See this Sup Forums, this right of citizenship was given to me by the founders of this country. If you reject my citizenship, you are against the founders and by extension, the Constitution itself.
See this Sup Forums, this right of citizenship was given to me by the founders of this country...
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Thanks for doing this legally. You're a real bro
Cool, you're welcome! Can I fuck your sister now?
im not from from that shit country, you dont look like an americunt, just some average shitskin who wanab amaericunt
nobody cares if you did it legally, jose
here we go. arent you pass your bedtime
>birthright citizenship for non-whites was allowed during the time of the founders
Really didn't make me think, dumb shitskin.
>If you reject my citizenship, you are against the founders and by extension, the Constitution itself.
>against the founders
Most people don't know this but the reason the Americans launched their rebellion all those years ago was because King George wouldn't let any beaners settle in the thirteen colonies.
>here we go. arent you pass your bedtime
Founders: 1791 immigration bill.
>obama is a founding father
fuckin spics
Stop pretending you are white you fucking . spic.
Just because you live in the USA doesn't mean you will ever be a part of it. You can never fully be american you will always have the history of your dirty bean ethnicity that prevents you from being truly American.
Accept that you are born from the bean. You can only live by the bean.
You belong to the nation you are not a part of it. YOU ARE THEIR PROPERTY.
Land belongs to no one OP.
Thank you for coming here legally. Wanna grab a pint of the Budweisers and watch the American Footballs from pub across boulevard from American Spy Satellite manufacturing conglomerate withs me? I will show miniature camera I very hides well!
I am American Yankee Imperialist as well!
Are you a fucking commie or something bud?
> you dont look like an americunt
BASED spicman!
remember it was jews and their liberal useful idiots like Ted Kennedy that wrote the laws that allow you here now. If not for them no way Jose.. and Trump will get those laws changed .
Once the welfare state collapse (and it's already imploding as cities and states go bankrupt) shit's going to be on like Donkey Kong.
Most of our major cities will go up in flames within a matter of days once the beaners and nig-nogs no longer have welfare. Then we'll see how much your "citizenship" counts for, Jose.
P.S. Don't go out into the country side. You're ass will get picked off at a thousand paces.
I'm so sick of seeing you nasty spiks
Go to Canada, they wouldn't hate you...... as much
Hope you like daily pull overs by police....
Your Message: My Country shit, America is great, therefore gloat about migration?
>this right of citizenship was given to me by the founders of this country
Greetings from Australia, my American friend
When you're inevitably arrested for being a drug mule, you better check check Mexican instead of white on your arrest form, paco.
Are you the assblasted Korean always posting the blacked threads and LARPing a nigger and a white girl who fucks niggers?
Work hard, renounce loyalty to any other foreign powers, and don't let your adoptive country down.
What you have in your hands is a privilege, not a right. Remember that. Fuck the left.
If you think that there is a connection between the founders and current immigration practices, there is no way you passed the immigration test.