White female here.
After all the TERRIBLE things you fucking white men have put Black Men through, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THEY HAVE TO WORK?
#BlackLivesMatter #SayNoToWhiteBoys
White female here.
After all the TERRIBLE things you fucking white men have put Black Men through, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THEY HAVE TO WORK?
#BlackLivesMatter #SayNoToWhiteBoys
Other urls found in this thread:
you get the rope too whore
You know there were black slave owners right?
Wealthy people owned slaves, not white people.
Working is better than extermination.
Tits or GTFO.
they don't work
Kill yourself.
yeah fuck dat shit homeboy
free chicken and sprite
Tits or gtfo
Like every darkie; a lying POSDemwhore
>I'm female
Is this the new meme for shills tonight?
Not an argument. Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. Can you do the same, white ""man""?
>Wealthy people owned slaves, not white people.
That's because the wealthy want to make it a racial issue to save their asses because if it was a class issue they would be fucked over. They don't make enough money to reprimand all the gibme whores out there.
Tits or gtfo.
> Genesis 3:19
> By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return
God says all people must work. Are you saying blacks aren't people?
I offer two solutions to the Nigger Question.
1: round them up and off with them to superaids-ridden Africa or fokin haiti
2: eugenics.... Sterilization, castration, hormone treatment I dont know.
>white female
Libtard bitch, you mean.
Slavery is over, officially in America for a couple centuries now, why should I give a fuck about niggers is anyone's guess.
I personally favor state-sponsored enslavery of faggots, specially prisoners and undisirables.
Also gas the kykes.
Same goes for the Asian man.
Nice try women dont ever explain why they do things beyond very retarded rationalizations.
The fact they think anyone on Sup Forums gives a single fuck about what niggers or women think is laughable.
Tits or GTFO
>white men put black men through terrible things
>the richest man in human history was a black african, who was king of being slave trader
So go fuck black dudes.
We all know this is a larp anyway.
Yay you're a faggot. What more do you want?
What Putin said.
Welfare sucking lazy niggerfag detected.
Black men also carry the highest percentage of STDs.
Why don't you ask why blacks should seek reparations from the black African Kings that sold their citizens? Trans Atlantic slaves services WERE PAID IN FULL when sold to Spaniard and Arab slave traders. You do know that slave trade out of Africa continues to this day, right?
I agree, us whites are disgusting. It's up to us white woman to to make all minorities feel safe and at home. We have to marry brown men, have their children and make them feel better, by sucking their penis and letting them cum inside of us. It's the least us white women can do considering these men live in such fear because of white nazis, we have to show them that not all whites are disgusting supremacist. The vagina has the power to heal, start healing African Americans and Hispanics by sexual healing.
Sorry, I don't show any part of my body to loser racist white boys.
so niggers dont want to work.. they want free money and just chimp out? no wonder everyone hates you lazy coons.
no tits?
>muh Russia Putin
When this meme will over?
Is this you?
Most slave owners and traders were Jews as well.
They got room and board bitch. So they actually owe fucking money.
>white girl on Sup Forums
Thanks for the needed laugh schlomo.
This sluts just trolling. Are coalburners that stupid as to want a 'ripped' jobless thug woman beater over a man the provides for his family? This bitch is, a) larping to troll white guys because none will have or or b) just has a fetish for niggers, because as pol knows once you go black, we won't take you back. Which is it slut?
stop fucking replying fuck
Sup Forums its time to get into memetic warfare for real. care for real
stop replying to shit threads and they will stop popping up, slowly
>white boys
I am a proud fingolian, trust me, we aren't whites.
Titas o fue
It's been so long since slavery existed, why is it still being thrown in our face after all this time?
Sounds great...unil you become an undesirable, single mother. Have fun with that!
Barbary Slave Trade
End all welfare.
Bonus Video Version. Very related.
>white female here
>female here
>femanon here
>white girl here
>femanon with an opinion
>another woman here
for fucks sake stop trying to convince us you're a chick through one sentence
>why should niggers have to work?
they don't
they shouldnt be working
they shouldnt be in the USA
they should be in africa, not working
You know the deal.
>Fucking literal retards is a crime therefore fucking niggers should in fact be sexual abuse
>>Blaming the son for his father's transgressions.
They can keep that slag.. yeeesh
I hate your kind, when things fall apart because of your stupid vaginal decisions remember that there are millions of men who will be very resentful of you for destroying the society their fathers built. Your stupid cunt has been pampered since birth and knows not the horrors of collapse that you push for. Keep going stupid bitch, keep it up and feel the fruits of what you sowm
> I drank the (((koolaid))). I am a whore and am looking for an excuse to be loose.
Cycle of Degeneracy.
White woman gets with black > Niggers GTFO when baby comes > single mother raises child > child is highly likely to be criminal > crimes of child + dependency of mother leads to larger government > repeat until all freedoms are gone.
Fuck women are retards.
As a gay man and a gay journalist i feel this is needed
>with that flag
whatever, nigger
>White female here.
nigger please
Your flag already identifies you as a faggot.
Barbary pirates enslaved thousands of white europeans, so maybe whites shouldn't have to work.
nigger please
Blacks possess limited vocabularies, display poor reasoning ability, and cannot control their impulses. As a generalization, they comprise over 1/3rd of the average prison populace; by comparison, blacks make up less than 13% of the country's populace.
Aside from that, they're mostly obnoxious and quick-tempered (due to said lack of reasoning). Oh, and they do not tend to stick around if you suddenly find yourself pregnant.
>"female here"
If a man dies in prison before his sentence is over, his son should be arrested to finish off the time remaining. We are responsible for our ancestors mistakes after all.
Kim Jong Un is that you?
Cool then go live in Africa with the rest of the aids cases and your tribes men
> niggers commit the most crime of any race
> lowest IQ
> need to be slaved again or killed off
lol they think they are free.
You are still slaves you dumbass nigger.
> slaved again
> robot revolution rapidly coming
Robots will be way less hassle than niggers. I advocate the latter solution.
Post those nigger tits, with timestamp or gtfo
>White female here.
tits or gtfo
Exactly. Look how well it worked for Detroit.
God this is such an obvious bait thread
ooga booga bix nood gimme dat pussy bitch
Let's see em flapjacks, whore
>no tits.
low effort larp/slide.
eh, I'd fuck her
Tits bitch, now
>White female here.
tits or gtfo
>all dem turible thangs dey done did
If someone is a victim with damages they should seek recompense from the individual aggressor.
Standards that low, mate?
Oh you....pic related
Once a "white" girl gets blacked, as a white man, I'd never touch her.
go back to tumbler communist scum no one wants your bait hear
>Be nigger
>Don't want to work
I wish i could remember the times living in terrebone parish la all the time the white kids fucked up an entire class period depriving the poor black kid of an education...Now the times they had to bring police to the class to remove the black kid for disrupting i may need to take my shoes off to count that high....
Looks like her mother is hanging on the left wall.
tits or gtfo
post tits or go pay reparations you coal burner
Dumb hate thread. Shill. Sup Forums are not haters. Find a real thread, and dont buy the hate. This is probably a student doing psych homework by posting here.
I think these fucking stormfags forgot sage goes in all fields