


We did it first though :^)

I can't wait for them to fall. It might save the rest of us.

>crazy muslims shits more crazy muslims
>in country that has""""""democracy"""""" aka vote per head
>minority turns into majority
>its ok t. now minority swedish people
>small resistance, EU will assist with dealing the "old" swedes
>sweden now filled with only new europeans and new swedes who cease to call themselves swedes and go straight to what ever the hell they want to call themselves, probably communists free of hate

Not a bad thing necessarily, they'll take votes from leftist parties.

really makes you denk lad

who's funding them



It'll push for tolerance and the ridiculous feminist charicature of Islam to begin with. The knives will only come out once it's entrenched itself.

The award for the most cucked nation in history goes to Sweden

stuur hulp

Press S to shit on Sweden's grave

We've had the Respect party for a while, and it even had a seat at one point.

>could help wake up some normies
>takes votes from leftist parties normies vote for

this will help

Good. Based muslims will get rid of all of the faggots/atheists in sweden

I'm starting to wonder if this was the end game.

Domesticate Islam.

Is Sweden an islamic country like Canada?

>Based muslims will get rid of all of the faggots/atheists in sweden

And the whites, culture, infrastructure and economy. Sweden will be no different than the countries you retards flee soon enough.

No it won't, France has Islamic party for 25 years or something right now.

They are worse off than you. Sweden is Ground Zero.

Really makes me denk

Wasn't France the ground zero?

>Domesticate Islam.

I get the impression that was the plan at one point, and then those Islamic countries would be sold out to vested corporate interests just like the west.

It obviously hasn't worked though.

will they now

more like near 100% of muslims will be there to vote this time around and in the future

>mfw the party is going to be very conservative and begins getting more support while boosting other conservative parties

Goodbye Sweden

Its all happening like in my nightmare oh god

The ones who control Sweden today are not the whites nor those who created the infastructure or nor the economy. They are Jews.
Islamists can't possibly do worse than the Jews. The Jews directly want to destroy Sweden. The islamists just want their stupid religion.


Oh that's true actually. What would we call Sweden if France is Ground Zero?

Not a single swedish flag was seen on this post that day

They can have their religion up into the moment they rape 200,000 white girls...

No-man's land?
No-ball's land?
No-brain's land?
Nig-nog's land?

>and the whites
why would muslims get rid of whites? white swedes are converting to islam rapidly.

Are Jews and Muslims really that different? They are both blood cults who want to control nations to push their crazy political doctrine. Muslims are just way more welcoming to converts but that's also why it's way larger than Judaism.

Either way I'd just prefer the Countries stay the way they are because it's the best they have ever been for everyone in them.

What's the name of the party? I want more info.

I googled Sweden Islamic Party and found nothing.

I am unironically pro having a muslim party because they steal votes from actual big lefty parties actively killing them by a thousand cuts.

Fair enough. My point still stands, do you think Islam can be dominant in a Country without harming the culture especially in a secular country? I don't blindly hate Muslims but there are consequences for giving them political power and demographic power.

This, need sauce and facts. My hate boner for Sweden needs it

good. now the leftists cant cultivate the migrants for votes and are preventing from criticizing their opponents because of political correctness.
This really was the only way this could end.


mfw Islamic party will get in power before feminist party

So brave. So powerful. If only the rest of the world were so open and progressive!

see you in 10 years when they win


The fact that this will happen fills me with schadenfreude.

Sweden is doomed.

>what ever the hell they want to call themselves, probably communists free of hate

Dunno. He says it is just a name register or something. But it looks legit.

>TFW you were just telling your friends about how the "refugee crisis" is a leftist voter importation plan. But it will soon backfire because the muzzies would start to form Sharia parties as soon as tgey reach critical mass.
>TFW they didn't buy it

I want to be wrong once, just to see what it feels like


God fucking damn it, we're next

what party ?

>I'm so cucked that a nigger looked at my wife
That's how retarded you sound.

Says the country that literally lets 90% of them in

Next up in Swedish headlines;
>Sharia law instated and why that's a good thing
>Jizya taxation pays off record number of mosques

What? Respect is an Islamic party.

>tfw I see news of Sweden on Sup Forums before I see them in the Swedish MSM


Those that won't fight for themselves deserve no help at all. I say this as one with Swedish blood. You fucked up. I wish you were at least trying.


Are the Swedish autistic?

One seat isn't shit.
Just like when you invest in stocks. Your stock isn't shit.

How would a debate go between the Muslim party and the rest of the Swedish "progressives"? Would the Swedes just pathetically agree with the Muslims even if it goes against their platform just to avoid negative media attention/publicity? Like how would it play out now that the Muzzies possibly have their own shitty party?

In this world, there can only be one master. Islamists will inevitably decide that they no longer need to obey or work with their former Globalist allies. When this happens, bad things will begin.

Dirt Zero

The Schism will cause massive amounts of Cognitive Dissonance, one of the most powerful tools of persuasion possible. A lot of Left Wing Swedes will begin to 'deprogram' as Islamists take more and more control of Sweden. This is because the human mind cannot cope with the difference between his reality and his expectations.

>Implying the globalist satanist kike cabal doesn't want exactly that to happen so that all religions and atheism is destroyed after a ridiculous war and satanism can become the main religion so they can by child slaves legally

And this party doesn't even seem to be widely reported yet either, yet alone mainstream.

If there was ever a time for you to organize resistance, this is that time. Will you defend mother Germania, user?

This elite isn't capable of making Satanism mainstream. It will destroy the planet however.

Norway had one long time ago, we were not the first. And they are not even in the EU. Perhaps people just need to consider the potential existential justification of their ideologies if people consider applying islam as a legitimate alternative.

Nagasaki of Islamization.

This. Just look at the Netherlands. Muslims only vote for left wing parties because they have no other choice.

If they're smart, the Islamist party won't run on a full-blown Sharia platform to begin with. They'll keep it just moderate enough to prop up the left wing cognitive dissonance and maybe even get some non-Muslim votes.

>Be Swedish
>One of the highest qualities of living in the world
>Great education, socialism that works
>Start taking in way to many Refugees, its getting so bad the refugees are raping eachother and burning their parts of the city down
>Sup Forums being envious of Swedens previous success latches onto the idea that Sweden is cucked to hell and back, even though Sweden is the only Scandinavian country that is throwing refugees out faster than we are taking them in.
>Sup Forums gathers 10 real stories and a 100 fake ones, keeps memeing anyone to death who tries to have a convo.

If anyone is non a LOL XD le reddit meme-master and is actually curious about the situation in Sweden for the avarege bloke feel free to ask. (Its getting worse but not even close to the delusional level the summerfags here seem to think).

Swamp Germans, what has DENK accomplished? Do leftist cucks vote for them to fight islamophobia?

Were not lost yet, faggots, the most "extreme" left parties are kept out and the biggest ones are neck-to-neck with our nationalists.

Give me it to me straight how bad is it?

I want to know the truth

For a certain amount of time, yes. But the True Believers will inevitably take over due to the decentralized nature of Sunni Islam.

sort the staplarna by size plz. They need to be sorted.

Muslim Brotherhood probably. We had a givernmebt agency make a report on MB funded orgs and umbrella groups in Sweden, but the orgs just screeched racism at the top of their lungs and it was swept under the rug.

Yes. As always, the extremists will take over once the party gets real political power.

Sharia law was deemed illegal by the supreme court, this party won't get into parlament, this thread is full of gleeful kikes

Won't the cuckservative party just adopt a bunch of SD policies, take a bunch of SD votes, win and then just do nothing?

>Sweden is the only Scandinavian country that is throwing refugees out faster than we are taking them in.
you honestly believe that you are told the truth? also
>socialism that works
and here we are

isnt the point of swedish democracy that anyone is allowed to create a political party? if i remember correctly theres even a party thats supposed to support piracy, that doesn't mean it'll have a chair, just that the niggers are using their right to make a party?


That ship has sailed. I wish SD would be a bit clearer on It's economic policy though

>Not a bad thing necessarily
so a super bad thing because it's in swedanistan.

That works for them too, smaller populace with the bravest men dead, easy to wall off your complex and feedon their taxes like the parasites they are

So the abc report that got interupted by violent muzzies was fake?

What is the political party's name?

>socialism works
A majority of Swedes can't afford a car

In the bad parts its REALLY bad, but the thing is that's where the immigrants live, so me being a middle-upper class guy don't really notice it.

The biggest lie is "HUrr everyone in Sweden is a cuck". The past 3-4 years i've never met a single person pro-immigration. Not even my leftist friends i had where i was young, even them are currently saying that we should help them on the spot instead (i.e in the countries they are fleeing).

But, it is getting worse by the day, don't get me wrong, if we don't do a 180 soon it will get really bad. But Swedish people won't dissapear, if you are curious check out or dating preference, we dislike foreigners more than any other scandinavian country, including the British and the Germans.

Any specific questions? The issue is way wider than Sup Forums likes to think.

Nice flag hiddingspot mate.
Socialism that work isn't socialism at all was my point, read up on the Swedish system before you make even more of a fool of yourself.
Also "Hurr you aren't told the truth but I WAS HAHAHA i mean sure you can see IRL what its like but I was told the truth!".
Read the post again, i'd prefer to talk to the non-memers here alright bud?

Are you insane? Where did you get that idea? Cars are super cheap here even most people in universities have them.


The Roman Elite didn't survive the collapse of Rome. The French elite didn't survive the collapse of France. The Russian elite didn't survive the collapse of Russia. Etc.