The Democrats are literally going to SHUT IT DOWN over illegals.
Dems threaten DACA based shutdown
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seems like they're dreaming if they think they'll get to do anything being the minority in all 3 branches.
Good, they just keep shooting themselves in the foot for us
56th Dimensional Backgammon.
>shutting the government down for non-citizen criminals
They do know the 2018 midterms are coming up, right?
>government shut down
>DACA passes
Trump is God.
mfw canada is helping us deport illegals
why is a government shutdown a good thing?
Thanks, leafs.
And libshits keep telling us that the dems learned their lesson and are going to make a full comeback for 2018 and 2020.
Bring on the shutdown! I don't fucking get anything from the federal government on a day-to-day basis. The only people this would affect would be niggers and if they chimp out we'll have a reason to shoot.
>Dems tear trump a new asshole over threatening a shut down if the border wall isn't funded
>they threaten a shut down if Illegals aren't given amnesty
>if we don't prioritize illegal aliens over americans then we won't do shit for ANY american period
what a puerile little bitch
lmao do it. i ain't scared. i supported it 100% when trump was threatening to do it, so if democrats want to take the fall instead i support it even more.
It's not. Trumplets can't see past the rim of their beer cans
Oh, go right ahead. Please dems, go right the fuck ahead. Trump gave you the chance, if you do nothing and then shut it down, you will sign your own death warrant. PLEASE, do this.
Only old fags know about SHUT IT DOWN
How to spot media collusion.
Do it. Shut the mother fucker down. For a long time. It'll force everyone to have a discussion about what it means to break laws by entering a country illegally.
Fucking do it
>we will shut it down
We really are in the meme-reality now, aren't we?
The government does more harm than good.
>Dems care more about illegals than Americans
>hurt americans by demanding special rights for illegals
>think this will help them win over american voters
Are they this fucking stupid? Dems have got 1 foot in the grave already, why not both?
>Dems care more about their voter base
Then shut it all down.
>of illegals
>Give it a thundabolt, shut it down!
>daca passes
Why the fuck is that a win?
Illegals get the fuck out
>why good?
The government is bloated with all sorts of useless jobs. Shutting down the govt usually means the useless jobs and only a relatively small amount of useful ones.
Gov't jobs are overwhelmingly done by democrats, so it's mostly democrats who are hurt and get upset.
They aren't even pretending like they care about Americans anymore
I think he means it's a win because it makes him look bipartisan. He's willing to compromise if it's a law that actually went through the proper channels