ITT: the hardest blackpills to swallow
>blue eyed people will be extinct in 100 years
ITT: the hardest blackpills to swallow
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I'm going to die some day, no matter what I do.
I have green eyes. Feel my pain.
The future will be dictated by millenials
The fact that we will never colonize space is a pretty hard pill to take.
>tfw gen z
Fuck no it won't
The genes for light eyes are recessive and can't die out unless everyone who caries them dies. They'll just become really rare like red hair.
ultimately all human races will be subordinate to the machine race
If it ever does happen, right before it is final there will probably be an emergency initiative to collect blue eyed males' sperm and then inseminate 1 million females. But if you are really honest about things OP you would admit that phenotypic extinction doesn't mean genetic extinction, which will take a lot longer than 100 years.
Egyptians were black
Wrong. Haven't you heard about the new eye color-changing surgery you can buy? Even if you're a shitskin you can have aryan blue eyes!
Not in our human bodies we wont.
I tried that my eyes look really weird now I was one of the few they tested it on my eyes hurt from small lights now
You're living in the past senpai.
Why do you think whites wear sunglasses ya dip
Why are there so many pathetic faithless faggots that think NO ONE, in the history of humanity, will take us to outer space?
No we won't, my whole family have blue and green eyes, so does my wifes family. I can't see our kids choosing to marry people with shit eyes.
because if whites die out the world will basically be barely held together by chinese who are not explorers by nature and will have to fight alone against a hostile world
>the oldest gen z are 22
space doesn't exist, sorry to burst an already popped bubble
God is real and you won't go to heaven
>tfw blue eyes
>tfw last of my kind
Depressing and sort of honored in a weird way.
Blue eyes will not go extinct as long as there's a bit of my blood in future generations.
You can have pigments removed from your eyes to make them blue.
It's impossible for blue eyes to be extinct.
WE are the Hollow Men
>tfw mixed race
>my eyes change colors
>i even have one eye thats blue and one green sometimes
>girls love my eyes alot
These aesthetics arent going anywhere pal
>tfw that reality depicted in that shitty Time Machine movie with a horde of brown mulattos on the surface being kidnapped and eaten by inbred mutants from underground all controlled by a super rare white guy with pale blue eyes might actually fucking happen
That's not true. My brother is brown eyes but all his kids have blue eyes
what about violet eyes?
going rouge and leaving society is the ultimate blackpill
Jews have been actively working to disempower us:
Gen z has people older than 18 u autists
The world doesn't owe you anything and it took 4 billion years of suffering and death to make you what you are just so you could waste your life shitposting. Not only will you never be happy but seeking happiness results in even more misery. Your biological programming is fulfilled through struggle and self sacrifice not by being content.
>have blue eyes
>will still be alive in 100 years
The white man will never wake up.
You missed the great party
People are blindly putting faith in robots and AI.
how does Kevin MacDonald keep his cool? I get angry every time I hear him speak
The supernatural and occult will always be suppressed and will never be spread wide to uplift our species.
CRISPR, bitch. People in the future will be able to have any eye color they want their children to have. This is, of course, if mudslimes don't metastasize over the globe.
Not for me, but for a lot of faggots here.
God I hope you're right. Gen z is based as fuck. My generation really flew the coop.
8% of the world's population has blue eyes. It's not going to be extinct any time soon.
>blue eyed people will evolve teehee
Good thing I have green eyes
I realized that a long time ago. I'm banking on redeeming myself during apocalypse when Jesus returns.
We that remain have a shot at heaven if we endure the hells that follow and work for the Lord during that time.
>>blue eyed people will be extinct in 100 years
Could I have the winning lottery tickets for next week because apparently you can see the fucking future
That war conquest and colonization are necessary evils, that the west should be conquering the world and shaping it to their own creation until a challenger defeats them. This wave of humanism (although good at an individual level) has gone too far and will bring down the west thus delaying significantly the bright future humanity has coming to them.
for me personally
1.) lost faith in God years ago and probably won't ever get it back
2.) I've spent the best years of my life in interminable isolation
3.) I probably won't ever escape from the loneliness that has haunted me my entire life
oh well
Europe will suffer greatly from all the immigrants.
America will be brought down too as the economies are mingled.
Islam will never stop trying to take over the world. And it only takes 1 generation to not care for them to succeed.
atleast 50% of political disputes are caused by misunderstanding one's position.
>blue eyed people will be extinct in 100 years
Retarded assumption.
The rapture is coming and you can't do anything to stop it
What do you think about Jews? 2 & 3 could be helped if you stop scapegoating Jews, just fyi.
>women's rights must be curtailed to ever save society
>a society can survive a century of famine, plague, warfare, misrule and poverty, but ten years of replacement immigration can permanently end 40 thousand years of cultural and evolutionary development
>most plant and animal life will go extinct within the next three to four centuries, resulting in a highly artificial and unsatisfying existence in the longterm, and massive famine, and warfare in the short term
This is probably the worst blackpill of my life, no matter how hard we try we will never awaken. It'll be a slow fizzling death, not a huge bang.
>London has fallen
>the UK will only get even more disdainful of personal liberty and security
No, it can't just end like this.
Genetic engineering, problem solved.
>I literally don't understand genetics the Post
We know OP
Gen Z starts in 2000. It's also a myth that they're conservative. They're just as retardedly liberal as millenials.
They wont stop at rhodesia.
I have long accepted this but I do not believe any man made word of god is what to follow. Many sacrifice their path to heaven so they can make that path easier for their children and that is what must be sacrificed now.
Then there is no hope for this Brave New World we're entering.
I don't blame Jews for any of my personal problems. But Jewish mass influence in the media, entertainment, politics, etc is undeniable. I've had good and bad experiences with Jews. I wouldn't call myself antisemitic. I just can't connect with anyone, that's all. Nothing to do with Jews
don't worry guys I have blue eyes and I had random unprotected sex with lots of white girls on both coasts. my lineage will live on.
Maybe in Canada, things are different in freedom land.
Gen z is 95' and up. My little 17 year old brother spouts stupid shit about politics all day. He's a diehard conservative
The biggest blackpill is that a happy life is within your grasp but you wasted your best years arguing about Jews and niggers online.
Nothing material is permanent.
The pyramids of Giza and the great wall of China will erode by the patient and persistent sands of time.
He took a massive amount of risk by coming out with the Culture of Critique, and was turned into a pariah at his workplace.
You have to be mentally strong and even-keeled to do something like that.
I will say this, I can't fucking stand black-pillers. It's just a glorified loser mentality--there's nothing desirable about it and there's nothing to gain from it.
What's happened is most, if not all of you guys have bombarded yourself too quickly and with too much information that tells you that we are headed for eternal badness and doom, etc. etc. and it's gotten to the point where all flickers of hope have gone. Well I'll just say this, there is hope, and there are people still ready to fight and die and dedicate themselves and their whole lives to arresting the situation and doing what is necessary. I have no messiah complex, do not misinterpret me saying what I'm about to say as that, but it only takes one or a few people to really make history, and I am convinced that the Western peoples will prevail so long as the prospects of these vanguards are probable. I for one will make sure this happens, and I'm hoping the right person is reading this who will approach these things in the same way; I hope you too will do what's necessary.
TL;DR - stop whining, prepare yourself for action because the perfect wave is coming and to you the sea looks scary.
Who told you this and why do you believe it?
I know.
t. Jamarcus Sanchez Washington III
Gen Z always conveniently includes whatever year these faggy "Based Gen Z" posters were born in. Millenials were born before the new millennium. Deal with it.
Also good luck with a "conservative" generation that is barely 50% white.
I helped meme trump into office shut the fuck up.
t. 20
Okay leaf, my man. Since you're king shit of shart mountain. I know how cucked your country is, just don't confuse it with mine.
Wrong. No one dies. Death is an illusion. It is never experienced in first person just as one cannot cross a horizon. We can see others cross the horizon but we will never ourselves cross the horizon. As we age, the duration of life and time appear to speed up but you can drive as fast as possible and still never cross that horizon. When death 'happens' no one is there to experience it. Dying is the real fear, which is not unjustified but also not entirely necessary.
Furthermore, Death is what gives our life meaning and informs morality, the knowledge of good and evil. Without knowing our own mortality, we would be animals, automatons. Death and God are the yin and yang of a wholesome existence. Many live with neither in prehension of their souls, and live pointless lives. They are drifting voids, satellites across an abyss, and have no intrinsic value whatsoever. To be empty is to be worthless. Divinity and Death.
I'm a leftists and I only hang around in Sup Forums because reading about suicidal right wingers pleases my ego, and that makes me a very despicable person. That in itself is my black pill.
Also that both pacifist activism and violent insurrection are part of the status quo. There is no point in doing anything other than selflessness.
This is the hardest pill to take.
Some point in the next couple centuries, Humanity will have a civil war killing off most of it. Overpopulation, resources, AI, genetic engineering, ideology, religion, aylmaos, who knows what the catalyst will be, but there will be war and it will kill off most of Humanity.
Those Georgia Guidstones don't look so bullshit after all. The only thing I worry about is who will win. I hope they're white transhumanists who still believe in God.
Remove the elephant and show us your real flag faggot.
Nice post have a (you)
>coffee nigger
why the fuck am I not surprised
Where did you get this view from? I'm curious if you read it somewhere, or thought it up, because I feel the same way about death, and your view of dying being like a horizon is very interesting.
I will never be happy
Genesis is mythological, revelations is likely written by someone unwell, psalms is entirely wrought with figurative language, and Job was not even a real person and his book is in no way biographical.
It's better To know about these sources than to believe internet pictures and take them at face value. Otherwise I might believe the earth was flat like a retard.
It's a flat disc all over
Were you ever happy?
Very much this. Our philosophy has reached its logical end (moral and cultural relativism/postmodern deconstructionism) which has sterilized us of value and worth. This is the slow collective suicide of our culture informed by our philosophical beliefs.
You sound like a larper.
Saged and reported.