What are some entry level redpills that won't scare normies away?

What are some entry level redpills that won't scare normies away?

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OP is a cock sucking faggot.

OP being a faggot

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>tee hee what a silly joke

Then eventually they find out it was never a joke.

Getting them to watch The Grifter is a good starting point.

> any and all doon coon attacks
> antifa/ swj's makes fools of them self easy to redpill a white person about them

Jews are to blame for all problems.

"It's kind of weird how all "diversity" seems to mean anymore is "fewer white people".

the government, bankers, and corporations are working together


48% of the 1% are Jews.


>Federal reserve destroyed the american dollar
>lobbying destroyed our democracy

lol, that is what losers say.

waaaaa the jews waaaaaa

Sorry I don't have better res, anyone else have it?


omg that shitty graphic totally changed my mind. You are a very smart man!

You have the world figured out, don't you?

It's nice, being able to know the truth while everyone else clueless! (and that is exactly why you belive it in the first place, ignorant fool)

This is always a good starting point


Separated at birth?

lol, you can't even use words.

>let me just post this picture
>It will prove that Jews are bad!

dude, grow up.

The "we are being brainwashed by the media" red pill is one of the most basic redpills out there. If you can convince someone that people with an agenda are actively trying to mislead them, you open up their minds to other coverups/falsities in society, such as black violence and homosexuality.

Not an argument. I know the truth hurts and it's tempting to lash out at the messenger so I forgive you

would smash

Blood Drive.

>Getting them to watch The Grifter is a good starting point.
That's what first woke me up. Made my friend kill himself though.


Wtf why?

This first video. Then slowly walk them through the rest, in order.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Potatoes are vegetables. Therefore, they are also vegetable chips.

>wtf are these pictures doing on an image board?
You have to go back

Traps are gay..................and a jewish invention.

just tell them how Gluten creates depression and ADHD, but nobody talks about it. Tell them how everyone talks about Veganism, despite it having no significant health benefits.

What I always do is google 'iq by country' and to to images.

Do it right in front of them. Its what they know to be true deep down

Big businesses support lax immigration because it lowers wages and thus increases profits. Period. They don't truly give a shit about immigrants.

You are on a image board you stupid fuck


Just give them the library of hate

Tell them about candida infections which the majority of the population has.

The Federal Reserve

never say anti-semitism, always say counter-semitism

Jews are used as scapegoats.

>candida infection
Nope: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidiasis

Normies have been conditioned to disregard criticism of the Jews. Use different labels. The 1%, the big bankers, Wallstreet, global elite, etc. They'll readily rally against those titles. They'll recognize them as Jews once they have broken their conditioning.

Most people have an infection in there gut. It's caused by antibiotics in low-quality meat killing off gut bacteria. The high carb, high alcohol, and high sugar American diet makes it even worse.

By definition all redpills will scare away normies.

Always nice to spot my OC still floating around.

this is good

You should say "happen to be Jewish"
It's one of those soft ways of getting an idea passed their conditioning. There's no blame if a segment of the population 'happens to be' something, but it gets the idea in their noggin

Trannies destroying athletic women's records is another one. The desire to defend women will lead most people to admit that trannies have unfair advantages in that area (like male physiology being more powerful than female physiology) which is just a hop, step and a skip away from "well they're not women"

Stephen King's "It" is a metaphor for the Jews.

The, "Im a pedo who just happens to babysit kids" Salon article is always a fun one.

Illegal immigrants are all criminals by default as they have entered the country without going through the proper paperwork or procedures. It is not a victimless crime as other people say because for every person that enters the country illegally it makes it just that much harder for people who go through the proper procedures and file the proper paperwork to enter.

They also tend to be a drain on local and state governments because they frequently end up using public welfare programs for which they don't pay the taxes that everyone else pays. That is to say that they take money out of the system while they themselves are putting money into it. That's even being generous and assuming they have gainful employment in the first place. Many of them do, of course, but there are also many illegal immigrants who are career criminals or simply don't work and both groups still utilize public welfare programs.

Got any more like it?

My index finger. It suddenly itches.

2 planes collapsed 3 buildings.

Well, I had to look it up, but Purim is a thing
Holy shit.

Rape should be legalized as it's a method for betas to mate in nature seen across various species.

When rape is made illegal we have mass shooters like Elliot Rodgers.

The rabbit hole goes deep

You have to size up your mark. Until theyre redpilled on a handful of other subjects they usually wont tolerate any discussion of jews.

And the other 52% are Asians and Irish Catholics.



Jews have been actively working to disempower Europeans.

Watch this video on 1.5x speed:

The CFR and the Trilateral Commision.

>leftypol hybernian meme
Does it start to make you nervous when you're putting the same 5 irish CEOs into every meme, because the other 100 are kikes?



use the e-celebs

they are the gateway drug to the full red suppository

Here's an assortment of good reads covering Red, White and Iron Pills

> "200 Year Together" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
> The Canonical Gospels of the New Testament
> "Mien Kamph" by Adolf Hitler
> "The Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
> "The Metaphysics of Sex" by Julius Evola
> "The Meditations" by Marcus Aurilius
> "White Girl Bleed Alot" by Colin Flarity
> "Passing of the Great Race": Madison Grant
> "Death of the West" by Pat Buchanon
> "Nature's Eternal Religion" by Ben Klassen
> "On the Jews and Their Lies" by Martin Luther

The Grifter is isn't even scary my dude, I've seen spookier shit in a Spirit store.
>but what about muh baby! and m-muh finger nails!
b a b b y s h i t

His friend is a little bitch lol.


White genocide ongoing in South Africa and media indifference to it.

I'm about as right as you can get, and the "Hibernians" run 10 of the top 12 Wall Street institutions, including 4 of the top 6.

I work on Wall Street, so I know what I'm talking about. AMA about Jews on Wall Street vs. other tribes and I'll tell you how it really works.

This is a big one

>"Hibernians" run 10 of the top 12 Wall Street institutions
Did you learn that from your leftypol memes? You might want to actually go check that assertion for factual content. I see three of your listed "Irish CEOs" aren't -- they're Ashkenazim. I think you got fooled, friendo.



Which 3?

Also, your list is laughable.

Sears-Roebuck? Miller Buckfire???

Ahahahahaha. These are absolute shit companies. Get a real list of real companies faggot.

Now which 3 are Ashkenazi? Answer.

I've been telling people the difference between gender (state of being male or female; male produces sperm and female produces ova, true hermaphrodites produce both [hermaphrodite is not it's own gender but rather is both male and female, and what are often considered hermaphrodites are not true hermaphrodites, having a vagina and feminine features but not producing eggs, only sperm]) and gendered behavior (how different genders [ought to by society] behave), gender(ed) roles, gender identity.

After that I explain that what most people consider gender is actually gender roles / gendered behavior / gender identity and not actually gender itself (state of being male or female). Lastly I explain that gender (state of being male and female) are protected under law and you cannot discriminate under those terms but gendered behavior like pedosexuals (sexually attracted to children; pedophile) and zoosexuals (sexually attracted to animals; zoophiles) are behaviors and not guaranteed protection under law. Except Canada.

I haven't had a single person dismiss or contest it, although I haven't talked to any sjw-types about it.

>Which 3?
I gave you one you fucking idiot, google the rest. You didn't up your fucking list, you just listened and believed like a typical leftypol useful idiot. You tards love to say "read a book" but do you ever read? Do you ever play devil's advocate against your own ideology -- ever? Or did you pick your politics because that's where all the other snowflakes and freakshows were congregating?
>Ahahahahaha. These are absolute shit companies. Get a real list of real companies faggot.
AIG was on your list. Goldman Sachs was on your list. I linked you a resource that lists every company you listed -- most of which aren't even the biggest firms on Wall Street -- and all the ones left our of your cherry picked list.
>I work on Wall Street AMA
I'd be surprised if you were ever employed other than mowing Mommy's lawn and cashing benefits checks. And we both know that's true.

That's a bit of a hard sell to as people tune out with a "well apartheid so whatever"
The conditioning is strong

Which one? Name him now. Stop bullshitting. Also, it's not my list, but it is true.

Write the name in your post. Right now.

may I ask which software you used to make these, user?

1. AIG isn't on that image.

2. There is an Israeli (Jewish) flag under Lloyd Blankfein for Goldman Sachs. Look at the fucking image again.

3. I'm not leftypol, faggot. I despise them.

4. I do work on Wall Street, and unlike the rural trash on here I can actually tell you how your "ebil" enemy tribe actually behaves irl.

>Google the rest
The ones with the flag are all Irish dipshit

>most of which aren't even the biggest firms on Wall Street

Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Bank Of America Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo, are not the biggest firms on Wall Street.

XSD :::-@----SDDD

really I hope your whole family get raped and murdered.

Yeah, HDNW changed me forever.

>better lube up
Nah, I bet I could take it dry. My ass-elasticity is really something to behold.

Rule of Conquest is law. This is the most foundational and important red-pill of all time.

The alt-right is just like the SJWs they detest.

Also, Sup Forumsfags are the new bronies.

>4. I do work on Wall Street, and unlike the rural trash on here I can actually tell you how your "ebil" enemy tribe actually behaves irl.
Like give us something compared to all DA JOOS that we hear about here

It literally depends on such a person's upbringing.

He was pretty cool in Blood Drive if you look past the taking dick in the ass scene.

There is CP that is produced like a Brazzers shoot, with multiple models and everything.

Legacy media is corrupt.

What's the Grifter?

Behind every great disasttheir is a Jew cashing an insurance check

Economic red pills.

The history of money and currencies, fractional reserve banking, the Federal Reserve Act and the IRS, central banking, petro-dollar system Wiemar Germany economy.

Guaranteed to make you confused and angry, but still digestible enough to not scare people away.

Fucked up video that ended up on /x/ a long time ago. Don't even bother searching for it, it's really fucked.