Method of execution for multiculti-traitors

When the time comes to punish those that have allowed, aided and/or abetted the importation of mudheads into our countries, which method of execution would be most appropriate?

Other urls found in this thread:,_drawn_and_quartered

The rake. They will be racked to death like the leafs they are.


Your moms really wouldn't be proud of you.

The brazen bull.


Viking eagle.

that looks extremely painful, can you think of any humane ways?

Why should we be humane towards the most inhumane people on earth?


What is this

>which method of execution would be most appropriate?
Oh, should focus on moving the society forward at that point. Killing all the SJWs would just burden the conscience of the freshly birthed nation. Should be merciful and send them to a better and more diverse place, like Africa.

execution of the muds, camp for the traitors. if reformed, then sterilized

>Murican eduuuuucaton

Blood eagle you mean.

And it was performed after death by other means.

Because we're better than them. They still need to be removed from society, yes, but it should be done quickly and efficiently so we can get on with rebuilding. Hanging has a lot to recommend itself.

Projecting your senpai relationship online isnt healty user. Maybe its time you seek help

May I propose this:

>"According to Jacob F. Field in One Bloody Thing After Another: The World's Gruesome History. The intended victim was stripped naked and then firmly fastened within the interior space of two narrow rowing boats (or hollowed-out tree trunks) joined together one on top of the other with the head, hands and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey, and more honey would be poured on the victim to attract insects, with special attention devoted to the eyes, ears, mouth, face, genitals, and anus. In some cases, the executioner would mix milk and honey and pour that mixture all over the victim. The victim would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual's feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects which would eat and breed within the victim's exposed flesh, which—pursuant to interruption of the blood supply by burrowing insects—became increasingly gangrenous. The individual would lie naked, covered from head to toe in milk, honey, and his own feces. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that fatal dehydration or starvation did not occur. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation, and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days."

Dragon dildos

Although I'd burn a few traitos in public to make an example

see pic

Tie them to a chair with a neck splint so they can't move their head around.

Scream into their ears as loud as you can. The neck splint keeps them from moving their head out of the way or trying to bite you which would be the most instinctual reactons.

Beat them as hard as you can in the stomach with an aluminum baseball bat until they die of internal bleeding.

It's not the most gruesome or painful way to torture-kill a person, but it must be the most personally satisfying.

Heretic fork for each one of them.
>Easy to mass produce
>Death can either be swift of extremely long
>Very painful

i have the best idea, make /k/ and Sup Forums happy at the same time, we take a medieval catapult, we load over a liberal/kike/nigger/whatever and launch it into the air and that's Sup Forums job, running house to house finding this traitors.
After that, we call /k/ anons and let them practice shooting at the flying faggot.

Just shoot rhem or push them off something tall. No need to waste resources. This isn't about revenge, it's about the beautiful world we will have after the war.

Placed in a room with refugees. Give em an hour they'll be raped and beheaded

Tractor Pull

Imagine being the guy who has to clean that thing out in the aftermath.


Not punishing them would be the biggest mistake you could make. If you don't show the public what happens to traitors, then more will become traitors.

I'd do it to you with a chainsaw and call it a Viking eagle all day long friendo.

>when the time comes
Hahahahaha guess what stormfaggot, the "time will never come" for you pathetic genetic rejects to rise up, you're done.
We will drag every last one of you spineless racist faggots cowering in your moms basement out by the hair and stomp you to death in the streets.

Poking little holes on the body and placing burning pieces of wood inside

Agreed, and they would bide their time to start the whole thing over again.

Who live by the sword, dies by the sword.

They will simply be imprisoned for life, along with the diversity they cherished.

ya whatever vlad. they go to jail. Nobody has been executed for treason since the civil war


Cuck trap


Ashes to ashes.

Hung, Drawn and Quartered is the only option.

>to be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reign of King Henry III (1216–1272). Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their remains were often displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge.

Looks like a race to me user.

>Since you don't like your skin...
A dermatome is a surgical instrument used to produce thin slices of skin from a donor area, in order to use them for making skin grafts. One of its main applications is for reconstituting skin areas damaged by grade 3 burns or trauma.
Dermatomes can be operated either manually or electrically. The first drum dermatomes, developed in the 1930s, were manually operated. Afterwards, dermatomes which were operated by air pressure, such as the Brown dermatome, achieved higher speed and precision. Electrical dermatomes are better for cutting out thinner and longer strips of skin with a more homogeneous thickness.

I would like to put these people in an abandoned mine and seal it off.

It's too boring and easy to just throw them in there all at once.
Hang them over the grinder and slowly grind them away, feet first.
After you reduce their legs to stumps, you can draw out their pain and suffering further by beating the stumps with baseball bats or dipping the stumps in salt water solution.

How do you determine who aided it? Since your government does it, is every taxpayer on the hook since the government is ostensibly the representative of the citizens? Only those who voted for it? Only those who work in government and immigration offices? Only top-level politicians?

How far do you go to ascribe culpability? I'm not at all against the idea, but it appears difficult to pick where the line must be drawn.

Honestly? Quick and largely painless death. Storm the neighborhoods block by block with our long-awaited Right Wing Death Squads and sweep room-to-room shooting anyone within 30 feet of a nigger.

As for the mudsharks and coalburners, it depends. The ones that cease immediately should be carefully monitored. Speaking out against the "grave injustice" deserves a bullet to the head.

I'm a Nazi and I'm all for capital punishment, but desu, this guy
Hanging, firing squad, or my personal favourite- gladiator battles.

Make the multicults kill eachother for our entertainment.

The most important thing to just get rid of them so they don't come back. The jews who escaped germany founded the frankfurt school, for example.

How can they be sentenced to jail when they have broken no laws?

why are all of their eyes bulging?

>The jews who escaped germany founded the frankfurt school, for example.

Horrible...any details?

When more undesirable migrants come they will be forced to interact with them more and more and that will be punishment enough,

Don't matter what it is as long as it's nationally televised

Political leaders; public opinionators; active pressure group members.

No, they'll keep welcoming them with open arms right up until they hit their mid-40's, become more than vaguely racist, and move out to the suburbs where they can rap the knuckles of white children for saying what she's thinking.

Hanging, gotta conserve ammo, direct traitors will be shot though.

Mass Firing Squad

Gladiator games.... interesting concepts. Traitors vs. Mudheads. Guess who would win?

I've heard anecdotes of SJW's going to help migrants and turning on them when they realize they are mostly stupid, lazy, young male, selfish asshole criminals.


Oh, most certainly, but most couch it as saying "that form of outreach just wasn't for me." They'll lie to their friends, lie to their future comrades, and lie to themselves, claiming it was all a very positive experience and they came away "impressed by the tenacity of the X People."

They must keep up appearances. If their identity is really tied up IN HOW VERY OPEN-MINDED they are about minorities, they can never, ever admit what they learned.

Most people, well, frankly they don't turn as hard-right as I did, but they'll admit there's a good fucking reason they lock the doors at night. It rhymes with "Jerome down the street."

Grind them up into multicultural sausage.
>see we really are all the same
feed to pigs.

How's your race war going cuck? You little larping bitches are too scared of being doxxed to do a damned thing, keep larping it's all you'll ever be good at, your days are numbered.

That's absolutely revolting. Here's an idea that's way simpler, and less nasty:,_drawn_and_quartered

Tits or gtfo.

Considering how often the ATF and FBI cook up "major terrorist plots" to justify their budgets, yeah, I'd rather not be doxxed and mis-identified as a "major contributor" to some Fed plant's plans.

That's not even accounting for the major moral panic / hysteria surrounding WHITE SUPREMACY!11!!! right now. I work in an industry that would see me blacklisted inside of a week if they knew I harbored even vaguely Fascist leanings.

You're a big guy

Does the fact that people are openly discussing execution methods for terrorists such as yourself not disturb you in any way? Tell us how it makes you feel. Be specific.

We deport them to Africa to live out the rest of their days in a blissful diverse setting :^)

For you

You're not better than them. That is what you tell yourself so you can effectively ignore the reality of your endless string of failures. The far right is the most cuckolded bunch of losers ever. You haven't won any major battles. Trump? Trump is a stooge for the Jews. If you really wanted to win you'd stop whining about pointless shit like being nice to your enemies.

And more importantly than that, the destruction of the left needs to be as savage as possible, and needs to be recorded in all of it's graphic detail so that future generations will never, EVER, even think of straying down this path.

We need to Brazen Bull these fucks, but with a heat-resistant camera and microphone inside and stream it. Let the world watch as some obese hamplanet and some soyboy are screaming bloody murder as they are slowly roasted to death. The time for gentlemanly solutions is long past. If you idiots wanted to play nice you should have been building Fortune 1000 companies the last 100 years so you would have the power and wealth to control your nations; instead you went into Trades. Well played morons.

I always felt purging by fire would send a strong message for future traitors

Too good for the commies

I say we do gladiator battles, and underwater battles

Agreed. A new political party and caste system is necessary. Part of the right of passage to the upper castes should be to torture and ten brutally murder a leftist in public. We need to separate the men from the boys. The boys being pathetic, whiny, beta Christian males. Most of them can burn with the rest.

I like you

>underwater battles

explain please

No, it doesn't bother me.
You larpers have no idea how powerful the machine is you're up against, your AR and bug out bag is cute though.
Make no mistake, you white racists will be made examples of, and normal people will not shed a tear for you.


Brutal, but a great idea. The strong would find their natural place at the top of society, like nature intended.

Exactly. Men who are willing to kill for the survival of their race and the new society will be critical to its long term survival. I'm sick of living in a world where white beta males prostrate themselves to Jews for table scraps. It's time to bring back the rack and the sword.

That's what volume without intelligence looks like. They're just a bunch of stupid, bleating animals who need to be put down.

Oh, we know. You're very proud of your machine. You're part of it. While waving the anarcho-communist flag, you brag about the power of your soulless, mindless, "machine".

Ya, we know what we're up against.

People like you will be the first ones lined up against the wall no matter who wins.


We won over 100 years ago, the only people that will be lined up against a wall will be you dwindling right wing retards.

Canuck calling it like it is

So if we are dwindling then why are you larping here? Nationalists are on the rise friendo, your day has long past.

I wanna see this on live leak


plz tell me how that worked out
where is the ussr now
venezualan gold miners literally play roonscape to feed thier family in a socialist paradise

Im strongly advocating you shoot yourself

Why dirty yourself with nasty killing?

Just abandon them on a high arctic island with little provisions. Station a ship nearby to ensure none escape.

Come back in the spring to ensure they are permafrost or polar bear chew toys.

Man vs a family of killer whales

it would be funy to watch the whales outsmart the human in water


They don't bother people. Sharks are what you want. Great whites. Kek.

>nationalism is on the rise
Nope, it's peaked and rapidly falling out of favour with the masses.
This was your last chance at seizing power and he failed you miserably, we'll cart your cheeto faced god emperor and his family off to prison soon, and ya'll wont do shit about it, and then we will unleash hell upon you rural and suburban right wing retards.

Yawn. Ever seen a psychiatrist for your problem?

I used to really like this one girl from a Muslim country I would totally make family. I don't care about any other non white women, I only liked her. There's nothing you can do Sup Forums she will always be in my heart.

Get that comic book teir garbage out of here, this is WAR.

You talk about communists like they're not just a bunch of limp dick nu-males swinging baseball bats that buzz off at the first gunshot. You don't have the majority in the united states and never will, fucking commies.


Sure, pull your dick into Circumcision Station and drive the family van of peace.

Remember, traitors get the bullet first.

I thought of this creation and see how it sounds
>imagine a literal hot plate but far far larger
>have the condemned chained/attached only by the legs in the middle
>obviously, just as a normal hot plate, have the source of heat below so that the metal above begins slowly heating
>as the victim is likely lying down or prone chest side down, the heat will begin to bake em, burning hotter and hotter.
>as it isn't a normal immolation the hot metal will stick and peel off tissue, muscle, bone as they roll around