Putin to Trump: If You Arm the Ukraine, I'll Arm the Taliban
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>arming nationalists baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
>arming islamists gooooooooooooooood
this is about spheres of influence, not about what the ukrainistanis or the taliban stand for.
Isn't Putin /ourguy/?
>this is about spheres of influence
I'm not saying it isn't, but you can't cry about Americans funding the Taliban or jihadists in the caucasus region and then go and threaten this.
Tit for tat? Nah. Nobody respects you after that. Russia and the United States should just duke it out and off each other.
Didn't read the article but did trump say he'd arm the ukranians?
>the taliban are the bad guys
Get a load of blue pilled faggot
lil' Putin's fuckin' adorable.
If he doesn't arm the fucking Taliban, sure.
More tame than most islamist jihadists, but they're still islamist jihadists.
>the Ukrainians are the bad guys
I don't give a fuck if they stay in the middle east
>I don't give a fuck if the cancer stays in the stomach
Ukrainian (((Nazis))) are Soros funded puppets.
Why in the world would Putin (willingly) announce this publicly? Many right wingers like Putin because they admire Putin's pro-nationalism and anti-Islamism. Putin publicly speaking for Islamists and against Nationalists disenchants him from Right-Wingers. If the masses discover Putin is funding the Taliban, they'll take the Russian threat seriously again. He should've just kept his mouth shut and give the threat quietly, then deny involvement he's supporting Islamists in the first place.
A rare mistake by an intelligent actor. He could be punished for this.
The middle east isn't my stomach. I don't care about removing Islam from the desert.
>Nazis that want to join the EU and import shitskins
Just lol. I really with people would stop associating skinhead faggots with Nazis. I'd bet that none of the cunts have even read Mein Kampf
The taliban are actually the good guys in Afghanistan. The Afghan army routinely kidnaps young boys and turns them into fucktoys. Taliban free the boys, arm them, and set them lose on their tormentors.
Taliban are extremely conservative, and against degeneracy. Dare I say it... I'm just kidding CIA.
>The middle east isn't my stomach.
Don't take that too literal now, ya hear?
I'm saying that I don't have a horse in the race. If Arabs want to kill each other over minor disagreements in their jew religion, then I give zero shits.
win win situation desu
lol Ukrainian "nationalist" are fucking used by jewish oligarch. Larping some western ukrainian fairy tale that was invented by Austro-hungarian authorities in Galicia to reduce support of local slavs to Russia.
>Russians are armitng Taliban! See for yourself:
>P*tin never even mentions anything outside Ukraine in the video
>(((Charles Bausman)))
Fucking hell. Don't waste my time like that.
I thought you fags would realize islamists don't like staying in one place by now
>I'm saying that I don't have a horse in the race.
If you're a human being living in the West that is becoming more and more Islamic as the years go on, yes, yes you do have a horse in the race.
Unless you think you're some sort of bubble boy.
...I have a feeling they both like this arrangement.
>remove kikes
>close borders
Problem solved
Again, I don't give a fuck if they stay in the middle east
The Burger masses don't know shit about Ukraine. But they hate the Taliban, and if they believe Russia is funding the Taliban, a lot of Right-Wing Americans (IE: The Americans in control) are going to feel much more distant to Russia because they now have a direct memetic connection of fear. It's 10x more effective than the peddling the bullshit Maddow puts on TV, which people are tired of.
One day, people are going to look at the Muslim Immigration wave as big of a mistake as the Great War.
I really think you're not getting the fucking point, roofucker.
My point is that if we weren't fucking around in the middle east and had secure borders, the Taliban wouldn't even be an issue.
>Arm the Taliban
But he didn't actually said that. He only mumbled something about DPR/LPR, and that's about it. Did (((russia insider))) just revealed its true face?
why cant evryon just get along :(
Ukraine isn't a real nation. They're just a bunch of faggots LARPing as one.
We we weren't fucking around in the Middle East 1400 that warranted centuries long invasions of Europe before we finally had enough.
Get outta here you fucking dumb ass. You're sounding more and more like an Islam apologist the more you post.
Snappy comeback would be "good, saves us the money from having to arm the Chechans since the Taliban will do it for us."
I think so.
More of a nation than whatever you fuckers have going on down there.
>The Taliban existed in 1400ad
Fuck, you are actually retarded. My bad.
You're conflating the Taliban with broad Islam. Get your shit together, senpai
joke's on you putler we're already arming the taliban!
And you're saying we wouldn't have a problem with jihadists if we didn't "fuck around" in the Middle East when we've been having problems centuries before 9/11 lol. I'd had enough of you.
Russia has to suck muslim dick. If they don't chechens might start a new devastating war. Russia never defeated chechnya through warfare, all they did was buying Kadyrov clan which helped them to take control over the region. Putin doesn't control Chechnya, Kadyrov does. Russia just pays Kadyrov to keep everything calm. That's why you can't talk shit about mudshits in Russia. If I yell in public that muhammad was a faggot here sure the libs will try to get me kicked from my job but that's it. In Russia there's a law called article 228 which can get you in prison for offending mudslimes.
the sooner we kill r*ssia the better we'll get rid of the leftist mental disease. I'm going to cum buckets when r*ssia collapses next year again
There's a more pragmatic way of dealing with Islamists and it's in one of the only ways they can understand: conflict. Appeasement is going to bite them hard until they have to deal with the problem in a realistic way.
The owner shouldn't fear the dog, but he does in this case. And it makes him weak.
in second chechen war Russia fucking devastated whole chechenia to ground. It was after war that they installed Kadyrov there. Kadyrov knows if he goes too far it will happen again.
Can't wait to ring your neck along with the rest of the p*tin cuckholds
I'm only talking about Taliban, m8
If you think burgerland is any better, you're delusional
Nope. Ukraine isn't a real nation at all. US is extremely bad too, don't get me wrong, but Ukraine is a meme of a meme.
>implying we don't already accidentally (or maybe purposefully) arm the taliban ourselves.
Putin 4 life mutha fucka.
Try to explain why Ukraine isn't a nation without the use of the word "meme."
such a gigantic faggot. did you like it when my nigga trump cucked the fuck out of p*tin with his giant tomahawk cawk?
burger land is the best land on earth, I can put any handgun I want into my waistband legally for legal protection, you cannot do that, I am better than you
Any retards thinking Russia is the savior of the west and the white race is an utter fool. Russia is just as much of a globalist kike machine as the United States, they are just poorer and have their own sphere of influence. Neither of the two players give a shit about saving Western Civilization and are both run by greedy Jewish oligarchs.
>oxfords have heels
Great job user you've really discovered something meaningful here
>being kike owned and non white by the turn of the century is fine because I have a weapon that I'm not actually able to use.
You mean when Trump called his buddy Putin and warned him about the incoming deep state theatrics, so Putin pulled out his forces, and then came back the next day, using the airbase just like before?
Bruh, Putin and Trump are on the same team, which is our team. They are both fighting the deep state. Putin's "message for Trump" in OP is a message for the deep state. Everyone with eyes and ears can know this to be the truth.
Stop being so easily manipulated by media. Understand what the game is here.
nah I can definitely use it and you should worry about your own skin new zealand, but then again why would you, you'll welcome your asian overlord insects any day. Now shut up and sit down I can't hear you over my glock20 you lil pussy nigger
Bro. This naton is completely cucked and fucked if we don't start a civil war. We're literally about to have lower numbers than the collective nigs, spics, and kikes that want to destroy us all and conquer the USA completely.
the game is collapsing r*ssia, which happened before twice, and will happen again next year for the third time in 100 years years!!! HAHAHHA can't wait for $25 a barrel pussies. fuck r*ssia HEIL AMERICA
>get attacked by wild niggers
>chased 3 block
>fire on nigger pack
>get attack by nigger
>shoot nigger
>let off in court but have life ruined by media
you're retarded, there will not be a civil war, that will destroy our country, we have a world to run not fight ourselves, shut up kike. We won't destroy ourselves even tho you kremlin kikes wish we would. You'll collapse r*ssia soon though
Yeah... except Russia is against the Muslimificaton of the entire world. IDGAF how "kiked" anyone tells me they are, that is enough for me to root for them against this trash country. Defending the USA establishment is literally the most ant-white thing you could do, shill faggots.
that was 1 event. most justified shootings are justified and all fine, plus I have self defense insurance you idiot
More like: I don't give a fuck if my neighbour has cancer.
Are you fucking Mexican? You realize what happens if America wins right? It just means the trend of global white genocide will continue. Fucking retarded burgers.
you're retarded, think of me next year when r*ssian economy collapses and know I'll be jacking off to that
You're already destroying yourselves. When the United States are no longer white, it's all ogre.
2 events actually
>Americans education
you're a retarded conspireashit ape. Whites will always rule, fuck off. HEIL AMERICA. r*ssia will collapse next year
t. Rapidly declining demographic
And think of me when Tyrone fucks your wife while you're at work all day slaving away.
You're a non-white, or a Mexican. That's the only reason you'd support America right now. I live in California and outside my gated white community, it feels a lot like Mexico out there, desu. This is the "future" of America right now.
Perception is everything, user.
I think it is strange that he publicly announced it. But I think it's because he genuinely would prefer not to arm the Taliban. He just wants them to back off from arming Ukraine (an essentially zionist control front of a government).
Why would he care how burger nationalists view him? Most burger politicians don't give a fuck how Bürger nationalist view them
Well right now, I'm not sure if this article is a brilliant psy-op or an authentic blunder because this thread is full of American agents who hate Russia and Russians who are naturally deceptive.
America controls the world right now, but if you control America....
Nice American flag proxy you got there Ivan. If I was Russian I'd probably proxy other flags too seeing how pathetic Russia is.
I could send a pic of downtown LA with a timestamp but.... that would lead people to know where I literally live form the angle n shit lol. No I really live in LA. I grew up here. I used to see some white faces here back in the 90s, but it's completely browned now. Honest.
And here's the tip off, Mexicans fucking hate white people. I want to move out of here too, but I've been putting it off for years, but now I realize I have to because there's no way to raise kids here. Mexicans fucking hate people, and they are multiplying and spreading out in America. This is why I'm completely red-pilled on the situation of America. Even "muh Russian agents" wouldn't understand this shit like I do. I grew up in an area where spics were the majority. They are fucking vicious and unkind to white people.
Let this fall on deaf ears because "muh nationalism" but in 20 years, you'll see I was right (if nothing gets done about this current trend). If you have any idea how I could prove I'm in America let me know, but I don't want to give you autists my literal home address from a picture haha.
>Mexicans fucking hate white* people
Putin is butthurd retard. Still cant get over Ukraine.
Iktf. Go to Central/Eastern Europe user its our only hope.
>the Ukraine
It's Ukraine retard
not a word about Taliban, he implies that pro-Russian rebels may start to expand into Ukraine
>implying there's anything wrong with the Taliban.
Fuck off leaf. Putin and Russia are based.
Neighbours don't live in the same house.
No, he's a manlet.
You globalist make me SICK!!!!! You Molech worshiping vampire scum!!!! WICKED WICKED DEVILS IM SICK OF IT
Exactly. That's why I don't care.
LMAO, how is Putin supposed to save you from the spics, if in our major cities, schools are ALREADY full of swarthy kids - the children of migrants?
Nah, you're just not getting it. You live on the same planet as Muslims, therefore you occupy the same philosophical house.
Taliban are Pashtun nationalist you cretin
And deobandi fundamentalists, retard. Here we have nu-Sup Forums, hailing Islamists as BASED!
That fucking sucks =(
Is it the same in all your major cities?
I'm just not in support of the USA because the media here portrays Mexicans as good guys when in reality they've completely flooded our community and even hate us. It's not even that we are racist towards, they just literally hate us. And I watch the news and they tell me I'm the ebul racist. There's just no way I could support the current USA.
If USA was pro-white and acknowledged that blacks and spics are violent and awful and cruel and should be deported and gotten rid of I'd be 100% patriotic. I'd even join the fucking military based on those kinds of values.
As b*nderist motherfuckers are not fundamentalist..
Just fuck off
Deny facts and reality all you want.
Pls explain
look, they're becoming western! baaaaased!!!
Tell me about it. I live in OC and many good old boys white neighborhoods have been infected with the brown plague. The worst part is that the Mexican anchor babies fucking hate America and white people. They act almost identically to niggers, sometimes even worse. And they never stop talking about their "MEXICAN PRIDE" even though Mexico has literally accomplished nothing of note in its entire history. I never had to grow up around niggers, but the public schools I went to growing up were majority mestizo. California is lost, especially if DACA stays.
This guy completely gets it.