What the fuck is it about this guy that feels so off? Why do I get a feeling of dread looking at him? This guy runs the largest social media platform in the world, and now he is sending undertones of wanting to make a run at President. He creeps me out. He established a huge database of personal information and now he wants to run the country? What is it that he plans on doing?
What the fuck is it about this guy that feels so off? Why do I get a feeling of dread looking at him...
Something nefarious for sure, but I can't get a read on his soulless, beady jew eyes
Because he sold his soul to the Devil.
who this
He looks like he was born with encephaly.
Cuz he's a fucking creepy Jew who wants everyone's data
What the fuck is Christmas Island
Do you get presents every day?
Here's an anti-Zuckerberg compilation:
WTF?! I just made one of these the other day. I didn't know one already existed.
Why are his pupils shaped like octagons?
Sorry I meant Anencephaly.
He's just a young successfuly guy who got rich for tapping into the right niche. Sup Forums is either jelly of his success or aginst him because he happens to be jewish. There's really nothing "wrong" with Zuckerberg no more than there is anything wrong with Sundar Pichai or Tim Cook.
checking this triple six.
Just go to sleep, user. Nothing to see here.
simple ego stroking. he's sucking his own sick basically at this point. Everything he does is all done to fill the void of his vanity.
Christmas is a few months away why are you shitposting?
He is a man goat
There's a few other successful young guys that Sup Forums doesn't hate on though. Zucker looks and gives off the strangest aura I've ever seen.
physiognomy is real m8
Santa's shitposts come everyday of the year, not just one.
t. leaf
can you send me pics of your living areas and outside christmas island sounds like a utopia
It's because his face looks something like a 3D printed mask of a human face. He also comes across the same way as MKultra celebrities do, like he is not under his own control.
Don't worry his image sucks
"he just happens to be jewish"
"pure coincidence"
id wish for something bad to happen to you but with your fag-boi PM running the show your country will be dust in 10 years and I think you actually deserve it
He seems pretty normal to me actually. He always came across as someone that got really lucky but took his greed a little too far. I'd still rather have him as a leader than Hillary. She's inhuman.
hes jewish
This most obvious thing that is off about him is that he looks so fucking ugly.
I'll show you where I used to work
>What the fuck is it about this guy that feels so off?
he just wants an experience.
he's barely human. facebook's popularity was a mistake
Do you like living there? What is the crime like? Is it really as nice as it looks like on google images?
The dude is a reptilian inter dimensional pedophile.
its just a shitty logo tho, why is he so sweaty?
>Z U C C
Not too bad. Just had some instances where immigration was an issue with the asylum seekers
It can be depending on where you are
He has a say, but he doesn't really have enough shares to really do what he wants.
People that rule and decide never show their faces.
Even if he did what he wanted and had 100% shares, tomorrow news about autist being drawn in his own bath would be quite possible
What would be the repercussions of this man becoming president?
Just thinking about his relationship of power and information/technology gives me chills.
Fuck man America blows...all that land of the free home of the brave is garbo and nonsense
>"Who got rich for tapping into the right niche"
You mean stealing? You do know he stole Facebook from two buddies that he went to college with right? They sued him and won. Retard
he is a tribred of bill gates, zuckerberg geneology and reltilian dna. they went overboard on the stress response genes so he is unaturally calm to you. intended / you can see the gene similarities in zuckerberg and bill when young pictures
He is spearheading the censorship movement along with Google. The man is pure evil.
>babies first proxy
isnt that a prison island, what else happens there
Yes, he's the Anti-Christ.
You wanna live in Mirror's Edge?
holy shit
He is indifference personified.
He wants to make uninco (universal income) reality. By doing this his billions of dollars remain, while everyone gets fucked he, along with all his rich backers remain unscathed and therefor also keep the power. THIS IS WHY YOU MUST START INVESTING IN SOMETHINT TANGIBLE. Buy precious minerals and when uninco comes, you will be at least above everyone else.
dead painted-on mannequin kike eyes is also acceptable.
he is the data scam queen. he wants to be president to block government investigating and breaking up his data scam
I hate that this is plausible and likely true :(
These are great
rare as fuck, get into my collection.
Here's part two
>that's a working class job
Why doesn't he try working in a fucking mill, cunt.
>Christmas Island
>354 posts
There is nobody called Zuckerberg. Like Obama, this face belongs to a CIA agent/actor who poses for photo ops and has no real power whatsoever.
That's what's off.
why cant facebook just die like myspace, i truly hate it
New phone who dis
>Why do I get a feeling of dread looking at him?
That's a natural reaction. Mark Zuckerberg is a truly evil human being. Soulless and corrupt. He must be stopped at all costs. There is no bigger threat to our freedom than this man.
the effect is caused by lens aperture
Because they're asking him why he preaches one thing and then practices another. Asking him why he loves (((data))) so much, etc. Asking all the wrong questions, basically.
This creepy jew will never ever be president, because he is too creepy & sweaty, and doesn't have the dominance needed.
for real though, it's probably because of track record of shutting down free press, shilling for VR, and being even more unlikeable than hillary. Also, if people thought Trump's presidency was a conflict of interests with his business, Zuckerberg would be 10x worse.
Also jewish, has nothing in common with American people
Your first impression from a lot of his face pics is that his eyes have no sclera, just a dark hole into the abyss. I met him at a tech conference once (before the The Social Network movie) and in IRL, you can tell he's an unlikable autistic douchebag who's public face is too obviously forced and fake. Was just a brief greeting and handshake but this was the impression I got. His latest tour of America tweets are so cringe and fake, probably written by some PR coach. On the plus side, it he actually tries to run for politics, he's not gonna get too far if things go off-script on camera.
It's a certain look that develops when roko's basilisk reveals itself to them. Bill Gates also acquired it sometime within the last 10 years.
What were the asylum seekers like?
>wanting to make a run at President.
He will never overcome the creepiness factor.
he was cia funded and still gives tons of data to them. pretty sure he likes his billions and could be better than trump.
In your pic he's got an invisible hand on the front of his t-shirt. You can just barely make it out.
Unseen hand.
Zuck is Big Brother Jew personified.
Island posters ftw
All Jews worship money.
Also for a strange reason, I believe many timelines are converging. So much is happening, it's tough just to remember which happening is really important.
Zuck isn't a human at all. He got replaced by a CIA android
Holy shit i too want to live on an island that is christmass every day.
He is a Jew.
>could be better than trump.
I love to see him go up against Mr. Trump. No one in the red areas even likes Zuck and I know which area I'm from.
Zuck is a shape shifting reptilian.
These were screen grabs from the best video I could find. If you can find an HD copy of the video I will make a new one.
One does wonder.
Because, you're looking at Jew. A big ol' JEW. JEWY J00 JOO