this made me feel things I didn't think I'd feel.
The west is done. Sad.
Part of me is impressed by her attitude but also, yeah, the absolute state of the UK
>the voice of the 52% and a fucking leaf and a hidden flag try to bring it
the absolute STATE of bants on Sup Forums
Conflicted, while I can't say it sounds pleasant chemical burns are my fetish.
Don't be a dork, bin that spork!
Quintessentially scarred.
>get acid tossed in your face in the name of decency jihad
>become a celebrity for acceptance
why is this not in pidgin? racist faggot OP
Shut the fuck up you meme posting faggots, learn to make real discussion instead of posting right wing buzzwords you fucking spastics
Stop being cuckolds.
Hello Melbourne
You're from Australia.
Is that an invitational for reader submissions? The absolute state of the UK
>paki rape gangs
>daily acid attacks
>shariah law
You're not allowed to talk
How does acid attacks benefit r-selection ?
pommy cunt detected
Is a fucking south african trying to talk shit? Look at the fucking state of your country.
Definitely someone from here.
The guy who threw acid at here was white and hated Muslims though.
can we throw nukes at uk? can we get rid of this island of evil?
>daily acid attacks
Any proof beyond what some American told you on Sup Forums?
>sharia law
UK justice system does not recognise sharia courts as legitimate or binding. Basically its mudslimes pretending.
Why doesn't your government release ethnic demographics anymore?
the part about the dudes ww1 and ww2 collection really gave me the rustling
No thanks to you anglo pieces of shit.
You already fucked up my country so many times, it only seems right that you suffer the same
just keep calm and carry on
it's only acid
It'll be you that suffers without the white man's innovation and production, nigger. Enjoy your starvation
Fuck off. Allowing the niggers to wipe you out was all you, you can't blame the Boer wars for all your fuckups. South Africa was fully independent for years before everything went to shit. Dutch victim complex is real.
I'm whute you stupid burger.
The eternal anglo in action.
You obviously don't know shit about South Africa or your own history.
You destroyed the boer republics and imported masses of niggers to come work in the stolen jew owned mines. When Afrikaners came to power they implimented aparthied and the bantustans in an attempt to reverse the demographic destruction you inititiated. Which you protested.
You cunts also aided and abetted the ANC terrorists. The anglican church funneled funds to the ANC terrorists.
I really don't know how that is a right wing buzzword