The Nazis didn't do anything wro-
The Nazis didn't do anything wro-
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who dis
kek nice thread
do you see how shooped that looks?
that photo is well-known to be photoshopped....
Ms. Photoshoah Shoppowitz
yeah it looks pretty bad
Dude at least change the pic name...
This is a widely known fake image. Weak bait
Want more of this slut?
To be fair, the bottom middle one is real.
Idiots dont even know that Photoshop has been around for decades
>Everything I don't like is fake
Love those Soviet edits.
if anyone has the bill nye one
it would be greatly appreciated
If the Germans had been that brutal they would have won.
Leaf was prepared for this.
It literally says fake in OPs file name, you stupid pile of shit
>tfw you remember seeing several of these in your middle school holocaust rememberanceclass
>tfw you remember you had to take an entire class on the Holocaust
G-guys I'm just here for the memes and the Bantz I need to leave.
Germans did lots of wrong.
It was a war. It was full of sin and wrongdoing.
Not the jewish propaganda ones, but there really was wrongdoing.
>masturbating machines
What did he mean by this?
Cite me Soviet documents, where those "fakes" were used as some kind proof of German brutality. Oh wait, you can't, because they were made by Stormfags.
oh you just found the fake one
Hanging Commies = wrong
What happened to America ?
most of us are, the 3 stormfags who take this place seriously ruin it for the rest of us
I don't know but where can I get one?
In my school we had:
>no mention of the German Revolution
>no mention of Bavarian Socialist Republic
>no mention of Communist crimes in Spanish civil war
>no mention of Holodomor
>all the slaughters and genocides done in the USSR hardly touched upon
>no mention of Pol Pot
>ambiguous whether communism helped cause the world wars
>two minutes spent on Great Leap Forward
>no mention of Cultural Revolution
>several days on the Holohoax
Public schools in the West are essentially Marxist indoctrination centers, down to the way they teach history.
This is one of the best introductions to the topic:
I had previously watched conspiracy theories about the moon landing, aliens, UFO coverups, Chemtrails - Nothing really convinced me, but watching David Cole's and Ernst Zundel's stuff blew me away.
Also here's another decent one with a twist.
Wearing a medic's cross doesn't give you license to be a partisan/spy/terrorist. It doesn't give you immunity from the execution that goes with getting caught doing that shit either.
Nobody claims the Nazis didn't do anything wrong.
Indeed, did nothing wrong, commies are not humans
Are you fucking kidding me, coal cracker?
how new are you? these were shopped badly on purpose you faggot.
These are also deliberate fake photos, these were never pushed by the Soviets though. They were shopped in more recent years for shitposting purposes.
You're full of shit.
They were pushed decades ago, and they're still pushed everywhere in schools and mass media.
>Dino A. Brugioni was one of the founders of the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center. He also co-authored the CIA’s “Retrospective Analysis of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Complex.” In the “About the Author” section of this book it notes that he “became the CIA expert in photo fakery and photo manipulation.”
>Brugioni was hired by the CIA in 1948. He notes that
>“it became immediately apparent to me, even as a neophyte in the intelligence game, that the Soviets had embarked on a massive program of misinformation during the war years. On reviewing still photos, I found that the Soviets had used heavy brush techniques to delete details of their weapons. Care had also been taken to portray their leaders in the most favorable light. Reviewing Soviet newsreels, I found that many battle scenes had been deliberately staged; often, dramatic scenes of one battle would be superimposed to show up in films of other battles.”
>With this said, Brugioni attempts to lead the uninitiated and the neophytes through the history and techniques of photo fakery. The book is filled with photographic fakes. Interestingly the 5th chapter, entitled “Spotting Fakes” includes a discussion of the concentration camps and Brugioni’s work on the subject.
No they weren't. These pictures weren't. They're more recently photoshopped. You've got to a real newfag or an absolute autistic faggot if you're to believe that those were pushed forward by any government as authentic images. Then again you're a fucking Leaf, so your posts are almost never serious.
Photo editing/manipulation has been a thing since well before computers were invented, lad. See: These are the kind of handful of pictures they've been using since after the war to prove the Holohoax happened since they needed photographic evidence to make the Nazis look evil to your average person.
>if you're to believe thatthose were pushed forward by any government as authentic images
Yes, good goy, the government has never lied to people.
Why would they ever lie about Iraq having WMDs, why would they lie about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, or Assad gassing little babies for no reason?
Jew have been actively working to undermine the power of Europeans:
Stop moving the goalposts. I'm talking specifically about these photos, specifically every single one after the first 2. None of those have ever been used by anyone legitimately. No legitimate historians, not the Soviet Union and not Holocaust centers even. Those are more recently photoshopped, presumably by shills, because they're even poorer edits than the ones used in in the 30's or 40's. Anyone can tell that they're shopped, that a digital photo has been plastered over an old film photos and not even any effort has been put in to blending the focus. You fucking retarded.
Soviet propaganda pic. don't be a dummy. Soviets were masters of forging pics.
Not these old fake photos again.
the fakes are obvious though faggot. You gonna tell me the allies and soviets didn't engage in propaganda? fucking moron