Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest...

Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.

Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.

The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.

Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.

Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.

It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.

Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.

Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.

Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.

Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.

Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.

Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill that hated white people?

Other urls found in this thread:


Free the market, free the people.

Fuck keynesian economics.

Daily reminder that the first country to fully embrace socialism will immediately cure all known diseases and will become all knowing immortals that will conquer the rest of the world.

pretty sure that's not right

bump for freedom

Wasn't this girl a prostitute?

I dunno

So how do you institutionalize this exactly?

She was a camwhore but nu-Sup Forums like OP love e-celebs

define institutionalize?

this is something I can';t wrap my head around
why must they like such inconsequential individuals, they do so little to actually further nationalism, mostly just rreporrt on things and call them names
and /sig/ disappeared as well. that was always a great thread

>eliminate their central bank
then how would the government set the base interest rate?

every single bank would just give themselves zero percent and destroy the currency over night. do you even economics bro?

Every single ancap/neo-con is dumber then the next. it's no wonder why wealthy people prey on stupid uneducated idiots for their voter base

Fix rules for this that society would embrace

>850.80 US Dollars for anal

why not just get a normal hooker?

When the american dream failed?

As long as she is libertarian. Wouldtakeasmysecondmormonwife/10

dude, you need to learn some economics

>then how would the government set the base interest rate?
That's the fucking point.

The interest rate would be determined by the market alone. This worked flawlessly before.

>every single bank would just give themselves zero percent and destroy the currency over night.
Banks are not allowed to create money out of thin air, this is fraud.

>Every single ancap/neo-con is dumber then the next.
lmao you are too stupid to even understand our argument
you can do nothing but lick boots of corporations and the government

>dude you need to learn to be a good goyim keynesians like me
not an argument

>The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week
get lost lazy ass (((/leftypopl/))) tranny
you work for a living, here it caused a lot of shit when the christians came with their fucking sunday shit

Pretty sure it's a tranny.

No because 1 year in it'll be swarmed with immigrants and they will ruin the country by lobbying and protesting for gibs

>is a leftist
>calls me a leftist
oh boy

no, just close the borders


OP thinks any man can adopt any ideology, this is why OP will always be a retard, only men of like-minded calibre can make this work but again OP is too dumb so he harps on about his ideology to the average joe who is not interested in something he was not born into

Banks do create money out of thin air. They ask the central bank, and the central bank lends the money back to the bank at the central interest rate. The difference rate at which the bank lends the money to the lender is bank revenue. The central bank lends the amount and at the rate determined by the governments fiscal policy. this is how fiat currency works.

your argument makes no sense. How would """the market""" determine this? they couldn't without... guess what... a central organisation. we could almost call this central organisation a government?

>Banks do create money out of thin air. They ask the central bank, and the central bank lends the money back to the bank at the central interest rate.
I know.
If we had free market banking, this would be illegal and banks could only lend out what they have in reserves.

>How would """the market""" determine this?
The interest rate is determined by how much reserves banks themselves have on hand and their willingness to lend the money out.

I already told you that this worked perfectly during 1870s to 1890s in the USA.

You are unbelievably retarded if you cannot understand this basic concept.

You are unbelievably retarded to think that without managing the money supply, the currency is going to wildly fluctuate and cause an exacerbated boom/bust cycle. This is why they brought in the central bank to be the lender of last resort when banks could no longer lend due to credit risk. If you want to lose your job suddenly and have to eat out of dumpsters, then getting rid of a central bank is a good idea. You are clearly retarded.

actually a real woman

You really should have done at least the minimal amount of research before making such a retarded claim. It's like saying you know what the best programming language is when you don't know how to program.

>If we had free market banking, this would be illegal and banks could only lend out what they have in reserves.

Banks never have more money in reserve than what they lend out. If that were the case we'd have massive deflation and the economy would be destroyed over night

> I already told you that this worked perfectly during 1870s to 1890s in the USA.

this never was the case. During this period we used the gold/silver standard, in which all money was sessionally bearer bonds for physical goods. This causes issues such as market panics when rumours spread, or fiscal instability when gold or silver floods the market.

In a digital world using the gold standard couldn't work because people expect money to be transferred right away.

there is no central currency. every bank or indeed anyone can issue notes

those are some sad tits

>This is why they brought in the central bank to be the lender of last resort when banks could no longer lend due to credit risk.
You think the federal reserve wasn't created by bankers to serve their own interests instead of the interests of society.

Why was the free market banking period of 1870s to 1890s so STABLE and SUCCESSFUL?

Care to explain this?
Oh wait you can't.

>You are clearly retarded.
Look in the mirror.

There was this one german guy who tried to eliminate their central bank and usury

Didn't really work out so well...

>If that were the case we'd have massive deflation
Deflation grows the economy.
The free market banking period of 1870s to 1890s in USA had tons of deflation year after year and it resulted in a massive booming economy.
Care to explain this?

>During this period we used the gold/silver standard

>in which all money was sessionally bearer bonds for physical goods.
Free market banking.
Gold was money.

>This causes issues such as market panics
The only time it caused issues was when the government manipulated the money supply or allowed banks to create money out of thin air.

Why was the 1870s to 1890s period so successful and STABLE?
Explain this.

>In a digital world using the gold standard couldn't work
I'm not 100% in favor of a gold standard, just sound money.
I'm okay with abolishing the fed and having the US dollar as currency and the government not creating any new dollars period.

There's nothing wrong with usury.
There is many things wrong with central banks.

Hey OP, great essay. I fixed a few things:

> Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will be invaded and reduced to rubble by other countries controlled by the international banking cartel within 5 years.

> Massive military force will dominate this country's economy to destroy the goods they produced for themselves.

> The workweek would shrink to 0 days a week and people would starve to death. This will also lead to more strife becoming available.

> Everyone would have high rates of misery. Houses would be nonexistent. Debt would be strongly imposed by the conquerers.

> Massive automation would take place as the cost of liquidating the rebellious population will be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation in the science of human destruction.

> It would be extremely easy for the average person to die horribly due to the constant warfare.

> Daily reminder actual free markets have bombs falling on them all the time instead of being safe.

> Daily reminder America never allowed one of these countries to exist for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history where countries without central banks were allowed. The wars that happened during the 2000s were due to banking intervention in the government sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of unregulated immigration and that's what made them really "culturally enriched".

> Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.

> Daily reminder not having a central bank is the very reason several countries' economies are piles of shit and our generation is so fucked.

> Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking Illuminati would be apeshit and people would barely survive.

> Why would you support this unless you were a monster that hated living people?

>Deflation grows the economy.
Opposite. If you're a business wanting to expand or someone wanting to buy a house. you'd have to find someone to give you money by yourself. good luck.

>Why was the 1870s to 1890s period so successful and STABLE

well you say that ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_standard#Fluctuations_in_the_US_gold_stock.2C_1862.E2.80.931877

>massive deflation and the economy would be destroyed over night
This fucking retarded shit has to end tonight. DEFLATION IS GOOD. Deflation means prosperity. Deflation means lower cost of living, higher standard of living, a dollar that stretches further, and more capital goods in the economy.

The ONLY reason you'd want to prevent deflation is because you don't want to pay back the interest on loans you shouldn't have taken out in the first place. When you take out impossibly large loans, you buy present prosperity but you knock out future prosperity at the knees.

>During this period we used the gold/silver standard, in which all money was sessionally bearer bonds for physical goods. This causes issues such as market panics when rumours spread, or fiscal instability when gold or silver floods the market.

There should be no standard. There are always shortages when you have a "standard" price for something. Price-fixing applies to money too.
The 1870s-90s weren't even that great. You'd have to go back before the Civil War to find free market banking.

>In a digital world using the gold standard couldn't work because people expect money to be transferred right away.
Cryptocurrencies are much better than gold. They aren't monopolized by a government either.

No, you've just been brainwashed by keynesian propaganda.
Inflation destroys the economy.
Deflation means you can buy more things.

>If you're a business wanting to expand
Now it's much more cheaper to expand, you can do it better.

>you'd have to find someone to give you money by yourself
Or go to a bank and get a mortgage or a loan?

>Fluctuations in the US gold stock, 1862–1877
What does this have to do with anything?
The free market banking period was 1870s to 1890s.

>You'd have to go back before the Civil War to find free market banking.
This period was a massive growth in economic production.
This was a period of real free market banking.

Any better pics of her?

more nudes of this camwhore pls

Free market bump

Loving the trend of girls copying this look

No it was not. The National Bank Act of 1863 marked the end of free banking and private reserve notes.
Also the greenbacks were fiat money until 1879.
The actual free era started with Jackson and ended with Lincoln.

when america's market was at its freest was when it became a superpower. gave rise to some of the most successful men in the history of the planet.

1870s to 1890s was still pretty free

There was deflation year after year and massive economic production

banks couldn't print money out of thin air etc


So how do you institutionalize

is that spiderbaby?

>Daily reminder that the first country to fully embrace socialism will immediately cure all known diseases and will become all knowing immortals that will conquer the rest of the world.

no you moron. only the country that declares me god-emperor will receive that boon from My divine favor.

qt south african.

You'd have to have a war first though.

As for topic, central bank diddling with interest rates has caused a massive wealth transfer from those with no assets to those who own assets.

But now that interest rates are reversing their 40 year downward trend (starting with the closing of the gold window) and are beginning to creep upwards around the world... buckle up, boys.

desu I would welcome a full on 100% libertarian / ancap society. But it can never happen in a democracy. People will vote wealth redistribution to themselves, piecemeal, until the leeches outnumber the workers and the system implodes. No way to stop it in a democracy.

your system is internally inconsistent under representative government; it follows that representative government should be eliminated entirely.

All I have are some of her camvids. she never took any official pics, so these are all screen grabs.

>I've never studied economics, the post


BAD SHIT would happen to that country...unless several countries simultaneously got rid of their central banks

>he doesn't know that there have been more recessions/depressions after the Federal Reserve than crashes in the years we didn't have a central bank & wants daddy Rothschild to control his currency

Good goy

I'm so glad to be disagreeing with a common sense capitalist instead of these leftypol shills which have entirely taken over the board. They're trying to implant anti-capitalist memes into our impressionable National Socialist brothers and it's all so tiresome.

And btw keep making these threads.

>Or go to a bank and get a mortgage or a loan?
and where does the bank get the money from? you've gone around in circles

whats her cam name?

>banks couldn't print money out of thin air

True senpai, but they could still conduct fractional-reserve banking, the cause of all panics/crashes. It was a desire to eliminate these panics caused by recklees, unscrupulous banks that brought about the Fed & the subsequent irreversible decline. You have no idea how much I want to see an increase in threads like this on Sup Forums at the expense of muh no racemixing NEET-soc faggotry

>tries to make serious argument
>posts camwhore that exploits beta orbiters
>lolbertarian flag
It all makes sense.




You cannot get rid of the central bank without radical change. A government cannot oust a central bank, especially when they are prevalent in the first world.

"mystic mel" "myfreecams"

That sounds great but its a fantasy.

it's in the filename, user

This x1000000

"Meldusa" was a fruitful search.

what we really need is some too big to fail stuff to fail again

They buy gold?

I dont know. It's a really old vampire blowjob video you can find by googling "Vampire blowjob"

>tfw the only thing standing in our way is the brainwashing of the people. the jews themselves are weak and have no power if we just wake up to their schemes



>$9,000 a year for a mortgage

not even in my wildest dreams would it be that cheap in dude weedorado

Ohh if you guys knew how deep the rabbit hole actually goes.
The central bank, chargest the government interest on money it prints out of nothing.

Just understand that part for a second. They invent money.. out of nothing.. and get paid money lending that fictional money out.

Now add this to it:
The governments that are in debt to the central banks.. have to pay back the debts using your tax dollars.

Your tax dollars approximate your physical effort, and labours.

Your physical efforts and labours are being transfered and traded for something that the central bank printed out of nothing.

The pressed a button, and you had to go and do shit. There was nothing in return for you. You worked hard, bought a slice of bread and ate it to feed yourself, ofcourse.. But a percentage of your effort.. was siphoned away not for taxes to build bridges, not for railroads or not even to feed niggers...

It was siphoned from you to pay interest on money printed out of nothing.

From the central bank's perspective; They just got something for nothing. They did nothing, absolutely nothing, and got a little portion of your labour.

They're doing this to every tax-paying worker, of every central-bank having nation.

And you wonder how these Rothschild's and such accumulate their trillions of dollars. They've literally got the entire world enslaved, and we don't even realise it.

Every time, you sweat. Every time you do put up a server, or make a sandwhich, or mop a floor, or make a big buissness call... The rothschilde is entitled to a little bit of your effort.

This is now a White rose naked dump thread, post your favorite white rose naked pics

Please stop posting jewish de-railment roasties in a redpill pill thread. go to /gif/ or /s/ or something.

Will do.

bump :3

Within reason I agree usary is okay. 1600% Indian loans is shit, but it I have a low risk investment at 3%, it's reasonable to ask for 3.5% if you want to borrow my money instead. Free market is free

get a load of these mammon worshipping semites




daily reminder that there is a poster on /an/ that will post about platypuses every day until you want one

I miss Ron Paul.

He was perfect.

Perfect at collecting sheckles from dumb goyim

fuck off jew

Are you that poster?

no, but I like the threads

Do you now own a platypus?

>fuck off jew

Thats what the american public said to dumb ass Ron Paul


t. jew

go lick more corporate cocks bootlicker

>white rose

Holy shit that's her? Miss "don't watch porn cause semen is precious"?

No wonder she blocks comments

RIP my sides.

>dude if I threaten millions of americans saying I will demolish social Security that they've been paying into, I will surely win the presidency xD