She's right you know.
She's right you know
Other urls found in this thread:
>delusions of grandeur
>lack of understanding of local cultural laws like the NAP
>wanting to dictate things for other people against their will
no faggot OP, she is quite ctrl-left, not right at all
additionally, go look at a noose and get triggered to hang yourself from it since you're a compulsive subhuman animal
It has been discussed ad nauseam how "she" is an idiot and how difficult it would be to actually get that gun out of that holster.
>feels tugging near his holster
>turn around to see this lady struggling to figure out how to get the gun from holster
what do?
>elbow to nose
>she's dead before she hits the ground
>get life in prison and get smeared as a white supremacist terrorist
still worth
this is the face a woman who will die alone among her 14 cats. her smugness is literally all she has to keep herself from committing suicide.
>partially weapons trained
which probably says she has more than the guy with the gun.
He is a security guard in Manhattan so he's licensed and has way more training than her, even though she's a dumb lying whore and her "weapons training" was probably her uncle teaching her to shoot an airgun when she was 12
Yeah. I'd say we have a problem. Too many ugly trannies trying to jump men and get their "gun"
I'd have guessed plainclothes cop.
Plain clothes don't normally open carry, kind of defeats the purpose of being plain clothes.
>Clearly a cop.
>Cops in the UK wear the same BDU pants
>The fact she's standing close, reaching her hand (with camera) near his pistol.
She's lucky she didn't get shot for trying to steal his gun.
no she isn't. fuck you.
Fucking sage
She wouldn't even be able to get it out of the holster. there is two fail-safes on that particular holster. Thumb depression as well as back-strap.
"she" should have gone for it instead of being the spineless bitch that she is.
>holstered and strapped
yeah it'd be that easy
>tries to grab it
She should have tried. Would have loved to seen her ripped apart.
So she's saying she can unclip the gun from the holster at an odd angle? Then she has such intimate knowledge of all guns' she knows this particular weapon's safeties to disable them?
This despite her admission she isn't very well trained in weapons?
She then has the knowledge to discharge all rounds so quickly in a safe manner(opening fire in public is never safe) before the guy beats her with his stick? Or another conceal carry person puts a few well deserved rounds in her chest?
Assuming her plan goes accordingly she is now going to be charged with a litany of felonies like firearm theft, shooting in public, purposely causing terror and more?
Her argument is rock solid!
>egg head
>salty because a guy has a gun
>is britbong(not suprised)
unzip dick and blast her with piss!
The fact that these people run scenarios in their heads about how they would kill people with others' weapons is why people carry in the first place.
These people have no concept of a closet authoritarian.
Why do liberals always believe that everyone else is an idiot/psychopath? Is it some sort this some sort of pedantism?
>just piss
Fucking casual
No its actually called "Projecting."
He was probably just off duty.
This isnt postal 2 mate.
Question is how did that whore immigrate to the US
Her ultra-aggressive 5head looks like a perfect place to test a dead blow hammer upon.
Because liberals are masters of future seeing, the ugly liberal thought he would shoot her for being a woman(not a woman,more like a roach)
She looks Jewish... Also what's with the shadowy picture with these bitches ? DA FAQ they doing.. Going for the mysterious look
she can legally own guns but not me because I'm bipolar. Apologize
She was called out on this and deleted her post.
Final post, tries to disarm him for no reason, gets head taken off by a nigger
Bail enforcement or warrant squadee.
What the fuck even? Was this made by a sixth grader?
Everything liberals think they know about the real world they get from movies and TV.
She saw Harry Potter disarm an evil wizard in the movie, therefore it will work IRL.
They literally have the mentality of children.
First of all, weapon looks retained, that dude would have taken plenty of actions before you got it out of the holster, also why would you want do randomly start shooting him/@people? Why when and how would there every be a gun fights? even in seriously weapon present areas? I'll take my chances and enjoy living around guns all day, if you're really worrying about this stuff you have issues.
They literally believe that if you don't think exactly what they think that you're a villain.
They truly seem themselves as absolutely good. Therefore, everyone else is absolutely bad.
Look at how these retards responded to a fucking bird landing on Bernie's podium.
Literally on duty cop. Those are standard issue navy blue work slacks, that shirt? The...baton?
She's a dumb fucking portlander.
That's on duty NYPD.
>what's with the shadowy picture
Kerchief hiding the gobbler wattle.
The fact that there are people who want to grab other people's guns and randomly fire them in a public restaurant reinforces my beliefs in owning firearms.
>america you have a problem
>taking picture of a cop
god i know british police officers didnt have guns but to the point that they believe cops with guns is a problem , jésus christ
Why fire all the rounds? Why no just take out mag and eject chambered round? Is this tranny literally retarded?
Pants look too light for patrolman or beat. Steel toe head crushers. Warrants.
NYPD cops don't wear boots like that and wear way more gear
Shill thread. 1 post by this id. Keep looking in the catalog. Real threads do not set up arguments, they inform and entertain. Sage.
"I want a Red Ryder carbine action 200 shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time"
She's not British but from Portland, Oregon.
Though people do go "WHAT, AMERICANS JUST HAVE GUNS ON THEM?" from the stalinist BBC filter of "look at this shit that happens in the US that, because its online and outside of the UK, we are free from our already non-existent shackles to report without bias, and shit on them!"
One of the most read stories about the US on the BBC this past week was...
A bunch of Americans shooting into the hurricane.
If the peepee burns her as much as it does me when it comes out, adding poopoo would be overkill.
She was widely roasted for her posts when this was new. The important lesson here is that ALL LIMPS are potential Terrorists with little self control
Problem #1: she doesn't even know how to operate the holster
you don't carry like that when you are offduty either. Cops can concealed carry in any state when you are P.O.S.T. certified and an active police officer.
Anytime you have to open carry at least in our police we had to have a badge showing which defeats the purpose.
You are never going to open carry your asp like that in plain clothes.
>Equifax security breach
>150 million people now at risk for identity theft
>Equifax chief security officer studied MUSIC in college
Here are the threads that are being slid right now:
this is the case for most thread topics.
it's truly hell.
That shit is hard if impossible to take out from any angle other than directly above, and she's more likely to get tangled in that stupid fucking scarf
not surprised
all tv channels in europe are full leftist these days , should do a nice cleansing of them and create new channels
>Limply tries and grabs holstered and strapped gun
>Guy notices some 100 lb woman that smells like tea tree oil grabbing his gun, he throws her pale, boney liberal frame on the ground
You'll shoot your eye out, kid.
No, she's not. England had over 1000 gun crimes last year from strapped criminals, despite their gun laws.
Now it'll happen in OZ cuz aussies are handing over guns as they have no balls. Wussies.
Not going to happen in the USA, no way. Lots of dems have guns.
Gun control means 1 shot = 1 kill.
>1 post by this ID
>open carry
that's a cop
>partially weapons trained
spinning back elbow to temple
turn 360 degrees and get back in line
This bitch would get taken out the moment she tried to clumsily reach for his gun.
This is like 5 years old and it's been reposted a million times and people still sperg out over it
> partially weapons trained
> lives in a country with no weapons
Why did you reply to the thread then? It's the first time I've seen it and I wanted to get my two cents in on what a fucking total dick this woman is.
Wow, vintage meme.
No she's retarded, you could say the exact same thing about a cop in front of you
You know, it is never difficult to go around killing people. The only difficult part is losing your humanity to do it just for "fun".
>disarming a L3 holster from behind
She looks like Shostakovich in drag.
That's what you call a punchable face
That's a fucking fox you retard.
God I fucking hate foreigners
that's a dog you fucking idiot(s)
The only threat in the coffee shop was her (male) and her (male) violent fantasies.
>I'm only partially weapons trained
God damn British women are ugly. No wonder they are importing 3rd world men to breed with them.
Bullshit thats manhattan
the bait from 2015 still works
Libcucks are deluded
>I could of disarmed this dude
>And I'm only partially weapons trained
He would of shot her dead even if she even tried. Feminism is going to literally kill these fucking inbreeds.
I am a big man
(Yes I am)
And I have a big gun
Got me a big old dick and I
I like to have fun
Held against your forehead
I'll make you suck it
Maybe I'll put a hole in your head
You know just for the fuck of it
I can reduce you if I want
I can devour
I'm hard as fucking steel and I've got the power
I'm every inch a man and I'll show you somehow
Me and my fucking gun
I never can stop me now
Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot
I'm going to come all over you
Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot
I'm going to come all over you
Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot
I'm going…
What about that beatin' stick?
> I am strong independent woman rawr
> I will overpower this man 4x stronger than me
I would love to see her try and get her shit kicked in. Fucking britcunts are cucked to hell. Much love to the remaining sane folks across the pond.
>No burger has said the nine words.
Fucking shame on you all.
This is what happens in her gun free land of censorship.
Good. The cancer needs to die off somehow.
Why are you all pretending like its hard to take a gun out an open top leather holder?
Just hold it and lift up.
what a fucking limey ass America hater, thats a fuckin cowboy, fuck her
>i could have unholstered a adult males firearm, taken the safety off and become a threat to people around me without being overpowered and pinned by my wrist to the floor
Yeah the picture related could not have taken the gun out and have enough time to be a threat to anyone, the moment the guy feels a tug on his belt he is going to turn around and grab her wrist, after which the bitch will cling to the gun and get her wrist broken and taste the floor
Who does that bitch think she is?