Can any eire bros give a humble blue collar Irish-Catholic American advice on where to visit and what to do during my...

Can any eire bros give a humble blue collar Irish-Catholic American advice on where to visit and what to do during my first trip to the fatherland?

I want to see cool catholic architecture and possibly meet some of your slutty redheads I've heard so much about

>Irish larp

Potato nigger


go to donegal

just take a look around and you'll see some good stuff

just don't talk shit about how you're 1/8th irish and hide your 'fatherland' larpy bullshit cuz we don't wanna hear it

I am 6'5 with bright red hair and pale skin. I don't need to tell people I'm irish

Go to Dublin and be with your people, Le'monjello





I love it when potato-kun talks tough.

Let me ask you a question: why does every single white American i've ever met claim to be part Irish? Why do you cuck so hard to the eternal paddy?

a ton of irish came here. Even more germans came here, but germans completely assilimated. As you well know, the Irish whine the most of any "white" group, so their ethnicity lingers.

I am Irish Muhammad. 80% Irish and 20% French and have the 23 and me to prove it

~220,000 native germans served in the union army during the civil war
~150,000 native irish served in the union during the civil war.

Irish still whine about the draft, no one even knows about the tons of Hans happily building trenches and shelling traitor cities.

basically, the entire german-immigrant experience, while being enormously important to american history, is completely gone from the national conciousness.

Probably because Dixie was completely Irish culturally and ethnically.

It's probably because Germans tend to be conformists and Irish tend to be stubborn assholes. Germans assimilated while Irish did not. Also it's a religious thing too. My town is divided down the middle between mostly catholic Irish and evangelical Germans/anglos

Exactly. Germans are outrageously adaptive. Makes them the perfect immigrants. Their propensity to just except whatever faith is bestowed upon them is excellent for war and immigration but also terrible when they get slowly changed from the outside, aka the enrichment.

you are a fucking retard, and probably a atlanta hindoodoo, if you seriously think this.

Go to Sheriff Street in Dublin city and call everyone you see a faggot

>le 1/32 parts "irish" american meme

epic simply epic

There's fuck all here.

Potatoniggers are the stupidest people ever

They're on an island for thousands of Fucking years and can't find another food source other than potatoes. Then a famine hits. Instead of finding a new food source they just leave the country. They just fucking leave and let other people take care of their problems for them.

Then of course they all wine about the British controlling northern island although most of them want to stay in the UK and hate southern Irish. They literally want to unify with people why fucking hate them that would be like a Greek whining about not unifying with the Turks.

Then they call themselves tough but always have to remind you about the hardships they faced, real or not. Fuck, there's literally a copypasta about a fake Irish slave trade that never happened. The only source of this "slave trade" is a copypasta coming word-for-word out of a book and it's all based on bullshit you can't find anywhere else in the world. They always whine about that, indentured servitude (which their ancestors volunteered for and wasn't nearly as harsh as they think) and discrimination.they faced some discrimination in the early-mid 1800s like every other immigrant group but for some reason their discrimination is so special. Italians were being discriminated against up until the 1970s (mostly bu the Irish) but you never hear them complain, it's always the Irish who complain about their discrimination in 1850.
>my dad was arrested by an Irish cop for his accent. They thought he was in the mafia. They put him in prison for 2 weeks

Irish people almost always complain about discrimination that never happened, or think their ancestors decisions was discrimination.

You guys are the fucking niggers of whole people no wonder nobody likes you

What is it this year
please tell me I forgot

63% stupid potatonigger

>Got a DNA test done
>57% Irish

Bet I'm more Irish than you cunt

0%, just like Ireland