic?
But that's wrong though, we're mostly anglo/saxon thus Germanic. It's why we're called Anglo.
>least developed
Ireland is 4th in the world in human development where did you get the notion that its a shithole?
but it isnt? Im anglo and wish that was the case, but that plainly is not true.
no, its a bait thread
Their HDI & GDP is high as fuck
The difference is the eyes
Youre called anglo because your ancestors were raped by them. haplogroup does not equal autosomal dna, which is why 23 and me lumps together all of britain and ireland.
Unless your from east anglia, you would not have significant amounts of anglo dna.
of course we do have room to criticise plenty of people
The English aren't celts.
Ethnicity is more than blood, otherwise I'd be speaking against Portuguese too.
Scotland and Wales aren't even a country, and please don't bother me with the Brits definitions of what a country is or isn't, we all know you just do it to make Scots feel better, when it comes to inventions we can credit them on individual men, not on the people.
ranked 41st for gdp
No, that's a misconception. The Anglo-Saxons conquered the native Britons in what is now England and then interbreeded with them, assimilating their genes into the native gene pool. It's why there are ANY black/brown-haired Englishmen, why the average English eye colour is brown and why the average English height is shorter than the average Irish height. Even in Northern England, the area with the highest average % of Anglo-Saxon DNA, it's only about 40-odd%, the rest being Celtic and a bit of Norse. It's lower nationwide, only a third.
ireland is a tax haven
Compared to it's northern neighbour, the roi is a paradise.
get fucked wales is a country
Because of the EU money. These white niggers didn't even have proper roads before that.
What does that have to do with GDP?
Yes, the Irish have a greater inclination for blue eyes than the English.
The English are ethnically Celtic by majority. Period. Pic related: English crowd from Norwich. Not at all Germanic, whatsoever.
so is switzerland
>population of 4 million
>41st for gdp
I thought anglos were supposed to be smart?
>what is
city of london
That would be the national gdp then, this map is about the individual wealth.
That look is common in Ireland too.
brings up the GDP
Whats the purpose of high taxes like in the UK then? You get taxed more, are poorer, and have lower GDP. Seems kind of stupid.
The commies in your government don't even give you free food stamps in exchange lol.
Ethnicity is not just genetics.
The English are not Celtics.
Whats with the anti-ireland threads? Theres another one floating around
this is why Norwich get abuse about fucking their cousins too, literally just didn't accept invaders back in the day
>blue eyes are germanic
light features are as common in celtic nations as they are in nordic nations.
What do you mean? Clarify, I think this is a language issue.
The English are ethnically, genetically and physically Celtic.
>Cherry picking
fucking hell i am in the shallow end with the special children
It's not, you idiot. It was a complete economic wasteland until about 30 years ago and is now massively successful.
[spoiler]and we did it all without diversity, which truly activates the old almonds[/spoiler]
because were literally ethnically identical, yet bongs are the ones who started the irish arent white meme
>t. the descendant of some porridge wog savage
Must irritate you that the average Irishman is healthier, wealthier and better educated than the average mongrel burger. And on top of that it only took us less than 30 years to get here.
Literally the only thing stopping this place being paradise is the weather and the cancer spewed by burger mongrels like pic related.
Wrong pic lol
>tfw no pale, green eyed, black haired irish gf
I'm just feeling in the 90s
one of us
Why are you so eager to defend bongs. At least the english are european, youre like ten percent nigger.
Why would they want Galicia? They´ve never been together. Should Andalucia claim the Algarve?
It was far better fun 30 years ago, money ruined the place
ireland is a great nation
brits can't even compete
>Ireland has more blue eyed people than England and Scotland
>Wales has less blue eyed people than Ireland
Doubt the authenticity of this map
ignore anglo orders
I know that feel all to well.
Yes, it's pretty dumb. I don't see why the English aristocracy didn't accept the Irish. If Britain didn't treat the Irish like shit for no clear reason, Ireland would most definitely still be part of the UK.
Triggered Anglokikes keep coming back to Sup Forums after continuously getting BTFO.
Why are they so mad? pic related.
That's simply untrue
>muh good craic
This guy gets it.
Blue eyes are just a phenotypical trait that you select for, just because we have a high rate of light features does not mean were ethnically seperate.
Ever been to Wales? I'm Welsh, and nobody I know who is ethnically Welsh has blue eyes. Blue eyes are extremely common in Ireland, however.
Third world country btw haHAA
Clearly doing something right
Half of those people are fucking kikes, retard.
How does it do that, exactly?
Any specifics? I'll correct and replace them.
yea, goodlook taking your GDP past St. Peter
thats from a film called "Settle", please find it cos I cant, its what the whole of pol is saying they want
>ira had a plan to attack england during ww2
This triggers the anglokike to this very day.
Then you should find a better map George.
The Irish are a bunch of marxist fags. Northern Irish are the only good "Irish".
>The Irish are a bunch of marxist fags.
ah yes, that's why centrist political parties dominate the political landscape
none of these people are jewish, black hair/ eyes is a celtic trait that britain and ireland share.
You're a missing a religion called Judaism. The second most popular religion in London. The first being Islam.
This. Leave Dublin, Cork etc behind and live in the country. Comfy country villages, nice conservative families and a generally lower amount of scumbag crime. Due to the gun laws here, nobody but cops, soldiers and few citizens have guns, but farmers always have shotguns licensed for shooting crows. Nobody robs farmers.
Nah my ancestors did the raping f a m, I'm full Anglo.
he Irish are a bunch of marxist fags
>tfw UK nearly succumbs to corbynism
>tfw abortion still illegal in Ireland
>tfw no muslamic ray guns in Ireland
>tfw you have no justin barrett
Because they have a fag half-shitskin president.
>The most neutral, centra,l and peaceful nation is Marxist.
You need to read some Irish history, George.
The Celts had always been peaceful
>full Anglo
Literally impossible.
Are you even blond-haired and blue-eyed? Tall? You are guaranteed to have more native British ancestry than Anglo-Saxon.
Look at Cecil Rhodes, the man who was dedicated to "spread the Anglo-Saxon race". He looks like the average Welshman. I can imagine him in a Welsh rugby shirt, can't you?
look at those people
look at them carefully
now think about which ones you wouldn't trust around a substation
those people are irish
but yeah jokes aside we're basically the same
>An ethnic group, or ethnicity, is a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities such as common ancestry, language, society, culture or nation.[1][2] Ethnicity is often an inherited status based on the society in which one lives. In some cases, it can be adopted if a person moves into another society[citation needed]. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, and physical appearance.
I also have a problem with the concept of Ethnicity as its meaning can include and exlude a serious of factors.... when it comes down to it I guess ethnicity is just when two or people agree to share the same ethnic lable and others around it recognise it. Of course then there's the macro ethnicities, which are ethnicities built on top of minor ethnicities.
The macro ethnicity is Celtic peoples, which mutually recognised pic related, then being divided into Irish, Scottish, Bretons, etc.
The English are not included.
Greatest ally. I know that loyalty and honor is a hard concept to grasp for an american, perhaps because of your... what is it now? 44% nigger? And "white" includes Arabs too? Cute.
What the fuck, England?
>The British are a bunch of Tory Marxist who literally allied with Stalin and Mao. Can't get anymore marxist than this.
Oy vey, here come the (((British)))
Okay, that doesn't change the fact that the English are ethnically more Celtic than Germanic.
i was in cumbria and the guys were more irish than any Dub ive met
Whats so good about being a passive albino cuck where everybody looks like they have fetal alcohol syndrome?
Fucking IRA Pepe I'm dying lol