
Other urls found in this thread:



I've just reported all of these comments.




Slowly but surely, through subtle redpills, /r/The_Donald has also been waking up to white genocide and race realism.

There's hope for them yet, however they have been essentially quarantined on reddit.




where's that BASED black trump supporter? MAGA my brother!!!

I made a Reddit account just to report those comments. Feels good


me too fellow magapede, can't tolerate disgusting antisemitism on our civic nationalist subreddit

They need to back off ITS NOT TIME YET!!!

You piece of trash, what makes you think it's okay to link leddit threads here ?

Fuck off and die.

>/r/The_Donald has also been waking up to white genocide and race realism
you fucking newfag, the_donald is Sup Forums outreach, it was literally started by us as a colony

they can't openly name the jew as that'll give plebbit the excuse to boot them once and for all

stop trying to get it shoah'd, amusing you're not a goddamn leftist shill

you can talk about jews all you want, just use alternative terms that everyone knows

Have you guys been seeing youtube comments lately. Ive seen ppl spamming 1488, look up vids like "New york in 1900" or vids of that nature and read the comments.

Man how is this story gonna play out, the antichrist needs the muslims to be his useful idiots to do the beheading, is there enough mudslimes here yet? How many years til he shows up? Will white people get their own ethnostate before the antichrist shows up? Will white nationalists believe the antichrist after seeing his miracles and gas the christians?

How many more years until the jews rebuild the temple for the abomination of desolation?


You need to go back

now, a jewish multimillionaire running a conspiracy doesn't sound far fetched isn't it?


AntiChrist will be a kike.

Oy gevalt! It's annuda Shoah!

There are a lot of /ourguys/ on T_D.

You can say shit like, "international hyenas" and everyone gets it.

Julian Assange is literally talking about systemic racism against whites.

We won so fucking hard it's ridiculous.

Why won't you go join them then?

Sup Forums has been garbage ever since you ledditors got here.

Bible says whole world will marvel and worship him and think hes the messiah. Muslims are waiting for a messiah, kikes are waiting for a messiah, catholics dont even know their own bible and dont know shit about revelation so they will just believe its jesus. If the antichrist says to go kill anyone who doesnt believe who is gonna have the balls to do it? Muslims

the second poster in that thread should have mentioned the PNAC plan to allow a "new pearl harbor like event" to galvanize public support for their treasonous jew plot for perpetual middle east war, 2 million arabs killed for absolutely nothing in a new american holocaust.

Wait are there people who aren't aware that the Rothschilds are Jewish? Is acknowledging that jews exist going to be considered a conspiracy theory in 20 years?

>That MagaMagaChooChoo JIDF
>Everyone who has different opinion than ((( me ))) is stormfag
this way of trying to silence opponent by branding them various names is becoming sleazy and unnefective.

Joos are losing power levels.

pic. unrelated, but funny.

>the way to silence opponent by branding them various names
And you're insinuating that Sup Forums doesn't do that ?

Stop posting faggot

Nigger I was one of the original Sup Forums colonists who braved the wilds of faggotry to bring hate facts to the bluepilled.

Now get your fucking shine box and pay your debts.

>Catholics don't know about their own bible
As opposed to Protestants who love Christ killing kikes over Christ?


*when faced with REAL facts & truth
but of course, there is always shitposting from both sides.

>implying greeks ever pay their debnts..

>Fuck off and don't post that shit here!


S-should I feel bad for having an Intel CPU? It's not my fault, I got it a year before Ryzen came out!

God I really fucking hate all the civic nationalists that punch right and then accuse you of not being right wing even though they full well know you voted for Trump.

>protection baked in

That's too subtle for ledditors. OP confirmed kingforpres

>Cuck, faggot, kike, and nigger
>nazi, stormfront
Are apples/oranges

Intel still has good but overpriced CPUs (selling dual core 2/4 cpu for $150 - WOAH) with annual socket change, Im glad Ryzen shaken up Intel monopol on CPU market and put some foundation for future of CPU market.



No I'm banned from T_D for calling Israel an illegitimate state in their discord server

your retarded

This gen's Ryzen CPUs aren't that great, they're amazing for the price and definitely shook the market but we'll have to wait for Zen2 for AMD to really kick Intel's ass.
At which point the kikes are probably going to jump ship

I just reported you to the dub police

oh shit, nobody tell on me

Ha. EVERYONE including me hates stormfags.

reported to the federal trips agency

What is with you retards. Hating Jews and being a nazi don't have to go hand in hand. You're defending the Rothschilds and Mossad. What the fuck is your problem? You live in the UNITED STATES NOT ISRAEL. Either you are American or you can fuck right off you piece of shit.

Protestants don't love Jews. They revere Jewish culture because they see it as Christianity's legacy, but in reality, they support Israel because the end times cannot occur until it's a whole nation. Palestine's existence continues to delay the End of Days.

Many people on T_D are redpilled but just do not want to get banned.
Here are some posts I found
>make sure you take all the red pills though. many people forget to take a few of the most important ones.
>You'd be surprised the amount of Trump supporters that would also support Nat Soc.
>Only if they know English. I'm tired of pressing 1 for English, this is America. There is a reason people flee Mexico, but something is wrong with the people there. No need to bring that bullshit North of the Border. They need to work on their own nation, and solve their own problems and show the world they are worth the trouble, because now....only a small percentage are. Just take a look at crime statistics. Their cultural problems need to be dealt with before any more should be welcomed.
>I see two hands rubbing together in and on almost everything and everywhere.

kek I remember it was a pol colony. there were literally threads about it being made and we all swarmed there, managed to get a massive redpill of a deadgirl who was raped and killed by a nigger to front page before they nuked us and infiltrated it to normifie it.

Only way to win the ideological warfare against establishment is to uncuck potential allies. While you whites lost your shit and larp Nazi all day. They are winning in terms of pure ideological wawrfare. Look where we are now.

To win this, you need to unuck Asian population in America. They make up 15% of population of California. They are bombarded daily by leftists/DNC/MSM double standards and are reverse racism victims just like whites for being successful.

This graph also shows you among Asian Gen Z rebellious minds are growing thanks to asian male shaming in hollywood and MSM and leftists SJW (yes SJWS think its ok to be racist to asians because they are pretty much "white"). Get it? Its about undermining middle class hardworking people.
Angered with losing all asian bitches to cucked white beta males, and seeing leftists disintegrating their masculinity and Asian identity, they are increasingly more becoming "populist"

Do you not see the opportunity?
join the movement, we will convince Asian population and sway them from Dems so we can protect humanity from establishment hiding behind left wing ideologies to continue their many vile agendas which we discuss every day here, wanna save yourselves?

Help uncuck Asians →

If you are reading this, you are the resistance.

Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say

At this point if I see a meme flag I automatically assume you're a subversive jew.

that's an illegal trip get right here, you're fucked user

user, I...

>stormfags are left wing
Vox cuck detected.

The antichrist is supposed to fool christians into thinking he is christ, so he'll probably be christian

The only proper thing a citizen can do is report these low and weak trips to the alphabet agency.

good luck getting v&

Ppl come post how jews can be better. make them see why we hate them

>Struggle to achieve White ethnostate and form the bedrock for a new era of European history
>lol just kidding, enjoy the end of all human achievement and free will
We won't need an antichrist to start gassing you

Not really. They're both used by idiots who have nothing more intelligent to say than some uncreative ad homs.

Did you see that thread earlier about the stupid fucking meme?All these fuckers in here were all happy saying "jews are our guys",never felt so ashamed while reading something on this board


If reddit names the Jew then there really could be annudah shoah

Lmao at that anime tag, what a low test pussy

>t_d is Sup Forums colony
Those days are long gone

Would someone think of all the awoos?!?!

>naming the Jew
Pick one.

reddit knows better than to bite the hand that feeds.

There's people who don't even know that Rothchild's control all the Fed...shit there are people so blue pilled they don't even know what the fed is!

>tfw reverse colonised by a subr*ddit you made up


>You stormfags are left wing socialists
when will this asinine understanding of politics end

Are you joking, it's kiked as fuck, I made like two Sup Forums lite comments and got banned. They are completely kike shills, who just allow a small amount of hatred towards spics and mudslimes.

Get shoah'd

>normifie it
>Those days are long gone
it is still doing way more good than harm, only fucking divide and conquer shills trying to get Sup Forums to make a personal army attempt to fuck with them think otherwise

>hate facts


more like, the chambers were faked, there where only de-lice-ing chambers, without top hatches or good doors, everything was build by the russians when they took them.