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Step 1: Take this test
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you have to be larping surely
>literally hitler
What's better than a one dimensional political assessment? A two dimensional political assessment.
shit test
Bruh I thought we were all about those "4D chess" shit
Do this test instead,
Being pro-big state is not the same as being socially reactionary
Ah I was just like you at one point. Welcome to the ride, once it stops it doesn't end.
>tfw the more i learn about economics and politics the more authoritarian right i get
i was at op's point about 3 years ago and no im about 7 boxes to the right and straddling the line between auth/lib
Original test.
How'd I do
The political compass is full of questions that initially appear reasonable but turn out to be completely unclear and/or meaningless when you actually think about them for more that five seconds. Just look at the first page:
>If economic globalization is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
In what way could globalization possibly "serve humanity" in a way that doesn't enrich global capital?
>I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong.
What is the definition of "country" here? The federal government? The media-controlled masses? My ethnic "Nation"?
>Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races.
What if I'm racially conscious and proud of my race but don't adhere to the belief that any race can be objectively "superior"?
>Military action that defies international law is sometimes justified.
Is this trying to capture how I feel about the relationship between the nation-state and international centralization? Or does it assume that the U.N. is peaceful and is just framing the question that way to capture my views on militarism?
>There is now a worrying fusion of information and entertainment.
I have no idea what this question is getting at.
How do you even get there dude, I'm full 14/88 and I'm at 4,4
choose options you don't agree with in order to impress your mates on Sup Forums
Kek, You sure like the death penalty.
I choose options like strongly agreeing that some races are better than others I don't know how that does land you way up and right.
Sucking capitalist cock moves you right. Being pro big state or a socially reactionary moves you up.
I tried to get top right as close as i could, one of the questions i struggled with was:
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Disgusting lack of purple in this thread
Honestly boggles me that some of you must be answering questions such as "Pornography, depicting consenting adults, should be legal for the adult population." with "strongly disagree" or "Astrology accurately explains many things" with strongly agree
fascists are mentally ill
My authoritarian would probably be a lot higher if we were talking about a an actual respectable government that I could trust like Rhodesia, or Aphartheid South Africa, but I just don't want to give the Jews any more power.
Shit forgot to add my chart
I got lefty, wtf I either way I am still white supremicist, and proud.
It still biases towards libertarianism, because it treats the state as secular and not a reflection of its economic system. I do not want to give the government more authority when I'm living in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, but would happily give it authority in a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Because you're lefty for whites. Solving this test you created white supremacy utopia and utopias are lefty as fuck. Well I guess you're a nigger at some point.
Friendly reminder that if your results don't look like pic related you need to go back.
What did I mean by this?
Where the fuck are all the /bottom-right/ guys at?
probably in bed; it's 10-9-8 pm and they normally work 9-5. they have a long day of coke and strippers before they get back to work on monday
Test is dumb.
Relatively accurate although very biased questions... Many of the questions came be answered correctly/accurately by the answer options.
This is a true ancap score, my friend.
I fixed your meme chart
I love this thing
>that taskbar
You know there is an age limit to be on this board, right?
Sapply version is way better.
How is mine user?
t. william pierce
How do you expect anyone to start a business if the state takes money from companies and doesn't provide financial help?
For complete privatization to work the state must take little to no profit of the independent companies. This is why ancaps always say that taxes is theft.
I'm stuck on one of the questions.
>Laws based on cultural values, rather than ethical ones, aren’t justice.
What would a law based on cultural values be? Everything I could think of would fit into ethical values
I got no different than my Political Compass score so I guess at least I'm consistent?
>If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
Corporations are people my friend
So are governments :^)
Strongly Disagree
> full libertarians are politically neutral
Pic related is why, Hitler being "far right" is a myth.
>Left and Right is dictated by Economic axis and not Social axis
Kys underage faggot
Ancaps and commies alike can go fuck themselves.
It's the same test niglet, I don't see anything wrong with that division anyway considering there have been leftist nationalist groups. Organizing it this way dispels any confusion of "left" or "right."
hey what the fuck