Poland refuses to take its EU immigrant quota

>Poland refuses to take its EU immigrant quota
>Germany threatens to fine Poland $75 million
>Poland responds by demanding $1 trillion in WW2 reparations from Germany

Where were you when we entered the age of shitposting foreign policy?

I love this world we have built together.

Is Germany going to pay up?

having a good kek

ofc we don't.


long live poland

pay denbts kraut


>>Poland refuses to take its EU immigrant quota
>>Germany threatens to fine Poland $75 million
>>Poland responds by demanding $1 trillion in WW2 reparations from Germany


I love Poland so much.

Pay your debts Hans.

Bolan needs mo money fo dem military programz

Denmark just told EU to go away with the quota as well, it's happening.

ya heard the pokeball. pay debnts

Pay up.

Pay your debts kraut

based Poland is based

you did miss the part they were fined with 1.5 bn Euro

Pay denbts you anti semite.

Im a polish american and the trauma of WW2 was horizontally inherited. give me money kraut!

Posting in epic bread

At worst, if we don't leave, this makes me hope it ends up as a fast track Europe, so we can get more redpilled Easterners outside the Euro main countries..

Poland just outplayed Germany at their own game

>Germany has to pay $1T reparations to Poland
>responds by demanding $1T each from Scotland, France and Sweden for 30 Years War reparations

>they just say "no"

Fucking this. I ate pierogi for dinner last night and my newfound polish ancestry cannot forgive germany until they pay me.

same song and dance

Germany is citing a 1954 agreement, but wasn't that between East Germany and Poland?

>dude he made a faux pas lmao
>haha he insulted a diplomatic ally so based
>our guy didn't know which fork to eat with and it made the host uncomfortable rofl
I wish we could be on par with the bongs as far as diplomatic banter rather than first generation city boy politician running their mouths as though they were at a town hall meeting in a polish swamp somewhere. The odd funny one isn't worth the amount of unoriginal and primitive behaviour we have to endure from our representatives.

The british house of commons banter or Trump coming out and saying something outrageous is a fine art, you guys don't know what you're taking for granted. Imagine rude AND boring at the same time and you'll know the world of shit eastern nations have to deal with.


Pay denbts Muhammed

We are leaving. We're making a pact with Poland and Hungary to free Europe.

>For Scotland it's the Darien scheme all over again and they have to beg for might England's help
>After making international fools of themselves