This man left his family to go to Europe to fight the Nazis for your freedom. What do you tell him?

This man left his family to go to Europe to fight the Nazis for your freedom. What do you tell him?

Thanks for your services best goy

I'd tell him he fought to cripple my country and economically dominate the planet

Fuck you


Fuck you jew loving, nigger whorshipping cuckold. I hope a nigger murders you and shits on your grave.

seriously americans of Sup Forums, go and shit on your grandpas grave or kill him for his betrayal of the white race.
these cuckolds handed over everything to the jew, fought for the jew.

your own people have been broken far worse. do you think a Charlottesville could ever happen in Germany?


Shouldn't have invaded Russia so early and you might not be bitching today.

It's completely understandable to be bitter about what happened to your country and the rest of Europe and the world because of the allied victory, but the men who fought are not to blame.

Most were honourable men who did what they were told was their duty, and they believed it because they could not conceive of how monstrous the (((powers that be))) truly were

>don't hate the player, hate the game

That he did an half-assed job, as germans are back at destroying Europe already, for the third time in less than a century.

shouldn't have supported the soviet bolsheviks but you cuckold grandpa loved the idea of communists steamrolling europe. what a cuck.
I hope your grandpa gets mutilated by niggers who rip of his wrinkly cock and stuff it down his traitor throat, then burn him alive.

yes the allies were all a bunch of cucks who were (and still are) bluepilled about the jews.
stupid americans, whole of europe knew about the jew but americucks let them prosper until they took their country.
They deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell.

pretty sure he realizes we fought the wrong enemy.

N-nice weather we're having.

Fuck off ZOG

>not to blame
They are.

Should've stayed home, dipshit.

That he slaughtered the wrong pig.

Just as Winston Churchill said after the war.

Congratulations. You were a useful idiot for the Jews. kys oldfag

His sacrifices were in vain and he's doomed his descendants to a future of hedonism, minority status and the most sickening forms of degeneracy.

he was drafted and ultimately jewed by his jew controlled leaders who used the attack on Pearl Harbor to further (((their))) agenda

They aren't. The majority of them were conscripted, meaning they were forced to fight at gunpoint.

Chill goy the jews bluepilled everybody back then he didnt know