There's something I don't get about trannies
Apparently 45% of them attempt suicide even after they're done with their transition or whatever the term is.
Why? They've been allowed to and did what they wanted. So what else could they want?
Trannies in society
They need proper treatment for their mental illness
Last I heard it was at 40%. Glad to see that number increasing.
You pushed them to do it, Schlomo.
Is that accusation or gratitude
Nice thumbnail you canadian dickhole.
>kike doesnt know how to left click an image
>OP's flag.
>implaying its bad
Cant win with you guys.
Because they're mentally ill. Trying to (((treat))) them the way your "people" do is like telling a schizophrenic to take notice of the voices. I'm sure if there was more (((profit))) to be made by doing this then they would. But there isn't so they don't.
As usual Jews give another example of why they're so easily detestable. On the other hand it's Jews who unironically give me the strength to continue living. If you think I would ever miss the DOTR you're very much mistaken.
Scary stuff! Maybe they just wake up one morning and think my god, what have I done
Why? What did I actually do
I just saw a tranny walking on the street in shinjuku. it was the most ugly and terrifying thing I've seen in a while.
But OP. How can this be so? We are told that they can't be happy until they've transitioned?
IMO there are some in society that are so screwed up they should be death with in the same way the ancient Greeks sorted their useless to society. Just we can do it in a less gruesome way.
Give them an option, either conform entirely to the sex they are and always have been or be disposed of.
Theres nothing to be gained by 'helping' these people become something they're not. A fucked in the head dude who wants to turn his dick inside out will not be a woman no matter how hard he tries to think he is. Hes just a fucked in the head dude with no dick, just a weeping wound that then tries to seal itself to stop getting infected.
I could have hidden it but chose to be honest about it. You hadn't. So?
This honestly gives me some inspiration too. I used to think that I'd be happiest finding a nice trap to settle down with but now I'm thinking that maybe I can be that trap myself. It could be really sweet to have a nice man look after you and all you have to do is cook, clean, and let him pump your holes sometimes.
They want hetrosexual men to fuck them or else. Also should be illegal to hate it,.
Oh god. I thought there were no trannies in Nippon. Please don't become degenerate like Europe and coastal America.
Because their is a disconnect with their body and mind.
Well all Kabuki performers are male
how did this shit become even remotely relevant, trannies are below 0.3% of the population, people could go years and never meet one.
Trannies change their mind after seeing their close friends are not supportive as they thought they would but ther people with mental illness support their mutilation.
They also might want to change their mind but can't revert their sex. So they kill themselves.
because we have friends and family that make up the other 99.97% of the population. You people act as if we're all alone. I cant even count how many people are in my family that are cool with it all. This is all after 10+ years of transitioning.
Bruce is a cross dresser not a trannie and not gay since by his own admission at least he likes banging women....
crossdressers seem to avoid the mental illness part and suicide studies show, people confused about their actual gender is a different story since that is a form of personality disorder.
It's because society doesn't accept them. Ignore how when gays were in the closet their suicide rate was nowhere near trannies.
Bruce sadly had a sex change. But only because he was henpecked and cucked so fucking hard by the festering estrogen sink that is Kris and her shithole kids.
Because the depression they feel has fuck all to do with their genitalia but they won't admit it and by the time they do come to terms with it they're in pain, mutilated, and still feel shitty as ever about themselves.
Parents who encourage or inflict this type of pain on their own children deserve an extra special place in Hell
He is AGP like most white TS
Homosexual transsexuals like Blaire White seem to be rarer among whites but common among Asians
I wonder if there's a genetic reason
Because instead of giving them the medication and counselling they need, they are reassured of their delusions and given hormones that permanently destroy their bodies and hormone levels.
I'm sure a lot of Sup Forums has has periods of depression or mental illness. You thought it was never going to end. You contemplated killing yourself but ultimately didn't.
Eventually it did get better. Time healed some of those wounds and you were able to move on with your lives and the farther you moved through life the more insignificant those past feelings became.
Trannies don't get to heal. They have permanently destroyed their bodies and their lives. One day they wake up and realize they are not women and their bodies were just as God had intended them to be. They made a mistake by trying to change it.
And once they realize the permanent nature of that mistake they can't handle it and kill themselves.
Found the tranny
Literally the only reason is because most have ugly fucked up bodies and don't look like the gender they want. I'm trans myself. I'm far from perfect looking, but I am perceived the way I want (female) and that is enough for me.
You're still going to kill yourself one day. Better sooner than later.
I'm repressing tranny and I know this is degenerate and will never get any kind of change. Medical establishment is making to much money and therefore don't want to research proper treatment.
One day you'll realize what a terrible mistake you've made.
You could have gone to therapy, taken the proper medication, admitted your true illness, improved your diet, worked out, and got some new hobbies. You would have begun your slow and eventual recovery.
But that was too hard for you. Instead you sought attention and immediate fixes to your problems. You were taken advantage of. They destroyed your hormone balance and your genitalia.
One day you will realize what a horrible mistake you've made. It wasn't completely your fault. Hormones in the water do a number on all young men.
But you're doing something worse. You're continuing your delusions and are endangering other young men to follow your path of self-injury, mutilation and eventually suicide. You are shameless in your selfish laziness. The road to recovery was too hard and you don't care who you hurt so you can take the "easy" path of attention and false support.
Before you kill yourself cap these posts and come back here so I can laugh at you while you shove the shotgun barrel into your mouth.
Because cutting your dick off is treating a symptom, not the illness. "Transitioning" is the same as giving a melanoma patient concealer to cover up that ugly mole.
You are miserable and you will never be attractive. Just end it now.
They're mostly just cross-dressers. It's a fetish thing, they don't actually think they're chicks. There was an old dude with a beard who wore a high school girl uniform in Shinjuku when I lived there.
except all of that shit doesn't work
It doesn't and is degenerate, but medical firms and surgeons are making to much money and so nobody have interest to help us for real
My Thai ex-gf Ladyboy cut off her dick 3 years ago.
She definitely became happier after that, less agitated, and is very glad she made the decision.
She is also married now but we are still good friends.
>Why? They've been allowed to and did what they wanted. So what else could they want?
Gender dysmorphia is a suicidal condition. They want to kill their old identity, name, and sex.
Transition is an act of suicide. They kill their old "dead-self" (the term they themselves use to describe their pre-transition life) and kill their old "dead-name."
Transition is suicide where an entire old lofe and identity is murdered, but the person lives on in this mutilated unsatisfactory carcicature state. So the final result is usually a lore through suicide that results in death of the body, not just of their gender, name and identity.
No I meant whatever miracle cure Sup Forums thinks will magically get rid of gender dysphoria.
Show me the "cure". I can guarantee you I've tried it.
I want to get rid of it, but cure hasn't been invented yet, but I'm sure it will be invented one day and save many lives.
Apparently they all kill themselves because Trump kept them out of the military that they've been allowed into for a few months by king nigger. Impeachment imminent.
Did you try the final solution?
I'm sure they eventually realize that surgery doesn't actually change their gender. It's not at all really a penis or vagina. It's just a mutilation. Some day I think they are alone and have to admit the horrible truth to themselves. Just look at yourselves. It's a monstrosity, and they know it.
I guarantee a bullet will work.
Then I humbly apply for it.
You are what you are faggot. Deal with it and make a life for yourself. Same deal everyone else gets.
Your approval. -Life sucks weirdos.
A lot of trannies get serious validation in university, which is essentially a gigantic safespace. They'll see counselors and psychiatrists there for free who will validate and coddle them, and the administration will acknowledge their absurd identity crisis. But as soon as they graduate and try to integrate into the real world? No one is having it.
Fun fact: where is the largest (and virtually only) congregation of elderly trannies? Academia.
I don't get this though
Isn't transgenderism being a mental illness the basis for their argument that surgery should be taxpayer funded/medically covered/not treated as elective surgery? If it's an acknowledged mental illness of course the military wouldn't allow you in.
Just about all update scientific research thats been done on transgender people contradicts what Sup Forums thinks. Not that anyone would bother trying to convince them otherwise since they'd just call it fake news anyway
(((scientific research)))
Don't question science, goy. We know what's good for you.
>anything I don't agree with is propaganda by the da jooz!
Thank you for proving my point
Accepting what you are ? What are you some kind of no good liberal? I'm man with gender dysphoria who want to get rid of it. End of story. And mixed interests of progressive left and medical lobby are not helping in finding cure.
What research is going to contradict that suicide rate? Just stupid Jewish propaganda.
Right, and do you honestly think that a board full of nazi larpers knows what's best for me?
Unless there are brand new biological sexes that none of us have heard about it's still all in your head and not in any way supported by hard science.
LOL. I believe that most people here are wrong, but I also believe that ideology with medical lobby is against finding the cure.
t. guy with dysphoria
no lol keep dreaming
Prove it then
Let's see the science behind your argument that they're "born that way"
Did you try anti-psychotics?
Yup, all it did was practically make me into a zombie.
Wait and cure will be found.
But I'm already cured. I transitioned and I'm living a happy life
This is not cure but succumbing to delusion. Sadly even mental health professionals bought it (like my psych)
Citation needed.
If that were true you wouldn't be on Sup Forums on a Friday night. No suitors?
>why do the mentally ill kill themselves
i thought you guys were smart
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.
>cure will be found
I would try it.
>But I'm already cured. I transitioned and I'm living a happy life.
Then why are you wasting time arguing on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum?
Gee, it's almost like cutting off your dick isn't a proper treatment for mental illness.
>We helped the schizophrenic guy who thinks he's Napoleon, by pretending that he's Napoleon and that the voices in his head are real and he should listen to them
>Why is he still unhappy?
>trannies are below 0.3% of the population
because they are aiming for it to be 30% of the population. the lefties are pushing a choose your own gender ideology at the grade school level to start turning the kids into trannies. terms like "boys" and "girls" are already being banned. a tranny is coming to a family near you.
Because it's a straight up delusion. One of my uncles with PTSD had suffered from Cotard delusion because he thought he died in Afghanistan, they had to force feed him through a tube because he refused to eat anything. Eventually he got discharged, came home and shot himself.
They're mentally ill. They hate who they are, and they convince themselves it's their sex they hate, so when they "change" it and don't actually feel any better, what's left to do?
If you don't understand, you're lost. Try the final solution. Nature OFTEN gets into these dead ends. It's noble to be the terminating generation. Hitlers cousins did the same thing.
I cherish your sacrifice, user. Be well into eternity.
Did you try taking a big dose of Not Being a Bitch? It's also known as testosterone in some circles
Just made it worse
Maybe you should FORCE him to learn the behavior. Like, slap him around, make him do pushups, then ejaculate on his face while he cries.
So hot.
to further ruin our lives because they believe nothing is good.
It is a mental disorder at it's core that should be treated. The sense of body dismorphia never goes away because they never will be what they want to be just a facsimile of it. Plus have you seen the after care and upkeep they need being post-op? I would rather be fucking dead too than go through that.
>that russian post
Wtf, user. Pay them to betray us. And call them beautiful if you knows what's good for you.
Worse how exactly
Dysphoria got worse
Nigger what the fuck I'm not a tranny
Checked. I now question whether I've been a male bicurious liger this entire time!! Omg!
Taking steroids made you think being a frail little feminized POS body is somehow better for you?
Are you sure?