Thoughts on The British Empire?

Thoughts on The British Empire?

It peaked in 1939

Niceu niceu! Very niceu Brittain-Chan!


that's just what you do when your the world power

here's my 2 cents

Tell us more about the american empire

>21st century

why do you call it an empire. its just military bases. if america had an empire then the European leaders wouldn't be slagging Trump off every day

It's one of the best things to happen to the rest of the world, but extremely bad for britons

It existed

The USN operates 19 aircraft carriers even though it only considers 10 of those to be true aircraft carriers, as opposed to the UK's whopping 0 active duty aircraft carriers.

muh royal navy though right?

Good times.

Because burgers are retarded enough to unironically call their collection of bases an empire
Ive seen this before

kike shit

the UK has the aircraft carrier HMS Elizabeth and the HMS prince of wales will be finished in two years.

Shows how not clutch bongistanis are

so zero active duty aircraft carriers?

no there is one. the HMS Elizabeth

>american empire

every country that has an IMF bank. the IMF = the American Federal Reserve.

>(decline of the british empire is) one of the best things to happen to the rest of the world, but extremely bad for britons.

yeah you've never talked to a hong kong person. the british were able to control so many territories because their system of government was the fairest known to man. replacing tyrants with 0% or very low tax systems = happy populace.

Not really an empire in the Roman sense

Trading outposts protected by the Royal Navy; the British Empire was not militarily powerful but it was run on a shoestring and dismantled peacefully

The british empire was great for everyone but britons, not its fall.

you should have destroyed Spain first before you proceeded to colonization.
at least you can teach your BFF portugal to not fuck up Brazil as you successfully conquer the world

HMS Queen Elizabeth is only being commissioned this year, it won't go into service until 2020 along with HMS Prince of Wales.

so the UK currently operates zero active duty aircraft carriers while the US is able to project force and policy globally via 10-19 aircraft carriers.

The US is the current day empire.

Blow it out yer ass.

It really fucking sucks desu.

>why do you call it an empire.
Really it's a hegemony. There are similar benefits, but the organization and costs are very different.

It was good for Britons because it spread English-speakers across the globe

This is more people to trade with, and more like-minded humans in the world, if you agree that common language generally has a correlation with common values

how do aircraft carriers make an empire? an empire is made out of foreign land and subjects which the USA does not have.

>common language generally has a correlation with common values
It really doesn't, almost all of the countries that got decolonized immediately went on to adopt socialism or islam or communism or any other form of tyranny. Only the USA turned out better and that's out of a total rejection of the UK's values.

the USA didn't completely reject British values. ideas about freedom came from the UK and were developed by the USA

how many Chinese troops are in Canada or Mexico?

The USA has China surrounded with forward bases

Empire isn't the proper term to use anymore, as others have already posted. Hegemony is a better term.

As to your question about carriers: How would any state maintain an "empire" without the ability to project force and policy throughout said empire?

How would the British Empire have come about without the overwhelming might of the Royal Navy?

How would the US maintain its global hegemony without having the biggest stick, militarily? Do you think the US would be as prevalent on the global stage if we didn't have military bases all around the world? How would we maintain 800 military bases that rival the local military forces in strength without the known threat of a carrier battle group positioning itself off your coast?


Seppo user is right, Empire peaked in 1939, when Churchill the kike apologist coward sold the Empire to get the USA to fight the last brother war.
Time UK found its balls again, kicked out the shitskins, rebuilt it's navy and army and retook the lesser races lands.
Make the Empire Great Again!
The sun will again never set in the British Empire!

that's true but it doesn't make america an empire. it just means the USA are protecting the countries near china because if the USA left them china would probably invade

Your empire sucks now, anglo.

>It really doesn't, almost all of the countries that got decolonized immediately went on to adopt socialism or islam or communism or any other form of tyranny.

South Africa
New Zealand
North America

it benefits Britons that English speakers settled/influenced those areas vs the French or Dutch

re; Africa, that place is always a mess

Was ok till it lasted. Too many shitskins for my taste though.

yes the USA is the most powerful country by miles but i was simply saying that because it is strong it is not an empire

Europe is a province of the U.S Empire

Empire became Superpower.

USSR was the last empire. Arguably Russia is an empire today.

You're living in our shadow, son.

bit rich coming from a frenchy you can't even defend your own homeland

no its not the USA just provides protection with NATO as a counter balance to Russia if the USA had control over Europe why would every European leader be slagging him of constantly

by him i mean Trump

Definitely not India, they had a license raj for 40+ years, or SA which then voted in famous marxists like nelson mandela.

Also, the declaration of independence explicitly states king George's general flaunts of the law and awfulness, and the UK(even if the US followed english common law) didn't have privacy or property or speech or gun ownership protections.

bit rich?
You rely on the US military (too retarded to build your own fighters jets) and build 3rd world carrier. Not to mention your police is a worldwide laughing stock.

To paraphrase Peter Hitchens, you are either an empire or you are a part of someone else's empire. Looking at all of the empires, the British Empire is probably one of the better ones.

Moderate ancap here but objectively the British Empire was definitely the best for it's subjects. Christian British men ended slavery.

HK, singapore are very good tho

Except we have a global influence from a military perspective and we consist of one quarter of the global economy.

You're right that strength doesn't create an empire, but it IS a prerequisite for one. As another user already said, you don't see many Chinese troops in Mexico or Canada and that's because they don't have the means to project any force beyond their borders.

You're right that China might invade Taiwan if we weren't there, and the only reason China doesn't is because they know we have a Navy which is bigger than the next 10 largest combined. Because they know the US Navy controls the second largest and most powerful air force on earth, second only to the US Air Force.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

>if the USA had control over Europe why would every European leader be slagging him of constantly
They might be talking shit, but guess who upped their NATO defense spending after Trump said the USA is fuckin sick of picking up all slack? The European leaders.

don't forget your also in NATO mate so u also rely on the USA and the UK has the 4th best military and France is 5th

Sad it's gone.
I'd have loved to seen Britain during the height of the Empire, my Nan remembers celebrating "Empire Day" shame I'll never see it myself.
Once we had pride in this country, now we just cuck to every non white we can.

yes i understand and am glad that the USA is the most powerful nation in the world and the richest and could destroy any country it wants. however it only has any level of real control over the states so its not an empire

Work on restoring it, mr. bong, or you will be plumbing for me in 20 years

Like I said, empires are no longer a thing and Hegemony is the better term here.

The modern day empire isn't about changing the written laws in a piece of land 5,000 miles away, it's about expanding your sphere of influence and essentially forcing people into a position where they either bend to your will or suffer.

Most European nations are essentially US puppets who are dependent on them to even survive. See most of Eastern Europe.

well no you could consider Russia an empire because it controls Siberia which is ethnically diverse from standard Russians. and the USA isn't making many people bend their will or suffer look at china in the south china sea, north Korea, Iran or Saudi Arabia in the Yemen. the USA is as powerful now as the UK and France before WW2

>UK has the 4th best military and France is 5th

That's why every rankings put you behind France and India.

By the way, India bought the Rafale :^)

Britains army wasn't powerful compared to the armies Germany or France had, but it was wayyyyy better than the armies in Africa and India it faced

well your just choosing a website that puts the UK behind France, there are many which put the UK in front of the France because of our superior navy and the fact we are an island and nearly impossible to invade. just look at WW2 you crumble but we carry on

They don't need to invade when you let them in voluntarily.

that's a whole other topic

You are 9th, that's what happen when you have a ramp on your carrier

>put the UK in front of the France because of our superior navy

Stop spouting nonsense

You have less destroyers, your carrier is useless and cant be deployed, your submarines are shit that's why the Aussies will spend 39 Billions on the french DCNS' subs........ and you have less nukes deployed (110 vs 290)

>well no you could consider Russia an empire because it controls Siberia which is ethnically diverse from standard Russians.
randomly interjecting race as some requirement for being an empire does nothing to help your argument. The US is more diverse than Russia flat out when it comes to racial and cultural differences.
>and the USA isn't making many people bend their will or suffer
I think you're being willfully obtuse right now. Besides maybe two of the nations you listed, much of the rest of the 200+ nations on earth would not exist as they do today (re: they'd be fucked) without having agreed to adhere to Western values, and the USA is the champion and defender of western values as of the last half century.

The quality of life for those who aren't on board with the USA USA USA train, for the most part, is piss poor and almost subhuman in many areas. "Suffering" the effects of not joining the hegemony doesn't need to result in salted earth and raped women. It can result in things like China being geographically surrounded by US backed powers that literally want nothing but the destruction of China. Things like China having to dedicate a quarter of its defense spending to oppressing the population to keep order.

Get me?

You're only above us because you were good little cucks that voted for Macron whilst we voted for Brexit. We're being punished. When the reality hits that you're lazy over unionised buggers that don't want to work more than 30 hours a week for 20 euros an hour, that will change.

the fact is that the UK has a stronger Air force and Navy compared to France. you have a better army because you are on the continent with neighbours like Germany who you have a history with. the UK does not need as strong an army and so does not have one.

We didn't need a strong army, we're an island. All we needed was a world class navy, and as you say, an army that was better than our foe's.

What's the point between Macron, Brexit and your military strenght? Did Macron sink your Navy ships with the lastest Exocet's?

Ok you are twelve, or just retarded.

so your saying the USA forces western values on countries. well can you give me one example of a country that adheres to western values because of the USA today?

well i'm not twelve or retarded i just don't look through fifty websites until i find one that puts the UK below France in military strength. the one reason why the UK is stronger than France is because it is an island. this is why the UK defeated napoleon and hitler

the reason why Russia could be considered an empire is because it controls Siberia with its own native population and separate history this is different to just having a minority race in your country

Once again we see the kikery of Churchill, every war the empire called Aussies to fight in, we answered his majesties call, UK sent it's naval ships regularly to Australia to show the backward Asians that Australia was crown property and not to be fucked with.
Enter imperial Japan in WW2, starts flooding down the edge of the Asian peninsular, Aussies fighting in European thearter understand the threat to the fatherland and want to go home to fight the japs before they hit Aussie mainland, especially after the bombing of Darwin.
The kike Churchill says no.
USA the only ones to answer the call for help, but niggers come as well and begin the process of shaming Australia with filthy half-caste nigger children.
This, and Churchill (again) abandoned ANZACS at Gallipoli with zero exit strategy.
The empire for the most part treated Australia fuckin well,
>Churchill should have been hung after Gallipoli.

Jewish project. Plunder countries, get money and resources, pit anglo as bad guy, white guilt, make him take in immigrants because of it, with Jews you lose.

British Solar Empire when?