Spics in one image

Why are spics such incompetent, corrupt, violent retards?

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Chinese IQ >100
Brazil IQ

Well, Shanghai has 20 million people, while Rio de Janeiro has 6 million. Still, that's pretty shitty. That metro network is smaller than Lisbon's, which has 500k people.



NYC has 9 million, but has a system as large as shanghai with 20 milllion.

Can any anons confirm if shanghais system is falling apart too?

american train system 1800-2017

Where's that Mexican guy who always shits in China threads? I love showing him Shanghai vs Mexico City.

Eat total absolute shit you fucking spic.

chink train system 2017
why are amerifagots so incompetent?

No, theirs looks brand new

Fuck you chink

no niggers in shanghai

In Toronto we still just have two subway lines(essentially just a cross, but one of them is a loop). They made some lines for the Suburban people but who cares

I fucking hate my train system. It took us more than 50 years to dig 2 miles. Did you know that?

Every 2 weeks there's a signal problem in Brooklyn that shits down the entire fucking subway system. Sometimes trains will just stop in between stations and they'll tell us it's because of Train traffic but we all know that's bullshit

china is stil a shithole
> Eat total absolute shit you fucking spic.
lmao this ching pong is so fucking ass blasted

Nope, metros are one of the few things China actually constructs well. They have huge demand and massive use so a lot of money is invested into making them safe and efficient.

Why does Shanghai 2013 look like Philly's Septa lines?

After watching a lot of gang videos from that area , whats wrong with south america in general ? Ive got some meme travel friends who are like ' bro gotta go for a trip to brazil hot chicks and parties' but honestly i dont think i ever want to step foot there in my life.

Im sure it has wonderful people and great places to visit , but i dont think ive ever seen people with such lack of respect for human life.

Being poor is a big part of the reason but i got an idea that part of the American gangster culture has crept in , like everyone has to be the toughest person out and killing people is no big deal.

I have been to berlin two times now, the transportation system there was unreal.
Talk shit about the germans but holly fuck they can really make a train run on time.

That's because our country literally doesn't invest in trains.
Our government, for whatever reason decided that our transportation network would be pretty much just be by roads, and that's how it is.

Butthurt spic detected, howabout you get off Sup Forums and get a job


Gibs to brown people suck up the money that could be building our national TGV network.

>for whatever reason
Why are you pretending you don't know the reason? Its called corruption which is allowed by a low IQ population.

Because we can afford personal transport and independence?

we do the jobs you white boys won't do

yep shithole alright.

Can't wait to visit China

>(((public transportation)))
Public transportation is gatway for comunism

Hey guys. China's a shithole.

How do I get to pic related when I'm a slave to public transportation and don't own a vehicle?

Because almost everyone in the US owns a vehicle, even poor people. Seriously, every other commercial in TV is for a car or pickup truck. Kill yourself btw.

We have the interstate.
Passenger trains are for commies and milksops.

NYC, like every other liberal city, has fallen victim to the cancerous money-suck of payouts to their brown pets.

Also, "community activism" leading to you being unable to get anything built without years of lawsuits and EIS's to appease the NIMBYs and folks who are being necessarily displaced and affected by the construction.

One day, we will look at the folks who allowed this status quo to come to be the same way that we look at slaveowners today.

I am not pretending I don't know the reason, I just don't remember exactly the reasons laid out from the government's plans when I learned this back in school, and I am not going to dig for that right now.
I am sure corruption plays into why they don't invest into it nowadays, but as I said, I can't remember.

It sure is shit cause white and spics say so

>here's a comfy room full of books we hope it makes you overlook the fact we are a country of soulless insect people

That's a CGI image bud.

for a 1 billion country that skyline is pathetic
my country of 3 million people has a better skyline


Chinese people have no heart because barbarian whites say so derf der derf

>still buying physical books
Wow, what a (((superpower)))
*In before "hurr durr, I like the feel of a book in my hand!!"*

thats a rendered pic,
that or it has shit ton of filters that make it look fake

Fuckin kekt



China IS a shithole. Shanghai included. I've been there for business. Most of the man-made beauty of the city was designed and built by Westerners. All other buildings, however, I seriously doubt the structural integrity of. The country is rife with corruption, corner cutting as a cultural philosophy, and not just relating to construction. The Chinese people are xenophobic, barbaric, rude, and ignorant. One of the greatest jokes about the decline of the west is that we're superior in every way, and westerners feel inferior about their own culture. These fucking disgusting insects think they're the wisest, most correct-living people, yet their society is objectively shit. A shame they will inherit the Earth because there's over a billion of them and they aren't cucked like we are.

Why are you so assblasted Xian? They are correct, look at the couple on the right side of the river. Where are their shadows? Why are the floating?

If it's a real place why post a CGI image? Maybe try opening your eyes next time.

Nope. They have no heart because that's the conclusion any rational individual will reach, after reviewing the vast amount of evidence available online of them behaving worse than niggers towards their peers, animals and the environment in which they live.

nothing wrong with that, as you said they are not cucked


China executes all drug dealers. Instantly.

That's the difference right there.

>The Chinese people are xenophobic, barbaric, rude, and ignorant.

There's a difference between not being cucked and being a cunt.

yeah they skin their dogs you just skin other mexicans

Fuck out of my country spic. You do the crimes that whites won't do, druggie rapist beanerfag.

you know, one of the things that helped turn America into a super power was constructed almost entirely by Chinese people

I'm pretty sure they know a thing or two about building shit

webm's by some spic that represents less than .001% in a country of 1.4 billion people. Even the people in said webm's are peasants and not average city folk from tier 1 or 2

>Chink with Anglo flag

I don't think Italy has a tradition of skinning Mexicans.

cC/wHAeq is either under 16 or an idiot.

kek, I got mixed up there just a little, but tbqh there is hardly any difference between mexicans and italians, same things apply

stupid morons

god DAMN you're fucking stupid.

Most Chinese I've met in America and abroad have been pretty dumb desu, I think there is a much stronger culture of studying your hardest and trying that kids grow up with, and I think they are better at memorization and repetition but a lot of Chinese don't seem to be great with taking one theory and applying it to something else. Like they could read a mechanical engineering textbook, take the exam and kill it, but not really have any idea what to do when they took apart an engine, or applying abstract ideas from one field to another like K/r type selection applying to politics or social fields etc

>almost entirely by Chinese people
If we're talking about the first transcontinental railroad only the Central Pacific Company (western side) used Chinese laborers. The Union Pacific (eastern side) used Irish for labor as is Anglo tradition when you can't find enough niggers.

+1 for hispanization of America

Rio pop. 11,616,000

Prague pop. 1,282,496
lines: 3

sopa de macaco, uma delicia!

Your newfag is showing. Lurk moar.

whats with all this pro-china shitposting today?

>What is the Tao of Jeet Kune Do?

peasants are average folk
China is equally urban to rural right now.

I noticed that too. That's the primary reason I don't see them as a threat,

>I think there is a much stronger culture of studying your hardest and trying that kids grow up with, and I think they are better at memorization and repetition but a lot of Chinese don't seem to be great with taking one theory and applying it to something else.

I think that's cultural as much as their focus on cramming and studying is. Not that memorization necessarily encourages lack of creativity. In fact I think we should encourage more memorization in our schools as it's great practice for using one's memory in the first place. Conjugation of Latin verbs

its a good policy.

Their government is probably trying to find new ways to employ convicts that work as slaves in internet sweatshops, now that mmorpgs and in-game currency sales are losing momentum.

that shit needs to be destroyed. The UN HQ in NY. An institute of foreign hostility to the US has no place on our soil.

high speed in yellow.

thinking is hard for spics

high speed in blue.

burguers in two images.

because China is doing a lot of things right and it pisses off both antifa and altright

Either Kubitschek or Jango decided to "modernize" our transportation in the 40s, so they built highways parallel to the rails, effectively dismantling the entire train system and assuring it would never be profitable to invest in it again.

I think it's stupid to assume that observations of countries or people especially negative ones come from a place of anger or insecurity. East Asians and Indians seem very quick to come to this conclusion in regards to any comments on their culture or ethics outside of empty praise. There's interesting and obviously beneficial aspects of Chinese culture and society, but there is just as many things we wouldn't at all want to see or emulate here

Meanwhile in Chile ;)






America doesn't need trains, we got cars and planes nigga.

Kek! saved


Public Transit: Because we can't all win the game of life.

>Get a car, losers.

Because we can afford personal forms of transport and don't have to ride cuck overcrowded commie trains. Pic related, my baby. Fuck the environment, hear that V8 ROAR.

>I think it's stupid to assume that observations of countries or people especially negative ones come from a place of anger or insecurity.

There's constructive criticism, and then there's calling an entire race of people insects because they're successful.

People are obviously angry and insecure.

Why the hell would you take a train from Chicago to LA? It takes 4 or 5 days compared to 4 hours by plane.

they are crowded as fuck but safe and reliable

>tells spic to get off Sup Forums and to get a job
>is on Sup Forums
burger logic is fucking retarded


The absolute state of burger education