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I promise you this author will be writing about how the show ultimately failed when both of those women die horrible, god awful deaths and John Snow becomes the Night King.

She should update her article with the new information of her nephew being the true King.


>Unironically watching Game Of Thrones
Wow Sup Forums is really attracting normies lately

>men should give up because women are winning a fictional world

She's gloating about the outcome of a fantasy TV show that has dragons and zombies.

She's gloating about a fantasy because that's all she has.

"Ladies in power" will never be a thing unless men provide a stable enough society which permits women to indulge in these sorts of fantasies.

I binge watched it out of curiosity - it was fucking everywhere and I just had to know what it was all about. I also read the book - found the prose somewhat pedestrian and workmanlike, but still better than the show. I only got into it by the end of 5th Season. It was hard to get into it because I couldn't give a shit about any of the characters at first. But the more I watched the more I began to appreciate John Snow. He had to struggle and work for everything he got. Cue in fan favorite the white haired fat midget Daenerys. Did nothing. Accomplished nothing. Worked for nothing. Everything was handed to her on a silver platter and she took it for granted and demanded more. Walked around the entire show telling everyone who she was and what she was going to do. A quintessential Mary Sue if there ever was one. With all other characters falling over themselves to call her "special, intelligent, strong etc" with nothing to show for it. No wonder she is a feminist icon. I suspect she was the writers' version of Hilary - "stronk wymyn ruler itz hurr turrn". I hope the entitled brat fucking dies.


This show was so based early on, especially season 1. As soon as they ran out of book material, they went full feminist .

That is all.

>jon is the rightful king
>women are winning

Normies are the worst









That came before this episode

I hope she means the actual show.

Fugg I was gonna link this


What was handed to Daenerys on a silver platter was her Valyrian genetics. The Valyrians are practically revered as gods; bastards born of Targaeryen blood were considered a blessing upon their family. In the Dance of Dragons civil war several of them tame dragons and it is directly acknowledged that it is their DNA that assists them in this. This allowed her to hatch the dragon eggs and tame Drogon. Looking at it from this angle it's literally a story about the superiority of a race's genetics, GRRM continually references the superiority of Valyrians, saying shit like "he was beautiful in a way only a Targaeryen could be" etc.

Also she's almost certainly going to die, her storyline has become too much of a typical hero's journey style plot for her to defeat the enemy.

TL;DR: It's a story about racial supremacy.

Not according to the leaks.

>found the prose somewhat pedestrian
Yeah I figure

Has anyone done a virgin Theon vs Chad Euron pic like this?

Interesting theory. The only niggers in the show have no dicks, literally.



GRRM has said the ending will be bittersweet.
You can bet if women "win" the game of thrones, nothing will change at all it won't become a utopia like these feminist think, but it will just start another cycle with the same old problems.

bumping this motion

Fictional TV show .....