Sup Forums is obsessed with race.
Why doesn't Sup Forums worry about themselves-improving their lives, getting a better job, investing for the future, making a better world the future, not falling for msm race baiting. Get over it.
Sup Forums is obsessed with race.
Why doesn't Sup Forums worry about themselves-improving their lives, getting a better job, investing for the future, making a better world the future, not falling for msm race baiting. Get over it.
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Too real man, they're just here for the anger circlejerk
True. They are just used to feeling's like a drug to them.
Feel bored
Check pol
Feel angry...basically feeding an emotional need because of the boredom
Get obsessed
Because emotional people cant into a successful career because they are too busy failing and trying to live in a delusion where they are better than others since nobody else ever says something positive about their job performance.
Funny how a gay left furfag like me has a more successful job than le "non degenerate" polacks xD
Fuck off cunt, I have a job, savings and a future.
That future however is bleak as fuck because we are importing 200k shitskins a year that are ruining society and screeching about racism, raping kids, marching for shariah, blowing up London and teenage girls and faggots at pop concerts, stealing, selling drugs, etc.
And then I, the functioning law-abiding citizen that pays these animals welfare as they run around calling themselves ''''british'''' and trying to turn the great land into the shitholes they left, get demonized for the crimes of my forefather but not respected for their great furthering of humanity and civiliaztion and arrested if I speak out.
I'm about ready to start ethnic cleansing.
>wah wah le different people are the problem it isnt me, i cant live a good life because different people trigger me
lol, good riddance from the Eu, you dont belong here
>Sup Forums is full of stagnant obsessed autismos.
Whoulda thunk it?
>I ignore all statistics and evidence and take in more of the people that are statistically likely to be more criminal, don't assimilate and call me racist while the media makes me out to be evil, especially if anything happens to these people no matter how much they deserve it
Good luck with that you complete moron, why not take in a few million more third-world islamists eh?
every white person here was deracinated as fuck. We were all individualists. Then you fucked up and decided we were the devil
Deal with it, we're the nignogs now
And yet here you are posting on a board filled with autistic NEET virgins
>Look at muh statistics but dont think about root cause
>look daddy drumpf and daily mail talk about the occasional migrant crime OMG ALL MIGRANTS ARE CRIMINALS AND RAPISTS DDDD:
>Believe whatever makes your sad self feel better and blame others for your problems
Good riddance, people like you are not welcome, i much rather welcome a religious idiot from muslim to christian than you, at least they try to be nice people and improve the world even though they believe in delusions
Im in the middle of the ocean so not much else to do other than watch delusional bigots cry and blame everyone else about their unsuccessful lives xd
Though desu i would do the same at shore while playing a lot of wow :3
>what does statistically likely mean?
>Muh root cause, couldn't be their culture, genetics and religion, that they never change, too far fetched
>Blaming people for crimes they commit makes you a sad sack
Ironic that you bring up delusions, in 5 years when you try to move to Poland I pray they will tell you where to fucking go
I do better myself. I have a good career, I work out, play a club sport..have a bunch of hobbies
I still want a race war though. Cheers. 88 brother.
It's because the only thing that makes them feel superior is being white (or LARPing that they're white). It's easy to not rationally look at your life and problems if the jews are taking over the world, all black people are subhumans, and women are an evolutionary glitch.
Why worry about your life when you could obsess over others people's lives?
Nah i live in European greece which is a great place to be now that UK and US are shitholes lol, i cant wait for the federalization of Europe :3
And yet here you are posting on a board filled with autistic NEET virgins, instead of bettering yourself
Because there's not going to be a country where I or my future children can do that if whites become a minority.
But user if i werent spending time having fun i would be an autistic sociopath that does nothing other than obsess how to get better ;p
That is not fun, i ve seen such people, so boring
Because we are tired of race quota for college admission, jobs etc.
>Hurr, I'm a faggot who ignores reality
The different races have different IQ averages, which impact all those things you listed. Kill yourself.
Get rid of non white then I won't have to worry about those non white male laws and go to school and get the job I want.
>My sad emotional state and unsuccessful life totally mean my beliefs that coincidentally make me feel superior to others are right
lol watching people be so blind and have 0 self awareness is so hilarious and sad at the same time :\
Maybe because you shit skins want our future and our woman instead. You don't want us to succed you want white woman to be anti white and low IQ nigger lovers. You people are about race and have been. Your kike masonic masters are the originators of the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.
I hope a person like me gets to kill a person like you today.
How about mass immigration to white countries and only white countries stops. How about that?
One wants to force niggers on everyone else.
It isn't hard to figure out what is going on.
Unless you're a leftist which they want to force niggers on everyone. Shit skins, darkies, anything non white and christian.
>root cause
I welcome refugees just so terrible people like you will either leave, die and go extinct :3
Daily reminder, you are the problem, not others
But i get it, if you are not successful, you are an emotional baby, nobody compliments your performance or your abilities it is easy to fall for delusional beliefs that tell you how others are the problem and how you are great.
Oh well delusional people are at it again
>confusing an actual root cause with "Dat makes me feel better"
Why worry about what dumb Sup Forumssters think in the first place then?
But, user aren't you the Caliphate of the Anglosphere?
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
-Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the EU, President of the Paneuropean Union 1926–1972
>EU Vice President: Diversity is humanity's destiny
>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014
>Van Rompuy receives Kalergi prize 2012
>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010
Root cause is leftists, kikes, and niggers. Anything non white wanting a white mans future. Then saying you're equal to or greater than a white man. Talk about a inferiority/superiority complex. Yet since you're a nigger. I wouldn't really look at your kind in any other way.
Ignoring a problem won't make it go away. And it's not like being realistic about race and making a better life for yourself is are mutually exclusive.
>improving their lives, getting a better job, investing for the future, making a better world the future
kek those things are way harder than shitposting fag
Uh you do realize this is a positive thing right?
OH WAIT, i forgot your entire life's value is based on bigotry xD
silly me
kek you arent even trying to avoid the uneducated emotional stereotype xD
> when youre so triggered you start arguing with your own strawmen
OP told us to be Nazi's. He said to make our lives better. Don't worry we will make your kinds of peoples lives better too. Just give it some time shit skin pet.
>leave, die and go extinct
None of those are going to happen. Now what. I'm not a terrible person, just a normal guy.
>you are the problem
You just said you were creating the problem on purpose out of hate. If you wouldn't do this
>I welcome refugees just so terrible people like you will either leave, die and go extinct
there would be no problem.
>if you are not successful
I'm privately educated and graduated with a masters from the number one rated UK university for my subject.
>delusional people
You literally just said you support immigration so we die and go extinct. Or did I imagine that? That's genocide my friend.
No it's not. There is nothing positive about it. It's genocide.
>your entire life's value is based on bigotry
What do you call this kind of talk?
>I welcome refugees just so terrible people like you will either leave, die and go extinct
You are literally talking about genocide. Bigot.
>I'm not a terrible person, just a normal guy.
>Some fine ppl in charlottsive
denial intensifies
>That's genocide my friend.
Well you are terrible people so nothing of value will be lost, actually the world will become a better place if at least the negative delusional emotional people are removed, at least the positive emotional delusional people like religious ppl arent an issue unlike you xD
>But i get it, if you are not successful, you are an emotional baby, nobody compliments your performance or your abilities it is easy to fall for delusional beliefs that tell you how others are the problem and how you are great.
Damn, why do you hate the refugees so much?
I am an objective critical thinker. Something that is required for a person to be intelligent and logical. Am I mad? YES I AM! and I should be! and niggers are scared as they should be! Since them along with every other darky wants to intrude on Western Civilization. On the backs of the very same people niggers say they are better than but want to fuck white whores and make white man money. Kikes are the same way just not dumb animals like the other non whites.
We are focusing on ourselves. Part of the focus is trying to help those around us. Helping them to see reality the way it actually is according to the nature.
In addition, Race is our blood. Blood is our family. And what is more important than family?
Sure, we are all relatively human. Animals are all animals but wolves will never not be wolves as bears will never not be bears. The best that can happen is respect between them, respect for their boundaries.
i'm not tough, seriously i could care less. The time im here on earth i want to have a good life, be kind to people that are kind to me, and have faith in god.that's all. This world is already the devil's and it will be destroyed anyway.
so it isn't intolerant to be intolerant of Muslims because Muslims are intolerant
>I am an objective critical thinker
>proceeds to post ultra limited close minded emotional based points about how others are the problem and how he is le victim
>all muslims are as pathetic as me so they are the like me follow the Sup Forumstard beliefs like sheep
Sorry deary, most muslims i met were ok, might be religious idiots but they are nice and im gay
>Some fine ppl in charlottsive
I'm British...
>you are terrible people
Who? Does your genocide somehow have a smart targeting system? Or does "you" refer to white people in general? Because that still makes you a genocidal bigot.
>at least the positive emotional delusional people like religious ppl arent an issue unlike you
I'm a church going Christian. The happy clappy kind.
It is a forever constant cry for the white man to share when the shit skins forever have nothing to offer in return.
LITERALLY NOTHING BUT SHIT. Heavy Cons outweigh any Pros which I will exist admit yet 1 nigger works and 50 collect gibs! Yet if they decided they want to work today whiteys gotta look else where. lol nigger lover laws literally plus their racism and discrimmination in work places. Never work in a blackened job. Unless you really want to be passed up for everything. Unless you're white an say kill whitey everyday. Then a nog or a nog lover might give you a slight promotion.
bagging groceries isn't a future
Some of Sup Forums cares more about a broken system that they do about trying to improve their personal station within the broken system.
They can see a better future but not by being the King of Shit Hill.
race is pretty much the only thing that matters desu
A greek eu shill
Pay denbts you lazy ass bastard
How can I get a job when affirmative action keeps stealing them for niggers and whores?
No time to worry about jobs, wifes then you're being hunted by wild apes.
Biology isn't real.
Race isn't real.
Genetics is fake.
Haplogroups are propaganda.
Scientific racism is wrong
IQ is a myth.
>others are the problem and how he is le victim
You literally stated here that you are the problem and want to kill us. Honestly, how do you expect rational, objective people to react to that?
>I welcome refugees just so terrible people like you will either leave, die and go extinct
Daily reminder that "ur a loser" argument never works against racists because the groups they are criticizing are objectively bigger losers. Maybe you should just concentrate on trying to prove why racism is wrong instead of being inconsistent with loser accusations.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums stop worrying about race?
Why doesn't Hollywood?
That is why I am currently ripping up the lives of anti white male whores right now!
I am literally doing something about it right NOW!
Did I add the STRAIGHT part?
It is really important FAGGOT!
because being a loser racist is way easier than not their shitty life on other
What about being a winner racist?
>most muslims i met were ok, might be religious idiots but they are nice and im gay
Homosexuality is illegal in every single muslim country on earth. Homosexuality is punished by the death penalty only in muslim countries, including
>Saudi Arabia
Seen pics of any of your friends going on holiday to Dubai? Looks nice doesn't it? You will literally be killed if you're caught performing homosexual acts there. Why? Because homosexuality is punishable by death in black and white according to the quran.
Because this is a board about politics, not /fit/ or some other shit
You are an autistic sociopath, user. What are you even talking about?
Because it is ran by a bunch of Anti White Male Kikes who also have Kikes in Congress make laws to discriminate against White Men.
Lets talk equality!
>Why doesn't Sup Forums worry about themselves-improving their lives, getting a better job, investing for the future, making a better world the future, not falling for msm race baiting. Get over it.
Because as history has shown, all effort that you might make, it can and will be thrown away by your descendants. Fuck that shit, I'm not going to live a miserable life just so that a shitskin can live off of it down the road.
Just imagine how the founding fathers must be rotating in their graves if they could read your thread.
And we still have plenty of thread about books, training, traditional arts and even manly craftiing.
It's actually commies, libs and transexual ledditors that come here without any content making threads about race baiting. Like this thread.
Remember liberals are anti fun and hate the sound of an honest laugh.
>all muslims I met
Anecdotal "evidence" isn't worth shit, deary
There used to be a time when your status was the cause of your whealth. Not the other way around.
A time when the environnement in which we evolved didn't reward the castrated and the denatured.
All I have in my life is my anger and my body, which I use to exercise until I am high on adrenaline to make the void, I like to be inches away from death.
It's a repetitive life, not much of a life but if you ever try to fuck with me you'll quickly realize where you belong.
Though you castrated faggot would probably sue me.
>Sup Forums is one guy
Personally I don't fucking care about race, but it's hard not to understand where these people are coming from. While some of it is merely shitposting, there are people who genuinely stand by their racially-oriented opinions. This racialism is rooted in the collectivization of the politics by the left.
Lefties keep harping on how this minority or these migrant fuckups are oppressed instead of focusing on dealing with individuals based on their unique characteristics rather than racial or social background. The fact that racial realism and collectivism is rising again is not because the right is somehow remarkably more bigoted than the left, it's because the left is fixated upon the equality of outcome and collectivism and not on the equality of opportunity. The meritocracy is effectively dead. The left is to be blamed for this fucking mess, not the right. Deal with it. White people are tired of being ostracized for something their ancestors allegedly perpetrated several centuries ago. Identitarian movements are simply the right's response to BLMs and Antifa's on the left.
>I don't fucking care about race
You live in a 99% white country...
You have never heard about Kalergi have you?
Or Albert Pike´s Third?
Also we are focusing on that, did you not the see the self improvement generals that keep getting shoahd?
True and I agree that managing a state that's largely populated by one ethnic group is way more facile. With that being said, I believe it's possible to create a successful multiethnic society. Not uber diversified à la globalist model, but still something fairly successful. Still, a society mostly predicated upon one ethnic group is a no-brainer really. With that being said, creating an ethnostate in the world of today in the West is rather untenable, as it would call for pretty drastic and wildly unpopular measures. It's simply that neoliberal elites never really properly tried to integrate migrants, never tried to cleanse these people of their cultural beliefs some of which are pretty nefarious and inconsistent with Western values that are cherished in the West.
Kalergi is really interesting masonic cunt. He's the dude that is responsible for some more sinister concepts advocated by contemporary EU elites such as deliberate race-mixing. The EU policies implemented today trace back to concepts that were roughly delineated by Kalergi. Practical Idealism is his only book available in English, pretty interesting too.