>Disney was infiltrated by the jews in the mid-80s
>wells was the good guy and on his way to the top from VP
>in 1985 eisner was your typical power hungry idealistic executive
>he was brought into scheme by contacts within the Washington post
>wells and eisner often were at odds
>then wells dies in a helicopter "accident"
>it wasent untill the late 90s the instructions came down to rev up the subversion
T. Insider
Disney was infiltrated by the jews in the mid-80s
Other urls found in this thread:
Also ama.
I know many ((things)) about Hollywood.
are they even capable of making good movies at this point?
When is kingdomhearts 3 releasing?
Yes, but not as much as before.
2 reasons.
>Half of the industry is focused on subversion. Every studio and executive studio is owned, the jews use the news media as a kinda branch to seek out and bring people into tued fold, willing or not.
>there isn't talent anymore. Nobody cares about acting school and half the students with animation and techinal degrees can't do shit, even if they can, much talent is squandered. "Make it this way or Your fired"
How can we better work to expose the pedo networks?
There's lots of things you can do. Radical things if necessary. Don't trust the FBI to do anything. Even if they try, id bet bottem dollar half the major evidence is destroyed.
Focus on the news media, not just outside networks. Podesta works as middle management in WAPO
How? Why?
It doesn't happen as much anymore becuse everyone is owned, but they will use special "reporters", for both Intel and infiltration.
Soros sometimes goes to CNN HQ, as does DWS.
On that. The news media was one of the first institutions infiltrated. They have had control the late 70s.
Let's take a moment to appreciate how based old Disney cartoons were.
Old news, I am afraid.
The subversion goes deeper than you think, and what I'm about to tell you should shock and scare you to your very core.
Globalist Zionist Jews have taken over what was once a joint NA-British military compartmentalized scientific alien technology research project.
They're very much planning on a breakaway Jews-only exotic alien tech civilization.
We've lost control of the tech, mostly due to Jew spying and the fanatical often coerced pro-Israel Zionist fanaticism.
At first glance this seems very dismissable, but if you fully understand the schemes of the jews, you should be very very concerned for the rest of humanity.
And let's not forget Jim Crow from Dumbo.
Clever shill but you lost at "alien technology"
You're in for a big surprise, very soon.
Disney hates Americans for sure
They have gotten lazy, their nigger tier propaganda and false flags are losing the effect.
Normie uprising as soon as things aren't going smooth. The goyium know.
The rumors about Walt being anti jew was mosty true.
Hitler was a fan.
t. guy who read disney wars
This is party true.
Frozen is the biggest psy op they have even undertaken, though during production they soft a wrote it off, did not expect it to get popular. It dident get big untill a few months after release.
They bought star wars and marvel so they could have the big 3 under one subversive roof. Lucas dident sell willingly.
Of course it's obvious that jewish Disney is subversion central, but what happens when their social engineering inevitably starts to impact their financial bottom line?
bump bump bump bump
I've got a question:
We all know the propaganda is centralized.
Is it government?
I'm mickey mouse's grand son and your full of shit.
Walt supported the American military during WW2, though. He made instructional videos on how to fly planes over german cities, as well as propaganda against the reich.
That being said, I think he mostly cared about this corporation. He wanted to create an empire. He actually got tired of animation very early on. That's why he went on to do theme park disney world, with animatronics. He wanted to turn America into some Jetsons shit with flying cars and weird roads and buildings in the sky, robots serving mankind.
It's was not originally out of the house, it started in the news media.
It does not matter. The point is to destroy culture and expression. The upper tier in the plan do not care what happens as long as it happens correctly. If Disney profits get fucked, and the plan is already significantly done on their part, they will let them collapse.
Either way, through subversion or destruction, culture is destroyed
They double down on the propaganda, and the subverted fanatics who cannot cope with reality will rabidly defend them, incapable of accepting the possibility that they've been completely lied to.
I obviously did not know Disney, but I had heard he was the type who wanted to do great things, but quickly got bored and wanted to do other great things
Have you heard of walt disney's secret society? Trump's in it.
Welcome in the 2017
You mongoloid
>just spent the last week clocking 55 hours in Birth by Sleep
That's a lot of wasted time.
Why do the Jews hate 2D animation? And I mean proper 2D animation, not that gay-ass flash shit they use nowadays.
Thats alex Jones level tinfoil.
Trumps elders worked with tesla, but don't let shills take you off the path of reason
I know you doubt me, but once Oppenheimer, his envious usurper Teller and even Einstein got brought into the project, it was Jewish Zionism all the way down.
You think they'd let Israel be kept out of the loop? As soon as a single zionist gains any leverage he immediately defers to Greater Israel.
Every single time. No secret on Earth is safe the second you put a Jew into any position of authority.
It's real dude.
>in 1985 eisner was your typical power hungry idealistic executive
Yeah. Who ever could like a guy like that?
They don't. 3D is cheaper and easier then 2D. There's far fewer kids who can actully draw and do 2d anymore. It's not 2003 anymore.
Anyways, is literally everyone in hollywood compromised with pedo blackmail?
What happened to this dude.
Walt Disney was a Rosicrucian and a hitler supporter, I believe
Very interesting about that:
There once was a thread on Sup Forums about Trumps connection to Nikola Tesla. Trumps dad DID inherit a ton of stuff from Nikola Tesla. Including various old documents. This is all on the ordinary english wikipedia, nothing conspiracy about this.
This is where it gets conspiratory: the thread on Sup Forums was a silly theory about Trump being able to time travel. Because apparently Tesla worked on that and with Trumps dad having his documents, Trump would have access to this information. With all his money, he could have build the time machine.
3D looks like horrible play-doh shit, though. It's so lifeless.
While I'm on the subject, how did Lego fuck up so badly and go with 3D animation? There was probably no better opportunity in history for a stop-motion film and they fucked it.
Wasn't that just an ARG internet campaign for their Tomorrowland movie?
[spoiler] Or was it?!
[lolspoiler] I actually really liked it.
The ARG was based on the acutal group....maybe even added onto the movie by people who are connected to it? Cuz they met in the 1890's. Also there was a 1 post user last night that namefagged Donald Trump with the official WH portrait and just said. cool thread
The Lego company is danish, but the animated movies are done by some international company. I doubt they give much of a fuck about the movies, really. It's all to rack in cash and build brand value to sell toys.
Lego is a good company, though. It's family owned and known as one of the big three companies who do pay its taxes in their home country.
85%-90% are blackmailed with pedophile, or worse, they actully like it. TJ got baited. Every TV star who has been ranting anti Trump is a pedo or something else dirty
>hugh jackman
>Jeff bridges
>lady gaga (she has tried to escape it but was pinned down)
>George takei (as if it was not obvious)
>Nick cage (not a pedo, but he's done every drug you could imagine)
>tom hanks
>Johnny deep , he is a monster , caluglia
And so on
Here's what I don't understand. Why destroy the escapism? Do you think the Roman Empire could've survived if the Emperor took away the Bread and Circuses and replaced it with political correctness and ideological propaganda? The masses would've gotten bored with the entertainment and instead channel their efforts into politics. That's what happened with Gamergate, which drove Sup Forums's traffic through the roof, thus empowering directly Donald Trump and Anti-Globalist measures. Based on what you've told me, the entire illumanti has created a massive boomerang effect, politicizing millions because they no longer feel entertained by escpades that used to distract them.
Subversion by Entertainment is a failed strategy, user. No regime has ever succeeded in making this plan work. You would think that people who have a long cultural history would learn from the past. Instead, they project what they want, and get the opposite result.
Fuckin liev shreiver has his kids sucking the handles of a scooter in public and other shit UGH its fuckin gross.
They like it though.....That so fucking evil.
All of your colleagues are powerful failures user. Just like the Politburo, they used their tremendous resources to turn the masses against then.
Unless this was all a part of the plan?
Look at what's happening, nobody attacks the people pulling the strings, the masses are at each others throats while the pedophiles watch with glee. They want the masses they've divided to cleanse each other for them.
its true. Ive worked for them.
>why destroy escapism
Why not subvert it? Eventually it will bear it's fruit and the company is no longer needed, Once the end goal is reached. Like star wars villans. When you are no longer useful, you are thrown away.
It's less effective becuse of Sup Forums. Internet culture IS Sup Forums. Though this board has been thoroughly subverted since the election.
Bullshit. The chaos is directly interfering with the Neoliberal agenda, and judging by ideological programming of future generations, the memetic gulf is only going to grow greater and greater as people spend more effort engaging in the world and less effort playing video games and watching movies.
That's a confirmation bias answer. Things are clearly going off track, at least in America, and not even demographic shifts are going to be able to save the Globalist memes.
Don't fuck with people's entertainment. It's a guaranteed way to get people to turn against you.
>The City
>Florida Project
>Mark 3 project
Hate to break it to you but they're just talking about their 1964 World's Fair show and the plans to expand the parks. "The City" was a bunch of gimmicky inventions that formed the basis for Tomorrowland. The "Florida Project" is obviously Disneyworld, which began construction in 1965 but was in Disney's plans as early as the 50's. The "Mark 3 Project" is the Mark III version of the Disneyland monorail, which was introduced in 1969. All of these projects were considered cutting edge at the time, so it's only natural that they wanted to keep them away from prying eyes.
>t. autist with too much free time
I know these files were about worlds fair. I saif the fucking society is older than the movie or the ARG. This explains the time traveler theory.
Correct. And it's most likely why they will fail in the US. If they lose the youngest generation , the plan dies.
Right now , Europe is doomed, but their strenght is weakness also weakness. Trump is a greater danger then you many think. If they are exposed in nation, they are exposed in every nation , too interconnected.
Any truth to the rumor about Miley Cyrus getting killed and replaced with a body double.
Shit, it's late. Im out for tonight.
Focus on the connections in the media.
False. Think Billy would not notice? That actully is coincidence
before Half Life Episode 3
Walt Disney was a Mason degenerate. Disney has always been evil.
I can find 666 like this even in proteins if I wanted too. This is just retarded.
Call it black budget tech then. There's a leaked stratfor email from wikileaks describing how JFK was offed because he wanted to share the ayytech with Russians. We reverse engineered crashed saucers at the very least, and probably got tech from them in exchange for gold. They like that shit for some reason.
is it true that Walt Disney helped the Silver Legion of America?
Literally wtf happened to this chick?
Drugs, brainwashing, manipulation tactics.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
It's an act. She's an actor.
A boardroom of producers in suits decided that doing something wild and edgy would gather attention because customers like being shocked and it worked. She has earned millions of dollars from it.
She dresses up in costumes.
Plus Ultra secret society?
No, the music studio.
Think of it like proffesional wrestling. They choose a gimmick and tell a story.
how bout Leonardo DiCaprio, also whats johnny depp done
They use afghanistanimation.
i know personally he parties fucking hard and loves coke. I meet his coke dealer once.
disney is the shittiest company in america
i used to work at the empire studio in burbank
there is a reason disney and b of a are always listed as the two shittiest places to work at
it's because:
kikes hire their own famililiess, even if they have no college degrees
then they show up to work at 9, sit around the kitchen watercooler til 1130 then run off to lunch, come back at 3 and work for 2 hours maybe
meanwhile all the goy are working their fucking ass off with the daily reminder from jew boss that "you might lose your job"
then they jew boss takes your work and gives it to a jew department who tears it up and inserts degeneracy into it
(((eisner and iger))) fuck them all
t. ex disney lawyer
i know way too much about jewywood i fucking live it and it sucks
go after (((sumner redstone)) and (((david geffen)))
geffen makes you suck his cock if you want to work for him
or he makes you suck his friends' cockszzz
it's a not so secret dirty little secret
can someone set him up? looking at you anons.
>Don't trust the FBI to do anything
sadly true
the la branch is nothing but jews, mormons, and their mestizo pet beans
another nepotistic la institution that discriminates against top of the class whites
(((media))) = cia niggers
(((certain cia niggers))) are pushing certain jewywood movies and tv shows and media memes...
We know.
the animators are all druggie stoney handpicked sjw shitlibs who work like slaves and hand their work over to some short kike who then takes all the credit and makes billions off the actual fucking talented people
the whole thing is sick
the animation dept looks like an indian call center
buncha jew slaves
What's the deal with all these computer animated films? Are they simply just cheaper to produce than old school stuff?
love rosicrucians
grandpa was a warlock rosi
worked at a top secret socal nuclear facility in the 60s
talks about how kikes stole secrets and gave them to israel...
it's all true fellas.
jews aren't shit without /us/
>Lucas dident sell willingly.
Can you expand on this? Also Spielberg seems like a fucker, what do you know about him?
I understand that are 2 versions. One that says that Disney was always a JEWlluminati operation and other that says that Disney was infiltrated. The 2 versions have their merits so i don't know...
Blackmail is one of the pillars of the JEWlluminati system.
But in entertainment industry the most common is the "Casting Couch". The faggot Jews who run that place demand sexual favors in exchange for opportunities, of course this is all caught on the blackmail camera.
Imagine pictures of Clooney eating poo and taking it up the ass while his mouth was fool of poo...this is how he (and many more) are controlled.
Let me assure you that those "pretty boys" were very successful in the "Casting Couch" circles...
The Internet happened. Imagine all that subversion in television and film, how it affects the masses, but without the freedom of information the Internet provides. That's why boomers and normies look so odd to us, they are only consuming media designed to subvert reality and change their expectations. Look at nu-males and tumblrites who only consume non political safe web content. They're wrapped up in their personal simple lives with only the need for more and better entertainment in the forefront of their minds. Those of us who have traveled off thebeaten path can see it leads to the slaughter. And now they're trying their best to subvert and control the political spectrum of internet interaction as well. How? By interjecting pop culture analogues and references into everything and obfuscating and changing historical context.