Why aren't you doing your part, Sup Forums?
It takes 3-4 generations to BLEACH out any bloodline
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What's going on here?
Pure aboriginal doctors
White fathers
Whats your excuse?
All I want to do with my life is BLEACH QUADROONS
Pic related will bleach out bloodlines far more efficiently.
This thread gives me hope. Maybe whiteness isn't that recessive.
You would know :)
>full blood abo mother
#3 the octaroon looks like 3/4 of all australian men. Buncha wankers.
you think your weak regressive white genes could bleach the black man?
smdh you whyte boys all alike
The idea White genes being "recessive" is pure ignorance when it comes to biology. Blonde hair and blue eyes are indeed recessive(btw this doesn't mean "bad"), every thing else(skin color, head shape, hair texture, nore, etc) is codominant.
The reason we consider mixed individuals to be more black is cultural, whites in America velue purity more than any other race, which again, is not necessarily a bad thing.
Irish lads can be pretty brave m8
>racemix with a black girl
>your child hooks up with a black person
>bloodline ruined
>racemix with a black girl
>your child hooks up with a white person
>their child hooks up with a brown person
>bloodline ruined
there are too many landmines and unknowns for it to work, you'd just be contributing to the problem for someone else's bloodline. it's very unlikely the child of two white parents will end up with a black person though
>born from a womb where amniotic fluid is pure petrol
The future is not looking so bleak. Pic are of quarter Japanese kids.
In the long run, it'll bleach them out no matter what.
There's no way that the 11% black population could ever make america brown. Its just impossible.
Eartha Kitt is half white (and her mother was mixed cherokee and african)
My ancestors :')
shut up and post more kitties!
Most blacks in america have about 20% white blood. So, just avoid the pure black as the night ones.
they will still be niggers from nigger haplos with rhesus monkey blood one drop rule ffs absolute sage
Plus, you gotta consider that nignogs secretly want to be white. All of them. Especially the women. They want their children to look white. The biracial people usually marry white.
They'll breed themselves out.
Most quapas still have some clear asian features, I'd say that they almost disappear in 1/8 asian people
>giving them $150k for sterilization is the correct way to fix the problem.
>pays itself off in 20 years
The girl will grow up to be a qt. But the boys haircut? The future is grim after all.
we have the dominate jeans
This is the most extreme example of bleaching I have ever seen. A pure black woman with a nearly white daughter.
...white genes win in the end.
My excuse is that the idea of fucking a sheboon literally disgusts me. Have you ever heard them speak? That alone is enough to make it impossible to breed one.
>Aye bruh fuck me like one o ya white girls cuhz. Shieeeet treybon dindu nuffin. Yo you seen get out crazy how dem crackas be takin over dem black folks ooooga boooga obama oprah tiger woods michael jordan.
Beans blend better. I've seen chinky eyes in 1/8 Asian, whereas castizos for the most part turn out white.
top QT
I suppose it can vary, I'm a 1/8th Asian and everyone just assumes I'm 100% white..
The only bad outcome for the humans in terms of race can be if niggers completely breed everyone out.
If we all mix,the outcome will be quite good.
>croatia yes
I'm a 6'5, blond and blue-eyed engineer. Non-White women hate me, but they also want me...
For every 1 "beutiful" mixed child is 25 mongrels that will turn out to be the worst example of one of their mixed genetics. Not including health issues, to simply bring something like that into this world is simply and morally wrong.
With health issues, you'd be sentencing your child to an early grave if they ever need a transplant of anything other than blood. Depending on the genetics being mixed, you could also doom them to getting genetic specific diseases like sickle cell.
only attractive people should be allowed to racemix, no one wants to see the ugly mulattoes
But I really mean this.
If you look at Europe now,and I mean European whites,you will see all kinds of diversity.
Different ranges of skin tone,from pale to tan,different eye and hair colors,different features.
If this extends to the whole world,it can only be a good thing.
As I already said,I would consider it bad if blacks,hell even Asians,spread out and replaced whites.
If we however slowly mix all the while having higher white admixture,it can only end well.
That'd make a good mop.
>Be 6ft dark haired white man. Shaved head, goatee. Skin whiter than Casper thanks to Irish heritage.
>Tfw work with skinny leggy blasian chick
>Can tell she desperately chases the white standard of beauty. Straightened hair, short nails, good skin, thin, no shelf ass
>Day after day we trade heat. Blatant as fuck that if we are around each other outside work for more than 30 seconds it'll turn into rough sex and stay that way for DAYS
Shame she already had 2 kids with a full on nigger that laughed his way off into the sunset. Guess the nigger behavioral genes can't be suppressed as easily as their physical ones.
Oh well, another wasted bitch on the pile.
i agree actually
racemixing only makes things worse if they are ugly as fuck kids AKA robert de niro
But the thing is,it's the same for other children.
Many whites are ugly,but you just ignore it.Many niggers are ugly,same with Asians.
The thing is,"mongrels" are not that common so you only recall the ugly ones.
For example,there are a lot of beautiful mixed Brazilians.
Actually curious I'm ethnic Russian with some Polish and Karelian, my boyfriend is quarter Caribbean and Anglo-Irish. What are the health and intelligence issues for kids? bf is a chemist btw
>Why aren't you doing your part, Sup Forums?
I am proof that even failures can be bred out of existence. My great Great grandfather on my maternal side was actually mulatto. I currently have grey eyes, red beard and blonde hair. I have no melanin, but when people talk about the "warrior gene" I think I have it.
Have wonderful very pale kids.
Do your part anons.
Are you nuts?
european diversity it is caucasian...... it's the only one we need. All the peoples of the world should keep and protect their heritage.
They're fucking crazy for the BBC man, they have no loyalty and live with the "YOLO" motto.
Pic related, cucked a black dude.
That's what they tried in Brazil. Turned out great didn't it
>For example,there are a lot of beautiful mixed Brazilians.
Pretty rare t.b.h mate
Half korean girls. One or two more generations and you wouldn't notice
Is he looks like mulatto?
Those are Finns, user
Caribbean is Africa-tier, but at only 1/8 Caribbean it won't have that detrimental of an effect. Still though, not the best you can do.
Niggers and Indians outnumbered Portuguese, of course it didn't work.
I cannot wait for the composition wars
Thats a man baby.
I'm not talking about going all out on a mix train.I'm talking about slow mixing while keeping the white blood in the highest percentage.
Look at the fucking British.They're inbred as fuck whites.
It's literally inferior,in terms of appearance,to a people like Russians for example,that have income of fresh blood while keeping the majority of white blood.
It is not for no reason that Russian women are the most beautiful.
>pic related,mix of Slav and Tatar.
Looks less Asian than this Finn.
Most jewish post here
Thing is she's black mom asian dad. Fucking unicorn tier.
I'm whiter than Larry Bird covered in sour cream caught in a snowstorm in a whiteout factory. If it was any more obvious that she was thirsty for my dick she would literally be sucking my dick all day at work. Just for fun the other day when I was working with her on something the other day I put my hand on her shirt covered lower back for literally a second as I moved around her.
Both arms lit the fuck up with goosebumps and she just stared in my eyes for a good 20 seconds chewing on her lip.
If I had actually touched skin I'm convinced she would've fucking squirted.
brown skin, European facial features and kinky hair. I thought about having kids with all European guy specifically, but it seems kind of dull to break relationships over unconfirmed race purity paranoia
I don't get it, were the abos behind the white people in that picture?
She has Black(ivory coast) dad and Asian(Korean) mother.
Pic related.
Why the hell do you want to destroy people's identity and heritage? russians are russians, they are not half tatar, that's not a russian, that's destroying russians heritage.
Dominant genes.
>I thought about having kids with all European guy specifically
If you do not want that your children will look like Uzbeks, that's a good idea.
which is why a nationwide BLACKED program is needed
of course a fucking Croat would post this, stop being a cuck
It'll only make everyone light skin niggers with 85 average IQ and completely ruin societies
Fucking this
Shit is she Brazilian ?
Fucking nice , and she has brown eyes too...
It's not so much about purity. It's about avoiding miscegenation. Genetic variance is a good thing within reason (which is why incest produces retarded kids), but niggers have nigger genes, and your kids will have nigger genes. Identity is also an important thing to think about. Mixed race kids have higher levels of depression, anxiety, antisocial behaviour, drug abuse rates etc. and this comes from their lack of self identity and not being able to fit into society.
He's trying to sell racemixing as bleaching.
Racemixing to lower average intelligence is a communist goal!
Everyone is mixed,man.Everyone.
The only difference is what kind of mixture it is.
Germans,they're mixed as fuck,they're just mixed with other Europeans.
Swedes too,just mixed with other Nordics.
And so on.
I don't want to destroy anything.I want to evolve.
And European race today,in terms of appearace,is superior to that before 2000 years,when there was less mixing between Europeans.
Humans are evolving,as we always were.
There's no such thing as pure race.
have more than 1 kid.
>Eartha Kitt
to be fair she was qt in the first place.
I'm not even some jungle fever faggot, she was just traditionally fucking adorable and beautiful.
mixed kids look so fucking ugly what are you smoking, the ballsack hair on head nigger trait and the wide apart eyes are fucking ugly as shit, they're abominations
this isn't africa..the environment will turn them white eventually anyways..they should rly stop with the brownie meme..it's they who are going extinct
In fact you want to destroy. Europeans are still europeans, whites, no one talked about 100 this or that, we know no country is 100 one component, but we are still here. Let non-european blood into it's gonna be our end.
just like niggers
great strategy
Will you please stop?
Mixing while keeping majority white blood is superior to white inbreeding.Period.
This is a Dominican quadroon
>health issues
wtf are you even talking about
His face is not that of an average nergoid male, he can pass for Euro with his face and he has hazel eyes with brown hair
According to 23andme, I'm 75% European and the other 25% consists of 2/3 Native American and 1/3 African. I'd be accepted by any white nationalist group who didn't know my genetic makeup because my phenotype is white as fuck (hair, skin, and facial features exhibit no non-euro traits). Bleaching works.
half turk half german
it actually takes 8 generations. but by 5 you wouldn't be able to tell.
holy shit that looks so fucking ugly, I'd rather prefer a normal looking inbred white person than a mixed mutt lightskin nigger abomination, inbred white people and white people in general have higher iq's than niggers, for a nigger to BLACKED a white women its mutt offspring will have a lower iq due to the dumb nigger as a parent, not to mention the mutt nigger child will have no father and that'll make it even more of a degenerate. also one drop rule you filthy kike
another dominican quadroon
Fuck off, kikes.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Jesus Christ,you're filled with hate and bitterness.
I can bet,with everything I got,that your main fetish is seeing white women fucked by a black guy,and probably cuckold even.
You're too emotionally invested.
>mixed raced girls are ug—