How many of you "whites" even have blonde hair and blue eyes?

How many of you "whites" even have blonde hair and blue eyes?



Western civilization was built by olive skinned, black haired people. Fuck off.


Blonde hair blue eyes. How can I be of service?

is that what your "white" teacher taught you lmao

I have blue eyes and brown hair, do I count?

Brown hair green eye masterrace

I have blue eyes, but only had blonde hair as a baby.
Anybody else lose their blonde hair over time?




Pretty much everyone who's going to bother replying to this thread will, including myself.

it must be the nigger genes, gas

do green eyes count? aren't they the best, anyway?

lmao stay mad faggot

Stfu nigger

I've got blue eyes.

Blonde hair and blue eyes? Doesn't sound like the description of Socrates, Plato or Aristotle.

I have green eyes get fucked

Hitler wanted a race of blonde haired, blue eyed wbites not a bunch of shit hairs and shit eyes. Fuck off with your diarreah green eyes.

No, it's just basic history.
Nordic sheepfuckers and 'vikings' didn't build shit. All of the great achievements of western civilization was built by greeks and romans, who were olive-skinned and dark haired.

It happened to me as well

Light brown hair and blue eyes which I actually prefer.



Ethnically German/English/Dutch. Green eyes brown hair, but my beard is red. Skin pale but tans to golden in deepest summer. So, am I mudblood subhuman? Also I have a big dick so am I African?

blue hair
blonde eyes
giant dick

>wanting to be a snow nigger
real whites have brown hair and green eyes, blondes are subhuman.

blonde haired, blue-eyed, 6'4" stud with a girthy niner right here

Blond hair and green eyes.

Bluest eyes in the world right here.

>girthy niner
Fuck off tranny.


i bet every single one of these faggots replying to this slide/bait thread have not saged.
Sage goes in the Options field you fucking nimrods if you absolutely insist on answering obvious troll threads.

I have red hair and amber eyes.
What am I

Nordics are the inferior whites. Dumber and less capable of survival

Go back to your mudhut thorfinn

I have brown hair and green eyes, which is objectively better.

Americans don't care if we use e or not at the end. We are just that Alpha.

False. Real whites have red hair. The celtic red-head is the purest of humans

I can't believe at one point someone honestly spent time creating those cringy pictures

Something without a soul

It's because of Jewish water.

Part 1

Says the pud-whacking degenerate wasting his time on Sup Forums.

Part 2

ok i laughed

I have brown hair and brown eyes, I'm also 4'10 Italian. Still identify as white, get on my level. Dating a Scandinavian girl, although she isn't blonde either. Brown hair, brown eyes.

Sadly yes, what sucks is I lost it around 17 and now it went went from majestic blonde to greyish light brown. Feels bad man if I did not have blue eyes I would probably kill myself knowing what I had and lost.

Hair of a gay club twink


White blonde hair as child now strawberry blonde/chestnut and eyes as blue as the immortal Noble Wolf.

t. Neckbeard who cant see his own dick

Blue eyes, hair turned brown in middle school. My family grays in their 30s.

brown hair brown eyes master race

I had blond hair and blue eyes as a child, but my hair turned brown over time.

ITT: Autism @ max

Not even that false honestly, majority of us got like 1/64th Injun or some stupid shit

t. Looked like pure Aryan perfection as a baby.

Does this make me a nigger?

BLACKED hair and blue eyes

sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
>sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
>sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
>sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads
>sage and report divide and conquer shitposting threads

I had extremely bright blonde hair as a kid but it got darker as time went on, i'm more of a dark blonde now

Jew. Go fuck your sister's bra....again.

Black hair, but bright blue eyes. Also I'm literally the color white.

Anglo genes

Blonde Hair
Blue Eyes

Nice try though

Good goy

Mine are the bluest, no one can compare.

No it makes you look like that kid in highschool who wore a Misfits shirt and didnt know who they were

makes you irish

>tfw blonde hair blue eyes when I was young but years of being a shut-in NEET has turned my hair brown

Blue eyes, used to have blonde hair but it's darker now

>tfw light brown hair with hints of blonde and green eyes

What am I Sup Forums?

*raises hand*

i do

no but you look like an lil english bitch

Fuck off OP

I have blue eyes and blonde hair as a child but now a brown blonde hair does that count?

For some reason this sounds plausible

me, my brother, and my sister

piercing blue eyes, dark blonde hair. 5'11, 155lbs athletic.

looking for a petite blonde/blue eye'd female.

Blonde hair and blue eyes on a man looks faggy af.

That's exactly what happened to me except I have brown eyes

This. If your wasn't at LEAST ashy blonde as a child, you aren't white.

Me: Brown hair Blue eyes
Wife: Blonde hair Green eyes

Kid 1: Blonde hair green eyes
Kid 2: Blonde hair blue eyes
Kid 3: Red hair blue eyes

What percent nigger is my family guys?

t. Mohammad

stay out in the sun without a hat. My hair turns blonde in the sun

blue-green eyes light brown hair(blonde as child) reporting in

I have blue eyes, I had straight blond hair as a kid but it became red-brown and wavy over time

Dam. Spot on.

Data mine thread, for bio security information in the future

almost all of the amish (dutch) are blonde as children then as they age their hair turns dark.

Brown eyes and was born with red hair, but it's turned blonde over the years.

Very blue eyes and dirty blonde/brown hair. When I was a kid it was so blonde that it was almost grey, "old man" was actually an insult some kid tried to use to get to me.

Master race reporting in

Dark blue eyes, reddish blonde hair, but I'm a mischling.

Am I white? My Jewish half means nothing to me. I never even had a bar mitzvah desu. I'll marry in, change my last name, and have many beautiful blonde children. The Jews don't even consider me Jewish because mom was a goy.

>3 kids

Breed more white man

Even captcha is tired of your shit, shill.


My friend told me the other day ''that he doesn't think less of brown haired people like me for being less white than him''
He watches too much Varg and browses here too much