This wild goblin walks up to you and calls you a dirty white monster. What do you do?

This wild goblin walks up to you and calls you a dirty white monster. What do you do?

Farm him for XP

But I'm black.

that's a political lesbian, not a dude

Honestly... fuck Boston.

> Professionally printed sign
> Just an individual trying to make a difference

Pick one.

>Nazis painted a swastika on the pavement too.
t. S Silverman.

did you just assume its race you bigot

I'd ask why it supports niggers when niggers are more likely to kill, rob and rape it than anyone else

wait, if someone says "white lives matter too much" isn't that a compliment to white people?

"it"!?!! You mean zi or zir you misogynist!!

Which country is this

Look at the stunning diversity, it must be America.

I think you mean "phe, phi, pho, phum" you filthy intolerant scumbag

it looks like an umpa lumpa

>even the darkie is laughing at her

what can i do as a white man to help this woman. Should i kill myself?

Didn't know Gus Fring is still alive.

pee on him.

Ask her to sing an oompa loompa song

Do they have CEX in America? Thought it was just a UK and Ireland thing, so I assumed this was London or Dublin.

That looks like what you would get by splicing together john podesta, the JUST doctor and an oompa loompa.

I get out the aluminum foil for my baking pan.

>what can i do as a white man to help this woman
I would suggest giving her a pamphlet extoling the virtues of life within the Church of Latter Day Saints.


Punch it in the throat. Im not dirty, I'm just brown skinned.

>please kill me

Kek, R.I.P. my sides, also underrated

>kill a dog
>drops 3 gold coins

Kill her on the spot as it's her identity as well. By removing 50% of the whites in the discussion, I am therefore following her wishes and am not committing a hate crime or a crime at all.

Interesting pronouns...
I'm stealing em.

Walk around the idiot and continue to have nice day.

i throw out shoahmon

Is it a gold, shard or gem goblin?

people like this need to be run through with blades

Don't try to spin the message, bigot. Even your response shows your lack of awareness with oppression.

Looks like somebody pissed in a sweater.

That bitch is wearing a $150 pair of boots. Salomons aint cheap. Also look at the rings and expensive glasses. This is some upper middle class white lesbian who's being an obnoxious cunt.

Is this who I turn my quest into for XP and golds?

Aren't you trying to oppress him by labeling him?

Kek, had almost forgotten about that.

She's a Jewish goblin.

Shut up and suck my fat cock you dumb faggot

>whatcha buyin?

The blast fried his nuts off. And 12 inches off his legs above the knee

I'd say "get out the way you fuckin midget"

Call her "kike-dyke" and tell her Amalek will rise again

dogs eat a lot of stupid things. I wonder what that cockknuckle eats.

Say to him that Ooompa Loompa lives don't matter at all

You can spot a Jew by the facial expression around the mouth.
From one still photo you can spot the schizophrenia and utter contempt for all of creation.

You're right! I can't wait to get home and kill myself tonight! Thanks, bro!

It's a well known fact that you can't oppress the oppressor. I can tell you're a white male just by that comment alone.

>Say hi to the Rabbi for me
>I may be white on the outside, but I identify as Anti-libertarian Congo Ape!
>I know, I need to shower
>are you...hitting on me?
>Que? No habla ingles

Stop posting that thing. It's fucking disgusting.

It's interesting, someone linked a Twitter thread of some Tranny who was developing a program to recognise Nazi symbols like Swastikas, then today i saw someone posting how facial recognition could spot gay's with a high degree of accuracy. I wonder if a program that could spot Jews is possible? Could be quite useful.

At what point does the oppressor become the oppressed?


never.. because there will always be oppressed
