Blacks are good at music. Lets at least admit that. How did they go from the glorious past of them actually singing and using real instruments to now where it's just thugs rhyming a couple words together?
Blacks are good at music. Lets at least admit that...
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>Blacks are good at music. Lets at least admit that.
nigganigga shoot a nigga bitch ass dick suck suck whitey women nigga
There is Jazz and Blues, so it isn't that bad.
What about the entire 20th century pre-hip hop?
They really aren't. Most of my favorite music comes from white people and rap, hip hop, and r&b suck ass.
Using yt instruments.
Blacks created all modern music. Whitey can't compete against the musical genius of the black race. All they got is corny classical """""music"""" that no one listens to.
>ya'll cowards don't even smoke crack
I don't know where I think this thread could possibly lead. but it just amazes me that rappers and these shits with literally 0 musical talent can make it big.
I consider this an actual song. not just a bunch of slang words some hood rats strung together over a song they stole the Melody from
Ok so derivative genres that emphasize individual performance puts them at a far far distant 2nd? Maybe?
Unstructured they're complete trash.
nigga nigga
ima pull the trigger
driving down the block
14 clips and my glock
168 rounds to shoot up your block
nigga nigga ima pull the trigger
driving down the block, gunning down crack dealers
>Blacks are good at music. Lets at least admit that
That is objectively false.
They make music their kike masters like to spread like a plague we can admit that.
Are shills thread focussing on debatable good things the negroes do the new trump BTFO?
a monkey stepping on random notes of a piano is not music
did you not even read my post? It was implied that black music turned to shit after it started obsessing over this rap nigga this shoot that garbage.
Jews run the music industry. They pay musicians to produce music then slap a negro into it.
idk man rap is pretty sick.
probably my third favorite black invention next to potato chips and video games
>Niggers stole blues from the celts in the south
>Jazz also stolen from what I hear.
idk. people hated nogs a lot back in the days and yet motown records was doing very great despite not having many heebs involved.
Earth Wind & Fire were quite talented
I'm not a Sup Forums visitor but I know enough about it to know that quite literally almost every popular rap . had some sort of r&b or disco riff involved that they stole. Remember that whole thing about vanilla ice and david bowie? That's literally what every rap song is. Just a good hook from an actual song back in the day layed over some hoodspeak.
Jews have completely consolidated their control of the music industry.
Read the fucking OP dickhead.
I don't know any taylor swift songs, but from what I've heard it sounds like she's been fully /jewed/. are her new songs that bad?
Cantankerous chimp sounds are not music
You'll notice this occurred at the same time as whites going from classical music to popular music. Jazz was like classical for blacks(i mean it's not really like classical but you know).
Hiphop is good for a bunch of reasons, in the context of pop music.
literally what does this mean?
Hey Dense Cunt Niggers invented rock music, without them RAmStien would still be sucking of guys in public toilets instead of making gay fucking music.
Hip Hop
Rap, both good and bad
Blacks have literally invented, evolved and added to the very bestusical genres outside of Prog Rock, Western Classicism, Germans and Russian Romanticism, Shoegaze, 90's alt and Ambient.
They have been instrumental in modern music making and have made some of the best producers, singer and the best instrumentalists
Music and a natural feeling for rhythm are the Blacks biggest strengths
Is the original Bill Murray song considered black music?
>to now where it's just thugs rhyming a couple words together?
Watch this, it's good.
basically a public enemy documentary and them getting in trouble for naming the jew
Blacks did not invent jazz, it was a Cuban invention and black people renamed it to Afro-Cuban music then Jazz. Attaching your ethnicity and then renaming the genre is not creating.
they are but pol wont admit it
Brah listen to early bebop and swing and try and call that Afro-Cuban
Jesus, not even Dixieland or Trad jazz is Cuban. Things aren't created in a vacuum obvs. No one invented Psych Rock either but by '67 it was established that it was already a thing. No one invented the Polonaise but by the mid 19th Century it was definitely it's own genre.
You should know early Jazz has way more in common with blues (a distinctly African musical style) than bossa or southern American styles, even if the similarities are there
whites have some pretty shitty musicians out there. That's for sure.
>see any commercially successful punk band, like Fall Out Boy, for an example
meanwhile, blacks have music like this:
now that's a tune worth getting drunk and chilling out to
Most of the genres you listed are based heavily upon improvisation (or the illusion of it) and, more generally, individual performance. Composition and multi-layered harmony elevate and represent the human spirit in ways that these others simply cannot.
Strengths are gauged in a relative manner. A mud hut is a house, just like some of things you listed are occasionally nourishing enough to be called music.
Optional thread themes for others posting in a slide thread:
>Blacks are good at music. Lets at least admit that
your a sjw lib who is trying to push the blacks invented jazz/rock/pop/gospel/r and b/etc music meme
fuck off
*detachable magazine
dad rock > everything else
>Aquaintance, aquaintance
>I've violent tendencies,
>I'm currently operating a motor vehicle in your proximity
>I'm heavily armed with ample pistol ammunition
>Enough pistol ammunition to shoot several people
>Acquaintance, aquaintance I've got violent tendencies
>Driving my vehicle, shooting independent pharmaceutical wholesalers and distributors
I'm not trying to push anything.nigs literally have done nothing but entertainment/sports since they were slaves. in the early 1900's all the famous nogs wereentertainers or athletes. now? all the famous nogs are athletes or entertainers.
that's literallly all they are good for.
i really like black music. so damn soulful n jiggy and smooth n shit
The bar for entry is lower. Everyone can create and publish music by themselves. It's a good thing. If it took the same amount of investment to self-publish music as it did 40 years ago, you wouldn't see nearly as many amateur musicians.
i disagree. i think blacks excel at improvisation in music.
No, blacks are not inherently good at creating music, but African cultures do have a slightly more complex understanding of rhythm than the we've inherited from Western Classical music, namely in the form of polyrhythms.
>Musical genius
Niggas can't even figure out how to put two notes together
>jazz is a cuban invention!
>doesn't realize cuban music came from the africans anyway
>Couldn't even bother to learn how to *pretend* to play an instrument convincingly
>How did they go from the glorious past of them actually singing and using real instruments to now where it's just thugs rhyming a couple words together?
Rap was invented. A market was established for it. They are filling market demand. They deserve every dollar they earn from selling rap. In the modern sense rap music is theirs. They have so few other market platforms they have any control over what so ever.
I hate niggers but not enough to say they can't have/keep/profit from that which they created.
On a side note rap/hiphop culture celebrates the ascendence of 0.000000000000000000001 percent of black people who actually become famous enough to earn a living from it, but for the rest of the black community it represents a very negative culture that has harmed them immeasurably. You'd think rap was a racists wet dream really.
Blacks will never create a great symphony.
Blacks will never create a great opera.
Blacks will never create a great ballet.
I don't care how "good" they can rhyme or gyrate to beats, it's all fucking child's play compared to serious and truly beautiful art.
Do you really not know?
Hip hop was invented by poor nigs in gangs in the 70s they would play a beat on a stereo and then "rap" over it in the street to rep their particular sect of juvenile delinquents.
Fast forward many years and hip hop producers trying to make a simple 3 note melody sound "progressive" are the most successful people in the business besides the niggas who wrote the mostly shit rhymes.
You're welcome for the lesson.
Nigga nigga bang bang
They can't even speak properly. Take away the trained musicians and producers and how many of those "talented" musicians could make anything more impressive than Tyrone on the street corners mix tape?
>the welfare state even destroyed mo-town
its almost like ((they)) own the music industry and push this garbage out to keep other niggers doing stupid shit and getting locked up.
He just means they stole the concept of syncopation from the Cubans. Dem niggas then superimposed it over big band marches instrumentation, so of course they don't sound anything alike.
I think he means black people music went to shit around the same time white people music did.
everybody can make a rap song. it takes years to master classic musical instruments or become an opera singer. blacks master none of these things. orchestras are the whitest thing ever. fuck off with your blacks are good at music faggot. it is literally gutter trash.
>Yale Student : "Hey, Guy, Did you know that ebonic poetry is better than Shakespeare?
Reason why American Education is suck
AND Either You are Nigger OR You have nigger brain
Rap is About Nigger's Nature that murdering stealing raping and turn things into negative direction
>he thinks jimmy ruffin couldn't sing
the cuban syncopations came from africans though...
also, blues is distinct from cuban music and it still contained syncopations.
>blacks are good at music
best rappers are white mathmatically
this, the most celebrated artist, Kayne West, his medicore lyrics and high compression. He is average, well below Eminem, well below Vivaldi.
Just stop , he is bad, bad like 1 hit wonder bad
tthey are music and sports are all they are good at
it's kinda sad thats all they've been good for during the segregation era and that's ey're good for for now.
>Blacks are good at music
What are you talking about?
Not going to lie, it's music to my ears
blacks are the best at singing, whitey is just mad that they don't have soul.
>Blacks are good at music.
Stopped reading after I saw this flagrant lie.
>Blacks are good at music. Lets at least admit that
hold the fuck on right there
they were good when they were following the white mans style
then the jews convinced them to branch out on there own, create there own style
and it all is complete and utter garbage
Jews. not even kidding.
>lets at least admit
know how i know op's a faggot?
>Blacks are good at music
Jews produce the actual music, dummy. Kanye was such a phenomenon because he actually produced his own music. That's how much of a novelty that was.
Black people are very talented
If you use this word unironically, your argument is invalid and you have a 78.4% chance of being a fag.
[citation needed]
Niggers had it going good in the 1960s until they fucked it all up
Blacks are extremely good at music. They are bad at forming civil societies, however.
The important thing is to stop the Jews from exploiting racial tensions to their own benefit.
Rap and everything is just stolen from the beat poets of Haight & Ashbury, who were really just normal poets with a twist, which has been big in white cultures forever.
The blacks are responsible for:
>tribal drums
That's about it really, which is why it's the lowest common denominator in pop/dance music. Old African instincts related to reproducing. The people who got to dance to drums were warriors and hunters, who the women knew to fuck for the sake of the species (sorry Afro-cucks, no offspring for you). The population migrated north and got fractionated by the cold (which is to say, the smart and ingenious survived the snow) and whites and Asians came about. So too did more complex music and literature.
Niggers are good a drum beats and talking big
Richard Wagners music is something to be proud of
It's more than that, music is the actual language blacks speak, which is why their English is so atrocious. If you listen to blacks talking with each other, they will often repeat the same word, but change the musical inflection to communicate different meanings. If you also watch the people listening to them, they will understand all these new musical meanings of the same word.
I think there would be a lot more understanding between people if they were aware of this. It's a very different way to communicate and I think a lot of tension arises from different cultures trying to all speak English with each other. Chinese language is almost the grammatical mirror of English, for example, and in many ways it creates a culture that is the polar opposite of white English culture (they are collective, where white culture is based around the individual).
Of course it makes sense that a culture which musilogo-centric would than continually create novel music. It is their own word, and the word makes their being.
>why won't you let black people speak to you in the song of their people
I know you're trying to rustle my jimmies.
When you combine rap and R&B (which have as much in common as Rock and Country) and classify Beyonce or any black singer as R&B instead of pop then Rap and R&B is the most dominant musical genre.
Sup Forums BTFO again!
thanks norbro
wonder why it's the ((most dominant))?
They dont have all the talent.
black music is the music of America
their race was destroyed by liberals
I don't hate them for what happened, they didn't deserve it. Another race exterminated by jews