Jewanon Here AMA

Hi, Sup Forums,
I've been a casual lurker and sometimes enthusiastic shitposter here since around 2010. I've really had a lot of difficulty coming to grips with a lot of the home-truths being laid down here about my people. And I just want to say I'm genuinely sorry for some of the vile filth that *some of us* have inflicted on the world. But it's not fair to blame all of us or hate ALL Jews.

I saw the rise of cuckold fetish porn in my own local community around 5 yrs ago. It began believe it or not as a Jewish fetish. In the Jewish community, Jewish guys are very very held down by their mothers and spoiled brat sisters, and our dads pretty much spoil the shit of them and treat them like Gods. This ties into the dominatrix fetish shit. Anyway, a lot of Jewish guys would talk openly or secretly about feeling like a Jewish pathetic loser and feeling like girls wouldn't want them. Add to this that Jewish girls are MASSIVE sluts (Guys who live in 1% Jewish areas know people who have fucked Jewish girls, Jewish pussy is everywhere) and you get a lot of this fetish shit. This was underground and connected to the LGBT community and the sick thing is that Jewish girls started to openly post about it to make fun of Jewish guys over social media. It's kind of an open secret. It began as a Jewish fetish, but then evolved because Jews were afraid of it looking like an antisemitic fetish, they started to make it about being a "white guy".

I was shocked to see how the cuckold crap flared up on Sup Forums and was sickened, and realized that something was very fucking sick and twisted about the NYC Jewish community and something is dark in our whole mindset.

more in next post...

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(2/2) Also.... I'm among those 20% of kikes who voted Trump. And I want to tell you I'm so fucking sorry for how much bullshit my people have caused White Christian civilization. A huge part of the bad shit happening right now is our fault. But what can I do about it? I feel powerless. If I ever even suggest that White people are human I get called a traitor. If I even show the slightest bit of support for Trump, my friends and most of my family attacks me viciously. You have no idea how backstabbing, dishonest and fanatical Jews can be.

If it sounds overwhelming and fucking annoying, it is! I couldn't stop the Jewish community from its bullshit if I wanted to.

Most of them are good people but they really think that fighting "the white man" is some kind of just revenge for Hitler.

I'm so frustrated I wanted to spill all the beans, here, once and for all.

What do Sup Forums?

is this thread part of your eruv or what

I just want to express myself. Bottling this all up fucks my mind up. I'm a Jew, but I'm a Sup Forumsack and proud of both identities.

If my mom converted to judaism after I was born does that make me jew by your laws or I am a goyim?

you are not Jewish, sorry

Spill all of the beans OP. Let the thread unravel

Thank god.

being Jewish isn't in itself bad, but it does connect you to a lot of bad people, but then again, every race has evil people, but Jews just have a more concentrated group of them

I get shunned and attacked personally if I try to talk about these complaints in real life. Jews are desperate to keep any kind of negative thoughts about ourselves suppressed.

My dad is conservative and hates LGBT and perverts, but he will shut me up if I try to complain about all the perverted shit that *a lot of Jews my age* promote.

Like fucking movie screenings of "indie" cuckporn and BDSM theater shit. It's a whoe underground "scene" for people that think they're "brave artists".

It makes me so fucking sick and so fucking mad that these people think they represent Jews. It's just sad.

>Only 1/8 (or perhaps more, not certain) kike
>Got all the traits depicted by the most common caricature picture online

I'm fully Jewish

I have a mischling friend who is in the same boat as you. His relatives in NYC disgust him. Hes seen some insidious hand rubbing inside the medical field too. Possible collusion to profiteer off the rehab side of the opiate plague as well.

I don't think it's in the blood, it's this toxic NYC Jewish culture is just pure fucking evil sometimes. It's the literal asshole of the world, not the middle east, imho

The Jewish NYC community is so dominant that it even shaped the toxic Hollywood Jewish culture. Feels bad man

My mom tries to convert me using that argument also showing me Facebook profiles of Jewish girls.
>Tfw your mother tries to jew you

You may find a figure called Sir Oswald Mosley of interest. An ingenious British statesman who recognized and spoke of the things which Jewish power and influence was effecting in the world for the worst, but refused to condemn or persecute any Jew simply because he was born a Jew. He said, "I am not an anti-Semite. Anti-Semitism is hatred of all Jews on account of their race. I attack some Jews on account of what they do, but I never attack any Jew on account of his birth. I never attack any man on account of his race or religion. If a Jew does something against the interests of Britain or of Europe, he should be attacked like anyone else. He should not be attacked because he is a Jew, but equally he should not be immune from criticism because he is a Jew." A number of Jews were backers or members of his organization.

He opposed the Second Wold War and was a fervent advocate of liberty and freedom of speech. Was anti-immigration from the start. Ought to be idolized by Sup Forums but too many people insist on modelling themselves on Hitler and his fanatic racialism and indiscriminate hatred and persecution of all Jews, to say nothing of his warmongering, censorship, tyrannical behaviour towards the rights of the individual &c.

Jewish girl are sexy, but also the biggest sluts on earth. That's why Jews increased from only a few thousand people to millions in like 500 yrs.

Jewish girls want sex almost constantly. They are the world's biggest whores, and in multicultural modern NYC they take every goyish dick of any color they can get their hand on. It makes me so mad

my sister does it too

I don't know if this is a white nationalist pretending to be a Jew or a Jew pretending to be a white nationalist...

I respect Mosley and all real nationalists. Imperialism is the enemy. Bolshevik globalist Jews are imperialists. I'm a Zionist.

I'm not a white nationalist. I sympathize with white nationalism from my Sup Forums lurking but I'm not myself one of them.

>Most of them are good people but they really think that fighting "the white man" is some kind of just revenge for Hitler.

So you are saying jews are like more resourceful and more intelligent niggers?

Deny Holocaust and embrace socialism then come back.

in a fucked up sense you could say that, I guess, they have the same attitude as blacks because they consider white people to be European Christians who they consider their biggest persecutors of all time

Being Jewish is all about remembering how evil Europeans have been, for a lot of these people. It's sad!

I don't like Hitler. Sorry.

Infiltrate. Get dirt. Use your identity for good.

I think it probably is. The patterns are too long term historically. Not every Jew has these genes or has them turned on.


The culture is a force multiplier.

how much do the goyim know?

Accept Jesus as Messiah and that salvation is by the grace of God through our faith in Jesus and his completed work on the cross at Cavalry.

Everything will start to make sense and the Holy Ghost will lead you into all truths.

Be part of the righteous remnant, kikeanon.

A Remnant of Israel
>I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying, Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

>What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

>(According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

>And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:

>Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.

Come home, Israelite.

No, I just think we have the ability to be subversive sons of bitches. I could probably do what some of my fellow Jews do but I choose not to because I hate it.

Maybe it's because I'm a shy guy with social anxiety who doesn't feel "at home" around other Jews? Meh.

Tell us about Kabbalah.

Makes sense since the jew power comes from the mother. The sneaky female jew would try to convert as many goys as possible with their womb, so I think your peers know and accept this as necesary

Oswald Mosley a million times better than Hitler

>No, I just think we have the ability to be subversive sons of bitches

This is where the biology comes in. There seems to be some kind of sociopathy and disturbing capacity for double think in the Jewish mind. We joke about the hand clasping, but it is a real thing.

I hear you, my Jewish friend. I am not Jewish but I have known a few growing up. Brilliant people. Also very neurotic and narcissistic.

I ended up exploring the "JQ" after realizing the enormous extent of Jewish influence and their censorship of all Jewish critiques. Ended up reading the Jewish trilogy by Kevin MacDonald.
I am not a Nazi but I have known many Nazis.

Personally, I want Ashkenazi Jews to join in the plight to save and elevate white civilization, not destroy it. If Ashkenazi Jews put half as much effort into forging a kind of Judeo-Christian alliance as they do destroying the white West we would be unstoppable.

But the fucking Jews can't help themselves. They are literally conjuring the monster they think they are destroying. For when you take over media and saturate it with a Jewish central narrative of Nazis and Jews, then cause immeasurable damage to Western Civilization, what do you think happens? What happens when whites wake up en masse to the reality of their precarious, newly impoverished condition?

They become nazis. It is happening already. A crude, guttural response to the overwhelmingly Jewish anti-white influence.

It is so fucking awful and it is becoming more inevitable every day. And you have your fellow Jews to thank.

I don't know shit about it. Most Jews haven't studied Kabbalah. It's some religious mysticism that people only seriously study when they get old. I'm not even religious.

There are people like that in every population, what makes us unique is that we have a specific tribal identity that makes us group up in that way.

It's not a conspiracy. We aren't monsters. Every fucking Jew I know is just brainwashed into being a politically correct zombie. It's sick.

Thats because you are cucking yourself, then getting angry at yourself for the cucking so you must react by shit posting. You've been begging yourself to punch yourself in the balls, and doing it, for so long that you've broken yourself down like an army sargent would do to a new recruit. Now you have to decide. Are you a jew or or some thats tired of his balls being punched. You cant be both

>Judeo-Christian alliance
you mean like Ben Shapiro? no thanks

I'm a racialist and Shapiro is fine with niggers flooding America as long as he gets to be a Jewish leader in his community. Fuck that.


Pic attached user

I feel for ya op
you kinda sound like my cousin.
really good mischling guy who has the whole degeneracy thing hitting his family really hard. My biggest regret was not hosting him when he started high school

What the fuck do you mean? I'm a Jew who agrees with Sup Forums and fucking wishes my fellow Jews would stop being such cunts. How is that hard to understand? You make no sense, at all!

I don't know why but perverted sex fetish shit and Jewishness seem to go hand in hand. It's like we think it's normal almost? Just so upsetting.


>There are people like that in every population, what makes us unique is that we have a specific tribal identity that makes us group up in that way... Every fucking Jew I know is just brainwashed into being a politically correct zombie. It's sick.

No, it's more than just culture. The trilogy by Kevin MacDonald makes a strong case that Jews have inherent differences of intelligence, clannishness and narcissism. All people have these attributes but Jews have them in abundance. Their "brainwashed" culture is also a reflection of their biology.

There is no reasoning with a narcissistic Jews. And when narcissistic Jews form alliances with a shared, self-aggrandizing purpose, they literally can't stop until whites are jackbooting in the streets.

Of course I'm being colorful about the jackbooting, but we both know Jews get kicked out of damn near everywhere that allows them enough liberty to fuck things up.

Every time Jews have the same solution- exert more narcissistic control over their enemies. It's like some grand, horrific drama that plays out again and again, century after century.

There is no such fucking thing as a good jew.

This is the only outlet for jew-hate, so if it really bothers you what is being posted here, just visit the other 99.999999999% of the web and you will feel bretty gud about everything.

No, I don't mean like Ben Shapiro (though I do mean smart people like Ben). I mean an alliance of the American Renaissance variety. Race realist Jews who consider themselves more European than Jewish and how defend whites.

We need to keep Jews around for our sake and for theirs. But we need to call them out on their bullshit and actively exile the ones who seek to destroy the West. In other words, flip the "good goy/bad goy" on its head and start enforcing our own "good Jew/bad Jew" policy.

I don't want easy lies, I want to face the truth, no matter how ugly or disturbing it may be!

Its less fetish shit and more of a dysfunctional family but I feel like he doesnt have anyone that cares about him
blood is blood and they each other terribly.

For me OP, I just love to shitpost and read autistic posts just make me laugh. Don't think about it too much OP.

What do you think about the female jewish family figures promoting women's liberalization (i.e. feminism is mostly fueled from the jewish community)? Is that a thing or does degeneracy (i.e. miscegenation) occur naturally as a society develops?

You are objectively wrong about that. Furthermore, Adolf Hitler whom people like you appear to model yourselves on, by persecuting all Jews indiscriminately only served to create enormous sympathy with them, to cause all kind of criticism of Jews to be impossible, because of the taint of its association with Naziism. You are repeating his mistake.

As Mosley said, “The rights of the individual were not preserved under fascism abroad, and thereby more was lost, even in terms of action, than was gained. Even in the eighteenth century and even in time of war, Bonaparte said that the moral to the material was as three to one; in the twentieth century, in time of peace the moral is far stronger still. Action and will are both necessary, but both have their limits; action can be too dearly bought, and it was."

thank you, this is a great post

not sure

I feel same way not Jewish but I feel I got in with slavs I have met way easier than my fellow American people are just to fake here

Why do you guys have to spread your degeneracy to our women, too? I don't give half a fuck if Jewish chicks are whores, especially since it's been that way for a really long time (as you stated). But why do you have to infect our wholesome white women with the same disgusting hedonistic mindset? You guys have really fucked up Western morals, but what is the endgame? Is it just that Jewish people are degenerate by nature and they bring that degeneracy wherever they go?

C'mon, even Hitler thought there were good Jews.

This people are stupid

> Jewanon
> great grandfather was Jewish

The Jewish contribution to all intellectual endeavors is undeniable. Even the nazis used Marx's economic model, though they made it racial and nationalistic instead of universal.

I have learned from more than a few Jewish intellectuals and enjoyed the artistic work of some of the better Jews who make movies and television.

But we have a serious problem now. When a guy like myself, someone who simply wants to make peace with Jews and tell simple truths about racial identity and natural human tribalism, and find a peaceful resolution, cannot mutter a word in public to this effect without the most horrific vilification, without being branded some kind of heretic and losing my livelihood, then WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM.

Jews have been overwhelmingly involved in stripping people of their freedoms, whether by direct legislation or cultural influence, manipulating currency, supporting programs that tax the shit out everyone but the Jews, manipulating Western governments into open borders and pointless wars... and on and on.

And for all their control they will not be able to hold back the truth forever. Nothing wakes people up like seeing a lost middle class and threats on their immediate doorstep. It is happening in Europe now and America is not far behind.

There will be no amount of Jewish propaganda that will hold back the wave of resentment against the Jews. The next series of pograms against Jews in the West will rival anything that has come before.

I just have to shake my head at Jewish narcissism and ask: WHY DO YOU DO THIS? WHY THE FUCK??????

jew men suck.
jewesses suck cock.

I didn't spread anything! I'm telling you the fucking NYC Jewish hipster artist hippie faggot LGBT community first promoted the racial cuckold idea but it started as a jewish male fetish for jewish girls cucking them

I didn't have anything to do with it, I'm a Trump supporter. Stop blaming me for everything every fucking Jew did.

They are self destructive parasites I become more and anti Semitic

I'm not accusing you personally of anything. I'm asking you to speak for the Jewish community as a whole as to why they seem so dead-set on polluting the minds of young women (mostly white ones) with degeneracy.

How will a California Jewish mother/father/family react when their daughter brings home a 6'2 blonde hair/blue eyed aryan boy whose family is from Texas?

I don't think Hitler was quite as rabid anti-semite as you seem to think he was, the holocaust as well seems to be greatly exaggerated. However i agree that Mosleys more moderate approach is far more sellable and there is little purpose in holding onto vestigial symbols and idioms of that old regime today. They should still be closely studied and their work replicated when it's sensible.

Not mostly white black community suffers at the hand of kikes as well they had an extremely low divorce rate and were integrating into white culture. Queue crack era and Jewish music industry 9/10 nogs born in wedlock Jews just destroyed them faster than us

The only Jew on that list is Kantor. Stop lying. My people have a lot of bad eggs, but you're just making shit up, now!

I hear what you're saying, man. If there's one thing I've learned about the obsessive anti-semitic types, they are apt to give full culpability to any Jewish influence but they absolve whites of wrongdoing all the time.

So even if what you say is correct, that Jewish females first popularized the cuckold fetish, the fact that it is so ubiquitous among whites now means virulent anti-Semites will essentially see Jews as perpetrators and whites as helpless victims. They speak always as if whites have no free will but are put upon by the Jews.

My argument to all the anti-Semites I know (and i am also an anti-semite but only by the degenerate Jewish definition of anyone who speaks a word of criticism about the Jews) is that we whites have had decades, even generations, to put down Jewish influence. Yet we fail. So we are also culpable. This does not exonerate the Jews, it only implicates us in this current crisis wherein Jewish influence is everywhere and ubiquitous in its destruction.

Probably won't care unless they're ultra religious. Ashkenazi Jews have such a fucked up lineage that they have to interbreed in order to stay alive anyway.

GOY her.

>but then evolved because Jews were afraid of it looking like an antisemitic fetish, they started to make it about being a "white guy".
unironic amateur non-jew white cuck shit has been around for decades, participated in by degenerate rich and their trophy wives, basically guys getting married to produce porn for himself
this revisionism reminds me of stories of rabbis "researching" the torah to put their findings in the talmud

Oh shes getting goyd don't you worry

Op you said yourself it's almost every Jew you know that hates whites.
Revenge for something we never did and you never experienced, do you get how fuck up that is Op?
(((They))) are driving us to extinction on purpose out of spite. Sorry Op but when shtf and ppl are fighting for their lives, no one is gonna take the time to find out if you're one of the "good" ones.

It began with Jewish guys, Jewish girls then started to actually do it because they're disgusting whores, and then LGBT Jewish activists started to make porno of it and made it racial because most of them hate White people anyway.

It's all very sick and fucking sad.

lots of those rich were probably Jewish, honestly, it's sad but there is a lot of sexual perversion among Jews, especially the wealthy urbane variety.

Fair point. It's certainly no secret that the whole rap industry was bankrolled by wealthy Hollywood Jews. I swear they are the most degenerate group of people I've ever associated with. Just met a Jewish guy last week who was telling me about his crazy coke orgies he invites dozens of young men/women to at his massive estate. I don't even think that they are purposefully pushing degeneracy to break down Western values, I think it's just that Jewish people are inherently degenerate and they bring that with them wherever they go. Very few break out from the cycle.

they guys potentially could have been, bit those shiksa trophy goys werent
granted, there were jewess cuck flicks too but it doesn't seem to have been nearly as much of it

Prove you're a Jew: post timestamp and holocaust tattoo

Fuck you asshole


I'll have to look into that. No doubt some of the stuff I have reposted has identified people who are Jews that are not Jews. That is one of the most infuriating things about the anti-Semite obsession, they are always doing that.

I try to hold a higher standard considering the unvarnished truth of Jewish influence is bad enough.

Actually that is not true. He said this as early as 1922:

"If I am ever really in power, the destruction of the Jews will be my first and most important job. As soon as I have power, I shall have gallows after gallows erected, for example, in Munich on the Marienplatz-as many of them as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged one after another, and they will stay hanging until they stink. They will stay hanging as long as hygienically possible. As soon as they are untied, then the next group will follow and that will continue until the last Jew in Munich is exterminated. Exactly the same procedure will be followed in other cities until Germany is cleansed of the last Jew!"


"The greatest achievements in intellectual life can never be produced by those of alien race but only by those who are inspired by the Aryan or German spirit."

Even if you take the Holocaust out of the question, the events of Kristallnacht alone, to take nothing else into consideration at all, were enough to horrify people around the world. Hundreds of Jews murdered, 30,000 arrested and put into concentration camps, over 1,000 synagogues, burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged, Goebbels sanctioning it and ascribing it to the "healthy instincts" of the German people, &c. &c. It simply cannot be justified. Even Sir Oswald Mosley publicly condemned the treatment of Jews before the war, and afterwards he wrote: "To kill prisoners in cold blood, whether Jew, Gentile or any other human being, is a vile crime. It is inhuman, it is unsoldierly and therefore un German. Hitler in the final period had no sense of moral law or of the limitations of the will."

>Jewanon Here
Menoras or GTFO

Jews have been actively working to disempower us.

We need to stop them before it's too late:

>I try to hold a higher standard considering the unvarnished truth of Jewish influence is bad enough.
This is true. The real Jewish problem has to be exposed. I feel it must be. But fake antisemitism just discredits it. I want people to understand that there are good Jewish people who have nothing to do with the evil fucked up commie shit.

thanks for being understanding

>one shot at life
>be born a jew
>be born after the holocaust
>be born with a holocaust tattoo
>be forever marked as a degenerate for having tattoos

Frame Game Radio has one of the most popular alt-right twitter accounts (real alt-right, so white nationalist/indentitarian) and he's a Jew. Not sure how many people know that.

I've always said that Jews are welcome, but only if they hold the right ideology. Jews are smart, there's no doubt about that. I'd love to have that intelligence dedicated to good causes rather than evil ones. If the white race teamed up with the Jewish race for the preservation of both our people, we would be guaranteedly unstoppable.

If you look at my posts you'll see I'm on your side. But I don't think we can stop what's coming at this point. Jews have never amassed this much control and yet they are doing the same narcissistic bullshit they always do. If enough Jews stood up against it right now there might be a chance to avoid the avalanche of hatred about to roll over them but it's not going to happen.

I hate the fact it has to be this way, I really do. I want us to affirm race realism (because it aligns with reality) and have a natural, stable separation that respects individual liberties and forms new racially conscious nations. I want Ashkenazi Jews and all peoples of European descent to unite and create a rebirth of Western Civilization.

I know it's hopeless, but we do what we can to avoid the violence that's coming. And it's coming. Pretty much unavoidable now. And at the center will be the Jews. Again.

I am going to eradicate your people because of a single woman.

I will use everything at my disposal to accomplish it unless I get an apology.


The jews managed to get them self shunned/kicked out repeatedly thru history.

I highly doubt it's because every single kingdom hated them right from the get go. If that's what the common jew believes and are so fucking indoctrinated and unable to understand their subverting parasitic ways then it's pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy.

oy very sorry goyim

Did you see that Netanyahu's son posted a fucking happy merchant meme today on Twitter about Soros? He seems extremely anti-globalist. Bibi himself is even funding nationalist groups in Belgium and helping to block Soros. International Jewry is definitely still a problem, but as crazy as it sounds I could see Israeli nationalist groups reaching out to other western nationalist groups in the future.

the fucking merchant meme looks kind of like my dad, just go fuck yourself

it's like you think Jewish GENETICS are evil, not Jewish CULTURE. We are not BORN evil, our culture just twists a lot of us into sick people.

and i am sorry for that

Kinda like how muslims refuse to see that their religion is very politically motivated and incompatible with the mordern world.

Coming to grips with how religious jews have hurt me I am now on team ZOG

Going to murder the shit out of palestinians and walk through the aisles of jews and take them out of society.

But do not be mistaken all shall feel my wrath.

If you aren't larping, you're all right user.
Just stay self-aware, and be our ears on the inside. Good luck.


if you wish to survive do as Jesus stated.