"wow Diane, I can't believe this country finally passed sensible gun legislation"

>"wow Diane, I can't believe this country finally passed sensible gun legislation"

>the legislation was literally "ban all guns"

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Big Guv REALLY wants the populace to be unable to defend themselves..

I really really really wish Diane would stop using her hair over her shoulders

I don't get why gun control is the standard liberal line of thinking when they also have so little trust in the police and other law enforcement agencies.
Like, I'm left-wing as shit but I'd never want the government to force the populace to give up their guns.

As someone from a country with lots of guns and no mass-shooting problem, I gotta tell you, guns are not America's problem. Americans are America's problem.

>I can't believe america hates women more than it loves guns

It means they still salty

>Japan has strict gun control

>virtually no crime

Is it because we have niggers and spics? is that it?

Blame this country for glorifying violence.

You can see Glenn's head get bashed in by a meme bat on national television but you can't show a female nipple?

Because if you actually paid attention to your liberal politicians you'd know gun control isn't fucking "Ban all guns", it's a lot more in-depth than that and includes increased funding to forces investigating gun trafficking and more mental health institutions in poor areas.
People nitpick on the part about preventing mental health patients from getting guns but they could have just negotiated that part instead of shooting down the whole thing, so you know they're full of shit.

We can only hope this backfires next season.

"But we banned guns! Why are criminals still using them?"

>People nitpick on the part about preventing mental health patients from getting guns but they could have just negotiated that part instead of shooting down the whole thing

When have gun control advocates EVER been capable of making concesions? They just want to take more and more without giving anything in return. The goal is and will always be total disarmament.

Remember what it took to revert the AWB?

Losing a world war really takes a toll on people. Japan's conviction rate is above 90%. If you get in trouble for almost any reason you're going to pay for it. Not to mention they're repressed beyond any comprehension.

I spent 4 years stationed in Japan and you pick up on some things like every black person in metro areas (especially Nigerians) are drug dealers. They always wear these thick coats that are brightly colored. Police refuse to deal with them because they don't want to chase them.

The gyms are always empty. Literally no one uses them except for maybe the cardio machines. I would workout at 7pm and there would only be 4 people in the entire 3 story gym with hundreds of machines.

There was only one time I saw the police do anything. There was a brawl in a McDonalds between two marines. It took 12 police officers to get them off each other. Kind of funny seeing 120 pound men getting thrown across the room as collateral damage.

This show wears it's political loyalty on it's sleeve, they wouldn't throw in a twist like that

the whole episode didn't make much sense because the mass shootings weren't even said to be happening on California and the whole thing was just Diane making women get guns as a feminist move(including a fucking manspreading gag) and it never had any consequence until some woman randomly, and completely unrelated to the fact commited a mass shooting, and they tried to play gun control as something anti-feminist.

i've never seen a show fumble with a topic so much before.

>every black person in metro areas (especially Nigerians) are drug dealers. They always wear these thick coats that are brightly colored. Police refuse to deal with them because they don't want to chase them.
>the virgin Japanese police officer
>the chad Nigerian drug dealer

This desu
>guys the police are untrustworthy and dont care about us
>but lets put 100% trust in them to respond in a timely manner to protect us from crime and bodily harm

>Bible belt US citizens are the world's problem


High rates of illiteracy, voting for stupid shit locally constantly (fuck off Tennessee with your stupid sterilisation plan for criminals, if you want to help people with drugs, create more rehabs), voting for stupid shit nationwide constantly (if you don't trust big government, STOP GIVING THE CIA MORE POWERS YOU FUCKS), and generally causing the national guard to be called in every half decade because black people being educated or not lynching the gays is just too wrong.

Problem is, the world emulates the US because your international western non-news media gives the impression that you're quite a reasonable nation, with a penchant for absurdism and self-deprecation. If you've never watched a US news channel, and merely watched their serial programs, you might think they merely have an extreme interests in many areas of society. You'd be very wrong in both cases.

>Wanting people who have been proven to be insane to have guns

See, this is exactly what I mean. You have countless cases of mass murderers with mental problems, and instead of going along with the idea that maybe they need therapy first, you defend your citizens rights to go what they see as chaotic neutral at any moment.

It's a joke. The US has a genie out of the bottle problem, even when states ban guns, they can just hop over to the next state to buy them. Hence why gun laws are Chicago are so ineffective, because you guys can literally drive for an hour or two and make them worthless.

Guns don't kill people, states not seeing eye to eye kills people.

>See, this is exactly what I mean. You have countless cases of mass murderers with mental problems,

Most of which werent diagnosed in the first place. Mental health backgrounds only really stop people who were depressed, or suffer PTSD, or any other mental disorder from being allowed to use guns instead of people who are actually fucking dangerous, because those dont get tested on their own, and their families dont help.

When you treat a rape victim the same way you do a schizophrenic you have a flawed system.

There are also those Somalians who shit up a certain part of Akibara, drugging locals and tourists while stealing their bags.

Japanese police refuse to help if you're not Japanese yourself.

Lets be real, if the government wanted to come after you, guns wouldn't make a difference. You'd just get droned.

Columbine and Elliot Rodgers come to mind, though admittedly the Columbine shooters got their guns via a proxy. I'd suggest a social mental health system for the US, seeing as you'd never budge of a physiological one and with current events everyone could use help facing their problems, but eh.

And I agree with you on rape victims, they do get treated pretty piss poor.

i dont believe guns should be banned or anything like that but people using the "i need a gun to protect myself from the gubmint" are fucking retards

Drones can kill people, but there's a ton of military functions that have to be done by people, in which case guns are useful.

>we have to regulate more guns!
>guns are already regulated

nah, liberal politics are bullshit. i'll stick with being socialist with all the real leftists

It's California being California.

That lefties think that the only sensible legislation is ban all guns
It's a joke
Just like the next one about people hating women more than they love guns was also a joke

how the fuck are you going to stand up against the military? holy fuck what makes you think this? do you think you and a few other people will be able to defeat an entire army like this is a fucking video game or something?

That's not what the joke was though.

The army isn't just a bunch of unfeeling cold robots that only execute orders, even if it means opening fire on civilians.

if the army isn't going to shoot you then why do you need a gun?

it's not funny when you realize it's reinforcing propaganda that conflates liberals and leftists. liberals are not leftists. liberals are right of center laissez faire capitalists who use identity politics to divide people along lines of alienated labor.

gun regulations and bans are to create a manufactured scarcity so liberal business men can make money when they've invested in guns and after they support liberal politicians in office to scare the conservatives in to buying the product of businesses they've invested in.

leftists support the 2nd amendment. Karl Marx, Eugene Debs, Malcolm X and Huey Newton all supported the right to bear arms. they were leftists. not liberals.

You clearly have no clue what you're talking about yet look down on people who do, ironic

AND YET, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians say otherwise

That's still not what the joke was. Also your conspiracy theory is deeply stupid.

>virtually no REPORTED crimes
That's how they do it in Japan, if they can't solve the crime they ignore it.

great argument

Gun violence is a cultural problem

NOPE. the answer is because they have an economy that works for the people, not corporations. left wing economies are more stable. it has nothing to do with identity politics. you can stop talking like a liberal at any time.


Did you see that dallas shooter? He was no green beret but basic training still gave him an advantage.

Yes. Canada has more guns than you. So do several European countries. The only places where you cannot freely give out fire arms are places where the populace cannot be trusted to behave respectably.
America is a fucking shit hole. Everyone is angry for one reason or another. If you want guns to stop you need to remove or passify large swathes of population.

>stupid sterilisation plan for criminals, if you want to help people with drugs, create more rehabs),
How is this stupid? We are aware of many of the genes that are responsible for predisposition to higher likelihood to become addicted or result in severely destructive behaviors and lifestyles. It'd be a lot cheaper, and do you actually want felons to have kids? We can throw them into for profit prisons for 30 years but not allowing them to have children is too far for you?

Iraqi civilians ≠ our civilians

Iraq sure went alright for the US military right?

>how the fuck are you going to stand up against the military? holy fuck what makes you think this? do you think you and a few other people will be able to defeat an entire army like this is a fucking video game or something?

defeating a military =! defeating your own military.

Soldiers don't fight blindly for their leaders, they never have, they fight for the highest guy in command they agree with, a general or admiral saying "fuck you my division/fleet isn't standing up for this, i stand with THE PEOPLE" means an uprising turns into a civil war. In the US, we're talking about entire states flipping sides or cutting loose from the federal government.

Furthermore, waging a total war on your own populace means your soldiers will have no homes to return to, those are your highways, your infrastructure, your water, your food production, your factories and warehouses you're blowing up, and you'd be doing this with 500k tops against several hundred MILLION people.

>>virtually no crime
It's not crime because the Yakuza and the 60 year old one party government work together.

>the military would never shoot at us!
Yeah that's what the police are for.

>bible belt u.s. citizens are the world's problem

they literally are. i live here. i know these people. a lot of them are baby boomers and they're trash.

>the world emulates the US
you're also detached. the world does not emulate us, it hates us, and for good reason.

>chaotic neutral at any moment
because that's what it means to be any kind of lawful. fascists and patriots act like abused animals that still love and obey their master.

>giving the state more power
the state is controlled by capitalists

if you're anti-gun, you're on the wrong side of history.



cool shifting goalposts, fascist. human beings are human beings. the cops exist to protect the ruling class and imprison the rest of us.

>soldiers don't fight blindly for their leaders

found those WMDs yet? tell us your opinions on the gulf of tonkin or IBM and the holocaust. i'll wait.

for the federal agents and the government officials, their paid agitators and thugs, of course.

soldiers are loyal to their command up to a point, the police, the feds, the soup agencies, the rest of the cunts, different story.

>the point of the second amendment is to beat the military
Fucking retard

The government does not give a shit about your guns.
>they have more guns than you
>they know taking your gun is a logistical nightmare
>your guns aren't even that good

up to the point that their buddes are getting killed. anything else they're too scared shitless or lazy to do anything about

What's the point in arguing with a person who believes that the purpose of the second amendment is so that a handful of guys can "kill an army like in a video game"

Do you think Jefferson wrote it with that intent in mind?

>America hates women more than it loves guns
That line made my eyes roll out of my sockets.

>How is it stupid to launch a eugenics program?
>A widely disproven area of science, associated with only the most mentally disturbed of societies, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how genetics actually works
>Implying criminality is genetic, and not a societal problem in the vast majority of cases, especially in the US where jaywalking is a crime

Let's leave the futuristic dystopian societal problems for a futuristic dystopia, and not a state that (despite it's clear enthusiasm for them) can't source lethal injection drugs for it's executions, due to 'difficult bureacracy'.

If the soldiers are on your side then what is the point of having your own shit? In what world will you be more effective than trained soldiers rebelling against the government?

different user here.

read the fucking 2nd amendment. shall not be infringed.

>guerilla warfare has never worked.
>vietnam was a fluke
>we're just having tea time in afghanistan


If we're talking about a government that is already openly attacking it's citizens then we're talking about a government that probably won't mind using nerve gas and biological weapons on your dumb ass.

The soviets were supporting vietnam. Do you really think a bunch of jungle chinks were able to do it by themselves?

>If the soldiers are on your side then what is the point of having your own shit?

because not all soldiers would, just a good enough amount to put up a fight.

again, CIVIL WAR means there are sides.

me too


in the world where guerilla tactics are incredibly effective and have worked to draw Afghanistan nearly into a war where a son can patrol the same land his father did 17 years earlier

>guerilla warfare
I'm pretty sure the army is better at atypical warfare than you are.


if you're at the point where soldiers are defecting to the rebels then wouldn't they be supplying you with better shit than you already have?

>It's a "Canadian anons attempt to criticize US gun laws" episode.

Oh joy.

Oh yeah, because that'll go over well globally. You do realize the second the US starts breaking the Geneva Conventions on its own citizenry, the world is going to get involved, right?

are we going to pretend that the soviets had nothing to do with vietnam?

The difference is that VC knew how to fight.
Your flabby soft civilian ass won't survive without infrastructure.

nah, it's not bait. human beings are human beings. i see bigots argue about blacks killing people all the time but get really chafed when you bring up the christian wars on non-white countries. let's not forget that bush jr said "god told" him to invade iraq


Apparently not, if the fact that you fat fucks have been stuck in deserts and jungles fighting sheepfuckers and peasants for 30+ years is any indication.

there's no need to pretend. the gulf of tonkin incident was a total fabrication. the u.s. was the aggressor. now go kill yourself.

If America is going to attack itself, who's to say the Russians won't help out the rebels?

Those sheepfuckers invented atypical warfare user. You do not know how to fight because you're soft.

if people are on your side then they're already giving you better weapons than what you have.

yeah for how long? what will they win in the end? there won't be a population to rule over left

this fight will not happen when there is only the state vs the people, there will be sides and factions

no? do you have any idea how big and difficult to control the US is? citizen militias will make the bulk of any civil war at first, and they will need far more supplies than a rebel military can provide to take control of their towns and communities and effectively rule themselves without the government.

veterans and rural people are the ones that would rebel, not californian city trash

>VC had infrastructure

not really. they were malnourished and westmoreland decided to wage a war of attrition. he's literal strategy was to kill as many as possible and he thought that if they were killing more vietnamese than u.s. military personnel he thought that was winning.

there were more people born in vietnam each day than the number of troops that were there and if hell is a real supernatural place, westmoreland is there, waiting for authoritarian assholes such as yourself.

I was raised on the idea that this is America and we have penultimate freedom and we should be free to do a lot of dumbass shit as long as it doesn't affect other people's lives most directly. Yes to guns (albeit with registration and licenses like we do for cars,) yes to abortion (before a certain period,) yes to most drugs (as regulated as booze if not more so,) etc.

I mean, it's not like people aren't free to be pieces of shit already. Making this thing or that thing illegal never changed that. Unless you made twitter illegal maybe, but good luck.

what the fuck are you talking about, im saying that the soviets supported the viet cong, thats why they could stand up to the us

>If the soldiers are on your side then what is the point of having your own shit?
The second amendment is not strictly about beating the government in a 1on1. It's about not letting it get to that point.
Guns prevent a totalitarian government from gaining too much power, and ensure that our other rights are protected. With nothing to protect us from government force, freedom of speech and MUH CONSTITUTION and due process is just a concept not backed or respected by any sort of tangible entity or power.
The common argument against guns is usually something like "but the government has tanks," but this completely misses the point. Tanks, drones, bombs, and other war machines are meant to level infrastructure and kill large numbers of people. In order for a tyrannical government to emerge, they need an armed police force. When every citizen has a gun though, these police can't break and enter your house at 3am and drag your family away with no repercussion.

>veterans and rural people are the ones that would rebel, not californian city trash
Rural people are soft as fuck user.

it doesn't fucking matter who the fuck the soviets supported, the U.S. was the fucking aggressor you piece of shit.


If servicemen defect, they're not necessarily going to be making off with enough munitions to fully supply a full blown civil rebellion against a tyrannical government. Plus, there's the matter of actually distributing all of that ordinance. Logistically speaking, having most of the populace already be armed prior to the government going full dictatorship makes more sense.

>When every citizen has a gun though, these police can't break and enter your house at 3am and drag your family away with no repercussion.

yes they can, because they're better trained than you are and have more guns.

>Rural people are soft as fuck user.

and they also make up the ranks of the military itself, would you look at that

>if people are on your side then they're already giving you better weapons than what you have.
wew lad

user, I don't know if it's just that you've watched a whole lotta movies, but cops aren't bulletproof like the Terminator.

>dur I'm not a soft pussy civilian
Yes you are. You are not psychological ready for war and you probably don't even have the guts to pull the trigger on someone.

you are not going to fight off a trained, armed police force by yourself.

44% in fact
fucking disgusting dip chewing, constant muh smoke break taking, chain smoking, cigarette butt dropping fucks

And they have to be broken down just like everyone else who goes through basic. Trust me, the Army is not your backwoods roleplaying group.

It's surprising to me how many people are suggesting the military will turn against citizens and outright wage war against them, yet also seem to think they are still precluded against using advanced weaponry, mass debilitation, or even dragging your ass out of your own home.

It's like the people that hassle the cops, including those people who swear the cops are out to kill them, knowing in the back of their mind that the cop isn't going to haul off and shoot them.

most US soldiers haven't seen more combat than some mortar going off five miles away

what the fuck do you think veterans are? they're on average more experienced and ready than any actual soldier serving currently

do you think something magic happens at basic that makes people be impervious to harsh combat conditions?

i've seen plenty of fat, pussy and lazy soldiers.

And you think you are? You think any of your friends can stand up to the local police?

>it's a /k/ comes in and starts swinging episode
Oh fuck yes.

The only reason men love guns is so they can use them to harm women.

Of course not. But police are people. Human beings that bleed. They aren't mindless ants or drones. If tasked with taking and securing a city or town, they would vastly prefer a completely unarmed populace that they can just drag out into the street with no risk of reprisal than a completely armed populace where their lives may be at genuine risk.

In numbers, it's possible to make them think twice. It also depends on where you live, because fucking hell if this country's standards for cops aren't deplorable in some places.

The LA and New york police are basically mini-armies and that's not even getting to the national guard. You have no idea what you're talking about if you actually think you can take your local cops.