So, fellow scandinavians - what is your excuse for not trying to unite us?
Why not???
Shit idea. Ignoring centuries of warfare and distinct national identities that grew out of those wars. Denmark and sweden has fought against each other on countless times and norway has been owned/forced into union and dont want their orders coming from stockholm or Copenhagen.
Fuck the swedes, Fuck the Danish and Fuck everyone who wants to "yugoslavify" every region of the world.
Uniting Scandinavia/Nordics is dumb. That's the only thing I really dislike about the Resistance Movement. We are too different in terms of national identity, nationhood, language and culture to be properly united, but I do believe we could definitely have a union or an alliance, etc.
kalmarunionen 5 life
and besides it would just allow Sweden to relieve its infrastructure by flooding every other country with its packs of subhumans. so essentially you would allow sweden to damage not only itself but also its neighbours.
Sweden would rule this union because it is the largest country in scandinavia and it would give them this self entitled "le Carolus Rex rules again" and my fucking ancestors who slaughtered swedes would spin like a minigun in their grave if we started calling swedes brothers
More likely your ancestors are spinning like dreidels.
And dont get me started on the fucking danish! norwegians and swedes cant understand those fuckers and if we were to choose a common language for the union i'd prefer icelandic over some half-german throat gibblegabble.
Danes have good comedy shows tho...
Too many sandniggers in Sweden
1. Sweden would have to change, no doubt. All of the countries would, we would have to go our own way. No EU, no NATO, no nothing.
2. Alone we have nothing to say what so ever. Its a fucking crime against every human instinct to remain powerless when you actually have the ability to become powerful. The unified scandinavian economy would be among the larger in the world. It would really be quite a potential.
Well then where is my jew money?
You're being reunited with your african brothers. enjoy bitch
Maybe if we get rid of our niggers first and get SD to jumpstart our fixing process.
We should be military R&D center btw, restart our nuclear program too.
I'd prefer if we kept ourselves to a federation where we still keep our cultures separate.
Obviously, a unification of Scandinavia would only happen after a period of world wars or civil wars, and all of the shitskins are gone, so there wouldn't be the shitskin problem to worry about. Either way, I fully believe that there would be enormous internal resistance to a unified Nordic republic, because cunts in Stockholm would make all of the important decisions, even over remote places like Iceland (like Motståndsrörelsen wants). All the talk about "YOU ALL GET TO MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS" is make-belief. Government will always centralize more and more, and will eventually end up completely in Stockholm, just like how the the U.S states are virtually irrelevant and the only government that matters is the one in Washington D.C.
(ALMOST) everything you can call swedish, norwegian or danish you can also call scandinavian. There is no such thing a a seperate culture, only seperate history.
Typical Jew. First thing he thinks of is shekels.
Doesn't matter what shitty unions you make, in the end you'll still be subject to the American Empire, swallowing up whatever cultural influence we shit at you
Not entirely true, we share a lot with Finland too, but yes, we're similar. Still think we should be kept distinct culturally to avoid giant civil issues like with Fennoswedes and Finns in Finland.
Hilariously enough because we're not similar enough. Too much history, too much warfare. Not to mention our countries have a lot of internal strife.
I'd say Skåne is closer to Danish than Swedish. The north of Sweden has more in common with the north of Norway and Finland than the south of Sweden, and I know they feel the same way at least in northern Norway.
It should give people pause when the average person can give this answer as to why unification is not possible but at the same time the average person supports immigration.
Anyway, what always made sense was a Scandi trade union. An EU for the north. Because while we have mutual distrust, we have a hell of a lot more in common and to gain by a unified trade zone that is a joint counterbalance to the mainlanders. One of the problems in the EU (Norwaybros thank your blessed oil) is that our countries don't have the population or resources to matter individually.
However if we had one voice versus the EU (and were not part), we'd be one of the most powerful of all European nations, right after the trifecta of cuckoldry; UK, France and Germany.
Things that will never happen: the thread.
I'd say that trade/military would be enough. We don't really care much about attacking anybody so we won't drag the rest of each other into any wars, effectively completely defensive.
This entire mindset is based on fallacies. There is nothing stopping the Nordic countries from entering a union or a close-knit military alliance. I also believe we should leave the EU, NATO and the UN. Forced unification is idiocy. The language barriers are significant enough, regardless of how much you scream and yell about "Scandinavian" being one language with different dialects. There is SIGNIFICANT barriers in terms of national identity and sense of nationhood between all Nordic countries.
You don't stay irrelevant and powerless just because you're not a single country. These types of social experiments are what ruin good countries.
>my fucking ancestors who slaughtered swedes
They didn't slaughter shit. I reality we gave you rebels a leave of absence to contemplate your wrongdoings. You'r clay belongs to the crown.
because any of the scandinavian countries are good countries today?
Fun fact! the part of norway i descend from is called "More" and they say that people from that region are really good with money...
You guys froze to death in our mountains while you retreated after being defeated at Fredrikstens festning in 1718. And we killed your king too!
You stupid fuck, that was Armfeldts army, not the one at Frederiksten. And we lost great parts of our country to swedish counquest like 70 years before so:(((
Karl is kill
But i believe they carred the corpse of the king with them?
Coming from a Norwegian-American, who is currently living in Iceland, Sweden is by far the worst off due to its obsessive need for multicultural pluarity. The problem is that these stupid fucks would rather sell their souls for rapist immigrants than protect their own people. Uniting Scandinavia will never happen as long as the filthy fucking Svensk are around.
instead of doing what needs to be done swedes/danes/norwegians even finns larp around the idea of muh reich instead of simply killing the niggers jews and traitors, it is a very destructive escape fantasy
I agree. Uniting Scandinavia would only be possible if ethnic sentiment rose drastically.
Yeah. The U.S. is long overdue for a (((cleansing))) as well...
After seeing us kicking ass around Europe and subsequently seeing our strength dwindle did you cowards decide to backstab us in a moment of weakness. What a feat.
Go suck a Muslim cock you horse fucking degenerate.
Bamboozled again!
Why have other Nordic countries not produced as relevant an artist as Bjork?
we got ABBA
Full som svensker.
The idea of a nordic power is great. Just fucking think about it.
Our combined GDP would be similar to Russia, and if we increased military spending we would be well off without NATO's "protection".
Swedish military industry is also quite large, we could support the army with our own equipment, creating many jobs in the process.
A greater Scandinavian power is the only way to preserve the nordic race.
It would without a doubt become a common thought to keep the nordic race clean, if the people were united.
Ofcourse we need to get rid of the Swedish shitskins and kill the multiculti sentiment in the population and government before ever setting such an idea in motion.
why? to create to great cuckold empire?
We can effectively achieve that power by forming unions, but our countries should still have authority over their populations, education and culture.
If we do that, we wouldn't have to deal with forming a real state out of all of them unless some superpower like China begins to bully weaker nations.
I could get down with this.
I listen to abba when i wanna feel like i was born in my moms generation. (I do that often)
Or well, potential superpower China*
I'm all for the unification of Scandinavia, but we need to get rid of our Nordic pseudo-identity while, of course, remaining great allies with United-Scandinavia. Finland is better off alone.
Only fucking nordics would think that we are too different to live together.
In the grand scheme of things, globally, it will be hard to find nations that are as close as the nordic nations.
But to be fair, a full on border merge wouldn't be desirable -- I'd rather wish we had a confederation.
In fact if Sweden stopped being pozzed I think the nordic nations could become
an extremely powerful force in the world, at least economically and scientifically.
We have to realize that the world is much, much darker these days by the looming outsider forces then the old 15th-19th century.
And nobody seriously take those grudges and rivalries to their heart anymore, only larpers.
Agreed - close relationship, but Finland is better off alone - just respect the scandinavian speaking minority ;))
Also our workers are extremely skilled compared to most of the world, as shown by our economies in comparison to population.
Should try to fix up our debt though, the government can't get by without loaning every other second.
I would move to northern norway or sweden the instant we unified. Fuck this glorified cornfield
>just respect the scandinavian speaking minority
I'm afraid but they need to leave or assimilate completely (since lot of them are just Finns who switched to Swedish as it was beneficial in the past). We could support them financially if they insist on assimilating and emigrate to Sweden for example. It would be a great compromise imo.
The massive immigration have turned the production per capita way down low, they also drain the system hard with violence and
a general apathetic attitude towards working and the swedish society. We'll be reaching levels of taxation that shouldn't be possible pretty soon I reckon.
Hopefully the retarded middleclass will have all their shit be worth NOTHING within a few years so they can sit in their cuckboxes
with loans up their asses and go "Heeey wait a minute!!!", nothing significant will happen until the upper middleclass collapses completely.
Norway is the best one but it might get infected by Sweden's refugees.
Pls annex Estonia
B-but Swedish clay!
This x1000
The only reason we are considered a "nordic" country is our geographical location and because of our blond people. Sweden might've influenced us culturally, but not by too much.
We also have been away from our true brothers; eestis for too long to even consider them as our brothers, which is why we should just be alone and build wall around Finland.
>not letting the finns take it
It's basically Sweden alredy.
>Finland is not Scandina-
we are not even geographically scandinavian (if you don't count some parts of lapland) and genetically either. it's just a pure coincidence that we have light features, or maybe our maternal line got raped by proto-germanics, i don't know
"Scandinavian" is precisely Indo-European concept. Finns are not Indo-European.
Sweden. QED.
Finns actually do have the highest percentage of of proto-european hunter gatherer DNA out of any population. We just also happen to have 5% of uralic admixture.