latenight /comfy/ /balk/ /news/ thread
macedonians are superior than all balkanniggers
latenight /comfy/ /balk/ /news/ thread
macedonians are superior than all balkanniggers
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I highly doubt it
then you'd be wrong abdul
we have the best memes
Кaј ce тaтapитe
you waited all day, didn't you
inshallah moji majmuni
You're a mong but keep making these threads, they're the only good thing left on this shit board
What do you have apart form internet memes?
>implying we need anything else
for what my pakistani friend?
Its not that you don't need it, its that you don't have it
find better memes
pro tip
you can't
Macedonian here ama
Thank you for proving that you are a failure like the rest of the macedonians who think alexander was one.
Good night.
what part about being a superior ubermensch do like the most?
>macedonians who think alexander was one
he was though
slavs are subhumans
Alexander the Great was Greek
hey there ikibey
what's up
slavs are subhumans
you are among the lowest of them
slavs are subhumans
thousands of gypsies in your country look like that
what's new ikibey?
did you go to a psychiatrist yet?
Macedonia rules the waves !
Чиcтa Maкeдoнијa when?
slavs are subhumans
your whole retarded population needs a psychiatrist
and slavs burn in hell
Comfy night indeed
yes he was
slavs are subhumans
kill yourself slav subhuman
ikibey come on now
spill the beans lad
did a slav fuck your mother?
is this why you're having a mental breakdown
slavs are subhumans
What is a subhuman?
a slav
Slavs built Germany you fucking Krautz
what is a slav?
germany is trash
slavs are subhumans
what's wrong with ikibey m8
he's your countryman
is he okay?
is he in a mental institution yet?
slavs are subhumans
Why you the tendency to larping as Greeks?
slavs are subhumans
oh, okay
Why do most Albanians have huge dumbo ears? Noses too sometimes.
poor mixed low intelligence population + propaganda
because we're more genetically pure than turks(greeks) ever will be
slavs are subhumans
its not
slavs are subhumans
Obvious Sorb is obvious.
Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks
you came already as mongrels
slavs are subhumans
inbreeding probably
slavs are subhumans
Why didn't the /r9k/ hack ever think that you could be proud of both?
okay then
Try harder nigga
kek you are the ultimate mememasters .
slavs are subhumans
slavs are subhumans
But science says you are a literally turk mut and Greeks are pure like their ancestors
excuse me lad?
memes need to be exaggerated
not flat out delusions
slavs are subhumans
why would we have authentic macedonian phalanx if we weren't macedonians?
tell me anything good about albanians, 33 years of life and all ive heard is hate
albanians are subhumans?
thanks ghengis
Haha you Monkeyniggers are so funny. Like nigglet you got no national identity, stupid Fyromian
No problem, Temujin :)
Praise Tengri btw
you have nothing
slavs are subhumans
ahh i see your anger shows that you are a master at the mma(macedonian martial arts)?
>DEUS VULT roleplay flag
>is from a muslim country
>probably doesn't even live in it
so are slavs
slavs are subhumans
Albanians have contributed to science a lot. They are fine specimens for studying interbreeding.
slavs are subhumans
he's kamen
you are hiding your flag because albanians are subhumans
slavs are subhumans
slavs are subhumans
Yeah I see your superior genes Skopian.
who was a half-serb half-greek lmao
>tfw cherrypicked macedonians are still whiter than the average albonigger
And 100% Bulgarian
slavs are subhumans
Oh shit the Serb is here.
>ifunny meme
>facebook memes
shut up, kamen
slavs are subhumans
Lmao, how tall is that sun flag?
3 feet 6?
>not calling me Timur
Fuck you Neboysha
literally proving it
they're chibbies you cunt
slavs are literally the tallest people on earth